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This can't be happening. Theo, Enzo and Blaise are holding me down and my brother just gave me truth serum. Before I knew it, he was asking questions and I couldn't stop answering. "Tell me everything that happened that night." he said. My heart sank. "I got to the locker room and waited for Mattheo. He got there except it wasn't him. It was Marcus using polyjuice potion to look like him. He blindfolded me and brought me into the locker room. I didn't know what was happening. I was tied up and I couldn't move. Then I took off the blindfold and saw them. It was Marcus, Cormac and Adrian. I asked Cormac and Adrian why they were doing this. Cormac was mad I said no to going to the Yule Ball with him and Adrian was mad that he helped me with divination and I didn't sleep with him. Marcus beat me up and stripped me. They told me nobody was coming to help me. I tried to get free but I couldn't. Marcus forced me on my knees and I had to suck him off. Then I had to do the same for Cormac and Adrian. But with Marcus I spit it out so he kicked me in the ribs. Then Cormac and Adrian made me swallow. Then they all took turns raping me. I was screaming but they silenced the room. It hurt so bad. Once they finished, Marcus untied me. I wanted to fight but I couldn't move. I just laid on the floor. He kissed me and told me that he tried to tell me that we weren't done. I was bleeding and I couldn't walk, that's why I skipped classes." I cried. Everyone was frozen. By the time I stopped talking, Blaise, Theo and Enzo had let go. Draco waved his wand in front of me and my glamour spell was removed. "Fuck" Blaise mumbled. I sat up and crawled back. I hugged my knees and my back was pressed against the wall. "Why didn't you tell me?" Draco asked, his voice cracked.

"Because I- I tried to tell them they wouldn't get away with it. B-but Marcus said if I told anyone at all he would kill you Draco, now he's gonna do it. Why- why couldn't you just leave it be? He's gonna kill you and i-it's all my fault." I sobbed. "Oh my god" Allison said. Draco pulled me into his arms and I sobbed into his shirt. My entire body shook. "He's gonna kill you, you can't tell anybody." I cried. He just stroked my hair. "Shhhh, it's ok." he whispered. "No, he- he'll kill you. He said he would, please Draco." I said. "It's alright Ronnie, it's over now." he said softly. I shook my head. "Promise you won't tell anyone." I said. He looked at me sadly. "I can't do that Ronnie." he said. I pushed him. "No! You have to! Please Draco" I begged. He shook his head. "He doesn't get to get away with this," he said. I began hitting my brother's chest. "No, no, no, I can't lose you too, Promise me right now!" I yelled. Theo and Enzo pulled me off him. "Promise me!" I yelled. "Keep her here." he said. Theo and Enzo held me as Allison and Draco walked out. They shut the door. "No! Let me go." I screamed. I pulled against them but they just hugged me and we sunk to the floor. "I'm sorry V. We can't let you go." Theo said. They held me tight. I kept fighting until I felt a wand poke my back. "Sorry V" Enzo said. Then everything went dark.


"Guys wait up" a voice called. Me and Allison turned around. Theo was carrying an unconscious Veronica in his arms. "What are you doing?" Allison whispered. "Taking her to the hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey should take a look at her don't you think?" Enzo said. I nodded. "Go, Blaise and Allison, you go get Dumbledore and ask him to meet us in the hospital. I need to get Snape." I said they nodded and we split up. I walked quickly to Snape's classroom and banged on the door. I barged in and he was sitting at his desk in dim light. "Draco?" he said. "They raped her. Those fucking animals raped her!" I yelled. I slammed my fist on the desk. Snape immediately stood up. "What? Who?" he demanded. "Marcus Flint, Cormac McLaggen, and Adrian Pucey." I said. "Where is she?" he asked. "Theo and Enzo are taking her to the hospital. I told Blaise and Allison to go get Dumbledore. He's meeting us in the hospital." I said as we walked out. Snape looked more furious than I've ever seen him in my life. "I have to take care of something first." I said. He looked at me. "What? I just need to write to my mother." I lied. "Ok, please be quick." he said. He turned and walked down towards the hospital and I walked towards Slytherin. Only I wasn't going to write to my mother. I drew my wand and stormed into Marcus Flint's room. He quickly sat up. I drew my wand. "You fucking bastard. You raped my sister." I yelled. He had the audacity to smirk. "She loved it." he said. He stormed closer, digging my wand into his neck. "No, she didn't. If she loved it, why did you feel the need to threaten my life to keep her quiet?" I said. "Why not?" he taunted. I was just about to curse him when he grabbed my wand and drew his. My heart began to race. "Not so tough now are you?" he said. I put my hands up. "Why couldn't you just leave her alone? You got Pansy obsessed with you? Why Veronica?" I asked. "Because you're right. She didn't want it. And that made it 10x better." he said smugly. I launched at him but he was faster. "Stupefy" he yelled. I flew back and hit the wall. "Did she tell you all about it? How she cried while she sucked my dick? How she screamed when I fucked her? How she begged me to stop?" he taunted. My blood boiled. "Shut up." I said. "Did she tell you how Cormac and Adrian got some too? How she sucked them off? How they fucked her?" he asked. I tried to get up. "Crucio," he said. Then it hit me. The torture spell hit my body and I screamed in pain. "She screamed just like that. Please, don't do this Marcus. Please" he mocked. He released the curse. "I'll tell you your sister has a nice body. Great tits." he said. My body ached on the floor. "You fucking psycho, you raped her." I said. "I did, and I told her I would kill you if she told anyone. I always keep-." he started. Then the door slammed open. "Stupefy" someone yelled. Marcus was thrown back and he hit the wall. "Petrificus Totalus" the voice said. I looked up and Mattheo stood in front of me. He held out his hand and helped me up. Marcus was frozen on the floor. "He raped Veronica?" he asked. I nodded. "So did Cormac and Adrian." I said. He clenched his teeth and his knuckles were white. The next thing I knew it was blood. Mattheo was bashing his face in. Marcus couldn't move due to the spell. He was almost unrecognizable. Then I realized I had to stop him. "You're gonna kill him! Stop!" I yelled. I ripped Mattheo of him and pulled him back. His knuckles were now purple and swollen and covered in blood. "He deserves to die." Mattheo spat. "If you kill him, you'll be expelled. Ronnie needs you." I said. At the sound of her name it was like a switch flipped. "Where is she?" he asked. "Hospital" I said. We both began to run to the hospital wing. When we ran in, Veronica was still out cold on a cot. Enzo, Theo, Blaise, and Alliosn sat on chairs surrounding her bed. Snape and Dumbledore stood next behind them, talking. We walked up to her. Mattheo saw her split lip and bruised face. He saw the bandages wrapped around her ribs. "You should have let me kill him." he mumbled. "Marcus is in his room currently under the Petrificus Totalus spell. He might need medical attention, though I am perfectly content with letting him bleed out." I said to Snape. "Very funny," Blaise said. "I don't think he was kidding." Allison whispered. Mattheo knelt next to her bed and took her hand. "I'm so sorry" he whispered so quietly it almost wasn't audible. Madame Pormfrey gave her sleeping draught so she was going to be out for a while. But none of us moved. We all sat there all night and all morning, waiting for her to wake up. Until she finally did.

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