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"Are you sure about this?" Theo asked. Draco glanced over at him and nodded. "Yes. I can't bear to see another article slandering my sister. I won't have it." he replied. "Come on, we said we would do this after we buried Veronica and Mattheo and Allison." Theo said. Then Draco looked down at the parchment and back at the door. "This is the right address, correct?" Blaise asked. "Unless he gave us a fake one." Enzo said. "I wouldn't put it past him." Blaise mumbled. Draco scoffed and knocked on the door. A minute or two passed and the door opened to reveal a small, old house elf. "The Noble House Of Black is honored to finally receive pureblood visitors." it said. "That's enough, Kreacher." Harry said as he walked over. He looked at the four boys curiously. They didn't look angry or threatening. They looked...tired. There were bags under their eyes and they looked as if they had all been crying for years. "Potter, I got your letter but I didn't think you'd follow through." Draco said. "Ginny told me what your sister did. I owe you at least a meeting." he replied.

Then he led them inside. They went into the living room and were faced with Harry, Hermione and Ron. "I see you brought backup." Enzo grumbled. Blaise elbowed him and he shrugged. "Have a seat. Would you like some tea?" Harry asked. "We'll pass." Draco said. He nodded and sat across from them. "So why did you want to meet?" Hermione asked. Draco reached into his case and pulled the numerous articles printed in the Daily Prophet. Each headline verbally destroying every part of Veronica Malfoy and Mattheo Riddle. Blaming them for the deaths of people they never even met. He dropped them on the table and Harry, Ron and Hermione, picked them up, looking them over. "We didn't tell them to write these." Hermione said. "I should hope not, considering Veronica gave her life for yours." Theo said. "For the record, she started-" Ron began. "Ron, I warned you. If you can't handle it-" Harry started. "I'm fine. Sorry." Ron mumbled. "What do you want?" Harry asked.

"Listen, I know my sister made mistakes. She joined the death eaters but once she realized- once she knew- she did everything she could to stop it." Draco said. "Both her and Mattheo betrayed Voldemort and risked their lives everyday for your friends. They kept them safe when you couldn't." Theo added. "We know. Ginny and Neville told us everything." Hermione said. "And she lied to Voldemort knowing full well he could perform legilimency at any time. She risked her life again for you." Blaise said. "And she gave you her wand." Enzo added. "Then she died for you two." Theo said, gesturing to Ron and Hermione. "Ok, we get it. What's your point?" Ron asked. "I want you to make it right." Draco said, looking Harry dead in the eyes. "How?" he asked. "Don't play daft, Chosen One." Theo scoffed. "We want you to make a statement to the Wizarding World. I want you to tell them the truth about my sister and Mattheo. Tell them what she did. How she sacrificed herself- and- d-died for you!" Draco said, choking back tears. Harry paused, looking at Hermione and Ron. "Ok." he said.


"Are you nervous?" Theo asked. "Yes." Draco said. "Just tell them who she was. And make sure they don't ever forget." Theo said. Draco nodded. Then he walked over to the stage. There were reporters from newspapers all over the wizarding world, gathered to hear Harry Potter talk. "I'd like to thank you all for coming today. I've read a lot of articles in the past weeks. And I'd like to set some things straight." he began. The room went quiet. "Veronica Narcissa Malfoy and Mattheo Riddle were not the villains in this story. They were simply collateral damage. They were left unguided and unprotected and so they sought power in the wrong place. Albus Dumbledore was a great man and a talented wizard. But I've come to learn he didn't always make the best choices. For example, he let certain students fall through the cracks. So if anyone is to blame for Veronica and Mattheo being wrongfully influenced, it's the adults who didn't protect them and teach them better. Now, I'm sure you're all wondering what they did to make me think this. Not only did Veronica and Mattheo both die giving their lives for ours, they risked their lives and spent countless hours helping Dumbledore's Army during this war. They acted as spies, betraying Voldemorts and using their status to keep fellow students safe. All of their own recognizance. They were heroes. I just wish that they could be here so I could thank them, personally. Now, Draco Malfoy would like to have a few words." Harry said. He stepped aside, nodding to Draco. He stepped up and walked over.

"My twin sister Veronica was good. I know people think Slytherins are evil. But my sister wasn't. She was beautiful and smart and funny. She read healing books in our first year so she could heal me when I got hurt. Her and Allison De La Cruz, another fallen angel, spent hours trying on gowns and dancing in our house. She loved music and she loved to listen to me play piano. She loved practice dueling and she loved potions. Most importantly, she loved us. She loved me and my mother. She loved our friends. And she loved Mattheo Riddle. Their love was something you read in fairytales. Star crossed lovers. There are stories about twins. That they can feel each other's pain. I know it sounds mad but it's true. I could feel her dying and right now, I feel a part of me missing. I don't think it will ever go away." Draco said. People were quiet and he wiped a tear away. "My sister was good. Mattheo Riddle was good. Allison De La Cruz was good. They deserve to be remembered. Please...remember them and what they did. I know I will." Draco said. Then he stepped off the stage. "Hey Malfoy." Harry said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a chocolate frog box. "Really?" Draco said, cocking an eyebrow. "Just open it." he said. Draco sighed and opened the box. The frog lept away but Draco's eyes lingered on the picture. "I always thought she looked pretty in that picture." Harry said. "H- how?" Draco asked. "Professor McGonagall got a list of names...of the fallen. To honor them, she made each of them a card to put in the boxes." Harry explained. "Really?" Draco asked. Harry nodded. "I made sure Riddle and your friend Allison were added." Harry said. "Thank you." Draco said quietly. "I know it's foolish- but- during our 6th year- I know it was fake to her. But for me, it was real." Harry said. Draco looked at him and nodded. "It was real to her too. She tried to fight it but I know she felt something for you." Draco said. Harry nodded. "So what's next for you?" he asked. "It's like I said, Veronica was good. I think- I think I'm going to be good too." Draco said. Then he left to pick up the pieces and build a new life.

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