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I was sitting on my bed staring as a piece of parchment. I was supposed to be writing a 6 inch essay but that awful night was the only thing in my head. I wondered if it would ever go away. Or if I will just carry this around along with all the other horrible things that have happened. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door. I ignored it. Whoever it was, I didn't want to see them. I can't lie to anyone else. Unfortunately, I heard a voice mutter "Alohomora" and the door opened. Draco, Allison, Theo, Enzo, Blaise and Mattheo walked in. "What the fuck? You can't just burst in whenever you want Draco." I yelled. "Who left you the note?" Mattheo asked. My face fell and my heart stopped. I shoved my hands in my pockets because they began to tremble. "What?" I said. "The note on the door." Allison said. "We know it wasn't from Mattheo. Who was it from? Who did you meet in the locker room?" Draco asked. "Nobody, I mean I went and nobody showed up." I lied. "Ok, then where did you go?" Allison asked. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well none of us saw you the rest of the night. Where were you?" Blaise said. "I did my homework on the Astronomy Tower." I lied again. Mattheo laughed. "No you didn't." he said. I looked at him. My heart ached. "I was there all night, I was waiting for you. You never showed up." he said. "Ronnie just tell us the truth." Draco pleaded. I lost it. "I can't! Ok? I just can't! Now everyone gets out!" I yelled. They were all stunned. "Get out!" I yelled. Mattheo just walked out. Theo and Enzo were next and Blaise pulled Allison out. "I'm not going to let this go. Something is wrong. Really wrong. Just tell me." he said. I shook my head. "I told you I can't." I said. "Whatever it is, we can figure it out together." he said. "I told you to leave." I said. He sighed. "What happened to us Ronnie?" he said sadly, then he walked out.


Why can't she tell me what happened? What could be so bad she won't even tell her own brother? My first thought was Marcus. But if it was him she would have told me since I already know about all of it. I had no idea what else to do. So I found myself walking down the empty halls to Snape's classroom. I knocked on the door and hoped he was there. A few moments later, the door opened. "Draco what are you doing here?" he asked. I pushed past him and walked inside. "Come in" he mumbled sarcastically. I started pacing trying to rack my brain of where to begin. "Draco, what's wrong?" he asked. I could tell he was more concerned. "It's Ronnie. Somethings wrong. She won't talk to me or anyone." I said. "Maybe she just needs space," he said. I shook my head. "No, I know my twin. I know when to leave her alone. This is something different. Something happened. Something bad." I said. He nodded. "I know you care about her. There's no other professor I trust with this. You are more than my professor. You are my godfather, you are Ronnie's godfather. Please, I need your help." I said. "What would you like me to do?" he asked hesitantly. I paused. "I need Veritaserum." I said. "Draco, you know I can't use that on a student." he said. "Fine, then give it to me. If anyone finds out, I'll say I stole it." I said. He shook his head. "I can't let you use truth serum on your sister." he said. "What if she's in danger and this could have helped?" I said. He sighed. "Please, I wouldn't ask if I didn't think something was very wrong." I pleaded. He went into his storage closet and a few moments later, emerged with a small vial. "This will give you about 10 minutes. Use it wisely." he said. I took it from his hand. "Thank you." I said. "Draco, whatever you find out, please let me know." he said. I nodded. Then I rushed out the room and back to Slytherin. I banged on Allison's door. Everyone was inside. "Come on," I said. They stood up. "What are we doing?" Allison asked. "Theo, Enzo, Blaise, I need you to hold Veronica down." I said firmly. Their jaws dropped. "You're joking." Blaise said. I shook my head and held up the Veritserum. "This is the only way to get her to talk." I said. As we walked to her dorm, everyone was quiet. Right before we walked in, Allison grabbed my hand. "You know she will hate you for this." she said. "I know." I said. She nodded. We opened the door and Veronica was on her bed. "What now?" she groaned. I nodded at Theo, Enzo and Blaise. They rushed over and grabbed her. She started yelling and fighting. Blaise held down her legs and Theo and Enzo each grabbed an arm. Allison stood next to her. "Let me go! Stop it! Let me go please!" she screamed. "I'm sorry V, we are doing this for you." Allison said. I walked over and uncorked the vial. She stared at me with fear in her eyes. "I'm sorry sis," he whispered. I opened her mouth and poured the liquid down her throat. She coughed but swallowed it. Tears fell down her cheeks. It hurt to watch. My sister never cries. She thinks it makes her weak. I haven't seen her cry in years. "What are you doing? Please just let me go!" she cried. "What is your name?" I asked. "Veronica Narcissa Malfoy" she said. "What house are you in?" I asked. "Slytherin," she answered. Her eyes widened as she realized what was happening. "Don't, don't please" she begged. "Who wrote that note?" I asked. "Marcus Flint." she said. More tears poured down her cheeks. "Was he in the locker room?" I asked. "Yes." she said. "Tell me everything that happened that night." I said.

I wish I never said that.

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