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It's officially Spring Break and I was standing on the platform waiting for the train at Hogwarts when Draco walked up. He had his trunk too. "I thought you were staying back?" I said. He scoffed. "Like I would let you stay at home, by yourself, with Father," he said. I smiled. "I appreciate your need to protect me, brother, but I can take care of myself." I said. "Maybe. Maybe not. I'm still coming with you." he said. I just nodded and we boarded the train.

The train ride went quick and soon enough, we were home. We stood outside the gates and I took Draco's hand. "We'll be fine." I said. He nodded and we walked inside. The second we went in, I heard a shrieking laughter. Draco and I looked at each other instantly. "Bellatrix," we said.

We walked into the drawing room and her and my father were sitting there, drinking. "Ah, the prodigal children return." she said. "Auntie Bella, what are you doing here?" I asked. "The Dark Lord has given your father and I a mission." she said. "Again, why are you here?" I asked. "Don't disrespect your Aunt." my father snapped. "I'm sorry." I mumbled. "We just returned and are celebrating our success." my father said. We both just nodded. "Dinner will be ready in an hour or two. Go to your rooms until then." he said. "Yes father," Daco said. "Yes father" I said.

We went to Draco's room and the second he shut the door, he turned to face me. "Why did we come here?" he asked. "You came to protect me, remember?" I said. "Why did you come? We were going to stay at Hogwarts and you changed your mind. Why?" he asked. I shrugged. "Don't give me that bullshit. Something is going on with you and I want to know what it is." he said. "I don't know what you're talking about." I said. "At school, you're always busy. You take on extra detentions, you sneak away all the time, and I saw you at the Black Market once buying medical supplies. Now, you voluntarily came home. What is going on?" he asked. I hated lying to my brother. I hated lying to my friends. And I knew it wouldn't work for much longer. The more he suspects something, the harder this will be. "I can't tell you." I said. He walked over and sat next to me. "You used to tell me everything. It used to be us against the world. Now, I feel like I don't even know you." he said. I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "Please don't make me lie to you." I said. He stared into my eyes and nodded. "Ok. Fine." he said. I nodded back.

Later that night, after dinner and after everyone was asleep, I made my move. I snuck downstairs and went to the cellar. If Luna was here, that's where she would be. I grabbed the key and went inside. "Lumos" I whispered and the room lit up. "Luna?!" I whispered. Nothing. "Luna, are you here?" I said. "Veronica?" I whipped around and Luna sat in the corner. Mr. Olivander and a goblin were there too. I hugged her. "What are you doing here?" she asked. "Ginny asked me to find you." I said. "What?" she said. "Your father told your friends that you were taken. They asked me for help." I said. "That's nice. I always knew you were different." she said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I knew you didn't want to be a death eater." she said. I smiled. "You really did know? In the beginning of 6th year?" I asked. She nodded. "How did you know? Did you see my arm?" I asked. "No. I just knew. Your aurora has changed." she said. I nodded. "Ok then." I said. "Are you guys ok?" I asked. "Yes dear, thank you." Mr. Olivander said. "What are you going to do?" the goblin asked. "I have a plan. On the last day before I go back to school, I'm going to put a sleeping potion in my fathers whiskey. Then I'm going to come get you guys and take you somewhere safe. You'll be free and I'll be back at Hogwarts before my father even wakes up." I said. Luna smiled. "That's very smart." she said. "Thanks" I said. She nodded. "Do you need anything in the meantime?" I asked. "We haven't eaten in days" the goblin grumbled. "Fuck, ok. I'll get you some food right now. Is that all?" I asked. They nodded. I went up to the kitchen and got them bread, cheese, fruit, soup, and water. Then I brought it back down. "Thank you, Veronica." Luna said. "Of course. I'll bring you guys breakfast tomorrow." I said. Then I left. I went back to my room and wrote a letter to send to Ginny.

Dear DA,

I found Pandora. She's safe. I have a plan and she should be free by the end of the week.

                                    The Spy

Then I sent it back to Hogwarts. I crawled into bed and fell asleep finally at ease.

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