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TW: Rape, Violence


"Hello love," he called out. I thought it was strange because he never called me that but I brushed it off. Maybe he was just trying something new. I smiled. "Hi, what did you want to show me?" I asked. He stepped closer and pulled the tie from around my neck. "Turn around," he said. "Can't I just close my eyes?" I said. He smirked. "No, come on, just trust me." he said. Just trust me. It was just Mattheo, I'll be fine. I turned around and he tied the tie over my eyes. All I could see was darkness. "Can you see anything?" he asked. "No," I said. "Good." he said. My nerves were back as he took shoulders and led me forward. "What is with the secrecy?" I asked. "You'll see." he said chuckling. I felt a pit in my stomach as we walked. The cold air was gone and I could tell we were in the locker room. "Can I take the blindfold off?" I asked. I heard silence."Mattheo?" I called out. I heard a laugh. But not Mattheo's. I ripped the blindfold off and my veins iced. In front of me, stood Marcus. Polyjuice potion. "Hello Love" he said again. I turned around to run but my arms were grabbed and I was thrown to the floor. I screamed but it was chaos. There were too many arms, they were too strong. It was all happening too fast. "Petrificus Totalus" Marcus said and I went stiff. Somebody picked me up from behind but I couldn't move my neck to see who it was. The blindfold was tied back around my eyes and all I saw was darkness. My hands were pulled behind my back and tied together tightly. Ropes were digging into my flesh."Muffliato" somebody mumbled. Then the blindfold was pulled off my eyes. My eyes adjusted to the light and 3 people were standing in front of me. Marcus, Cormac McLaggen, and Adrian Pucey. I struggled against the ropes but my arms were secured behind me me and attached to some kind of hook. I tried not to panic. "Cormac? Adrian? What are you doing here?" I asked. They looked so smug. "You have no shortage of enemies, Veronica" Marcus said. "What did I ever do to you two?" I asked. They all laughed. "You humiliated me. I asked you to the Yule Ball, and you had the audacity to say no." Cormac said. "And I helped you in Divination and got nothing in return." Adrian said. "So I was supposed to sleep with you because you helped me and you're mad because I said no to a dance?" I exclaimed. "You just think you're so much better than everyone else, don't you?" Adrian said. "I tried to teach her, but no. Her and her pathetic brother wouldn't have it." Marcus said. "Don't talk about my brother." I yelled. Marcus's fist met my face and my cheek welled up. I could feel tears filling my eyes as I realized how much danger I was actually in. "I suggest you calm down Veronica. Nobody can hear you, nobody is coming to save you. Not even Mattheo." he said. I pulled against the ropes but they wouldn't budge. I went silent. "See, she's not so tough now without her boys." Cormac said. "Tell me Veronica, what should we do to you to make you learn?" Marcus taunted. I shook my head. "Just let me go." I said. He stepped closer to me and leaned in. "But where's the fun in that." he whispered in my ear. He grabbed my shirt and ripped it open. The buttons scattered across the floor. "Please don't do this Marcus." I choked out. He looked down at me breasts covered by my white lace bra. I closed my eyes and looked away. His hands slowly traveled behind my body. He unzipped my skirt and it fell to the floor. He pulled off my tights and it left me in my white underwear, bra and the remnants of my shirt. Cormac was smirking and Adrian was hard. A tear fell to my cheek. Marcus wiped it away. "Don't cry love. I'm sure you'll end up enjoying this just as much as we do." he said. I shook my head. "You won't get away with this." I said. "Yes, we will. Because if you tell anybody, I'll kill your brother." he said. My eyes widened. "You're lying." I said. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. "No, I'm not. If you tell anyone, I'll be expelled. That means I have nothing to lose. So yes, I will. I will kill your brother." he said. I stared at him. He was telling the truth. I could see it in his eyes. "Now get on your knees, and warm it up for me." he said. He grabbed at his bulge and looked down. I shook my head and pressed my back against the wall. I looked up. My wrists were still bound to the hook in the wall. I couldn't get free. "I won't do it. I'm not going to do anything. For any of you. You might as well just kill me." I said. Cormac and Adrian laughed. "I'd rather just fuck you." Adrian said. They both walked over and my hands were released from the wall. I fought against their grip but I was kicked to my knees. Marcus muttered an incantation and I couldn't move. Tears began to stream down my face. "No, no please Marcus, please don't do this." I cried. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his dick. He grabbed a handful of my hair and forced himself inside my mouth. I choked on his length and Cormac and Adrian laughed. He finished in my mouth and I spit it out on the floor. He kicked my ribs and I fell to the floor coughing and gasping for air. "Next time, you swallow." he demanded. Cormac walked over already in his boxers. He picked me up by the roots of my hair and forced himself in my mouth. I cried and choked. He finished in my mouth and held my head. "Swallow it." he demanded. I swallowed his load and he wiped a tear. "Good girl," he said. Then it was Adrian's turn, he fucked my mouth until I was gasping for air. Then he forced me to swallow. By the time he finished, I was crying on the floor. My hands were still tied tightly behind my back. Marcus picked me up and threw me on the table. Adrian held my hands above my head and I was thrashing. I screamed and screamed but nobody came. Marcus walked over and pulled down my underwear. He slammed himself inside me and I cried out. His thrusts were hard and fast. I sobbed as he finished inside me. Then Adrian walked over. He thrusted inside me as he kissed my flesh leaving hickeys on my skin. As he finished inside me, he sunk his teeth into my shoulder. By the time Cormac was thrusting inside me, I had lost all my fight. I just sobbed as he ripped through my body. Then they were all done. I fell to the floor. Marcus knelt down next to me and untied the ropes. I was so exhausted and broken, I couldn't move. Marcus smiled at me and moved the sweaty hair from my face. "I told you we weren't done." he said. He kissed me and they all walked out leaving me raw, bleeding, and naked on the floor. The cold tile was soothing on my aching body. I laid there trying to gather my strength. I looked at the clock on the wall. It was already 11:45pm. Despite the excruciating pain in my body, I stood up. The pain and disgust was so bad I vomited. I never felt more violated in my life. I just started to walk back to Slytherin. I prayed not to get caught. My clothes were destroyed so if I was caught, I was practically naked and bleeding. They would know. And nobody could know. I couldn't ever tell anyone what happened that night. I walked into Slytherin sneaking up to my dorm. I walked in and shut the door. "Colloportus, Muffliato" I whispered. The door was locked and the room was silenced. I fell against the door and I cried. For the first time in a long time, I cried. I sobbed until I was gasping for air. I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror and stared at myself. I stared at the deep bite mark on my shoulder, the dark hickeys on my neck and breast, the bruise on my cheeks and ribs, the blood on my inner thighs, the scrapes and the bruises on my knees and my split lip. I turned on the shower and I stared at the shell of a person in the mirror. Eventually, steam filled the room and fogged up the showers. I stepped into the burning shower. I burned the cuts and bite marks but I didn't care. I showered and scrubbed. I scrubbed off every trace of what happened. Then I put on clean clothes and climbed into bed. I stared at the wall across from me as my mind played the night on repeat. Tears fell onto my pillow and I waited for the sun to rise. This never happened. This never happened because if I say it did, Draco dies.

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