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We finally left Hogsmeade and I was excited. I took Mattheo's hand and we began to walk. "Don't get me wrong I love a good day at Hogsmeade, but I hate the walk." Allison said. "I could carry you princess." Theo teased. "Piss off." she said. "We're walking?" Mattheo asked. "Yeah, what else mate?" Enzo asked. "Why aren't we apparating?" he asked. I squeezed his hand. "We can't apparate in and out of Hogwarts." I said. "I can," he said, smirking. "Mattheo, I don't know. It doesn't seem-" I started. "Yeah! Then we don't have to walk!" Allison squealed. "I don't think this is a good idea." Draco said. "Come on mate don't be a pussy. Since when do you care about the rules?" Theo said. Mattheo smirked. "If you don't want me to, I won't do it." he whispered to me. I shrugged. "You already got them excited." I said. He nodded. We got outside and to a spot where nobody would see us. "Ok, everyone has to be touching me or you'll be left behind." he said. "Oooo. I knew I sparked a thought. If you wanted me to touch you, you could've just asked Riddle. So kinky though." Blaise teased. We all laughed. "Yes, very funny can we just do this already." Draco said. "Don't be a prat Draco or he'll leave you here." I said. He just rolled his eyes. Mattheo counted down from three and then it felt like we were sucked through a tube. We landed just outside Hogsmeade. "Wicked." Enzo said. "How'd you even get through those wards? Is it some dark magic from your father? What else can you do? Have you ever seen him kill someone?" Allison asked. I stared at her. "Allison, shut up!" I said. She realized what she said and froze. I felt Mattheo tense up. Like I've said, he hates when people talk about his father. "I'll just be second, you guys go ahead." he said. Then he walked off towards the Three Broomsticks. The door slammed behind him. I looked at Allison sharply. "Well that was awkward." Enzo mumbled. "Awkward. That was bloody insane. Why would you ask that?" Blaise said. "Great, just great. I swear Allison sometimes it's like you don't even have a brain." I snapped. "Ronnie relax, he'll be fine." Draco said. "Yeah, if I go calm him down. You guys go, we'll catch up." I said. They nodded and walked off. "Is he safe to be around when he's upset?" Draco asked. This just pissed me off. "Fuck you Draco." I spat. "I'm just asking, he is the Dark Lord's son." he said. "And your Lucius Malfoy's son. Are you going to hurt me if I piss you off? Are you going to hit me every time you get upset?" I asked. "No, I would never. I'm not-" he started. "Exactly. You aren't our father and he isn't his. Stop judging him or I swear to Merlin I will dye your hair pink." I said. "Do that and I'll dye yours orange." he said. I rolled my eyes. "Just go. Mattheo would never hurt me, I'll be fine." I said. He nodded and jogged to catch up with them. I walked into the Three Broomsticks. I scanned the room and saw Mattheo sitting at a table. There was a tray of shots of firewhiskey. I walked over and sat down. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Getting drunk." he said. "How'd you even get that?" I asked. "Imperius curse on the waitress." he said. I waved my wand and his drinks disappeared. "What the fuck?" he said. "Look, I'm sorry about Allison. She tends not to think before she speaks. But you can't get drunk and use illegal magic every time you get upset." I said. He smirked and sat back leaning against the booth. "Actually, I can. And technically, so can you." he said. I raised an eyebrow. "You're drunk already?" I said. "No. When I mark you, it gives you certain... protections." he said. "You mean dark magic." I said. "Yes. It means you can use any magic without any repercussions. I added it so you have the means necessary to defend yourself." he said. My jaw dropped. "You mean like how you used the cruciatus curse and nobody knew?" I asked. He nodded. "You can now do the same. As long as you aren't caught, your wand doesn't have any ties to it. I also severed the trace. Most wizards have it until they are 17, you don't." he said. "Why?" I asked. "You still want to take your brother's place and take the mark?" he asked. I nodded. "Then I have to teach you," he said. "Now, I would like my drinks back. I want you to do it." he said. "Use the imperius curse on the waitress?" I asked. My heart rate increased. "Yes. Can you do it Veronica?" he asked. I nodded. "Are you scared?" he asked. I shook my head. He scooted closer to me. I felt him slip his hand under my shirt and press it to my chest. He was feeling my heart beat. He smiled at me. "It's ok to be scared. Don't let the fear control you. Channel it. Use it to make your magic stronger." he said. I nodded. He waved the waitress over. "What can I get for you two young witches and wizards?" she asked. I pointed my wand at her under the table. "Imperio" I whispered. A smile covered her face and Mattheo nodded at me. "We'll have a firewhiskey. Make it a double." he said. She nodded and walked away. "Good girl." he said and I pressed my lips to his. I ran my fingers through his curls and he held my blond locks. The waitress brought our drinks and I broke the spell as she walked away. "Brilliant." he said. I smiled. "You'll make an excellent death eater." he said. My stomach flipped but his smile made it all better. If being a death eater meant being with Mattheo, I'll take the mark. We had our drinks and talked about everything. Then our friends came in. "Ah, have you two been shagging the whole time?" Theo asked. "Yes." I said casually. Draco rolled his eyes. They all sat down and we ordered butterbeers. "I'd rather not do illegal magic and have to explain everything to them." I whispered. He nodded. I held Mattheo's hand under the table the whole time and we all just hund out and played fuck, marry, kill. "Ok, ok, my turn. Fuck marry, kill... let me think. Oooo. The Golden Trio?" Blaise said. I rolled my eyes. "You're too predictable." I said. "Ok, tell us then Queen Veronica." he teased. I smirked. "I would fuck Granger, Marry Ron and Kill Harry." I said. Matthew whistled. "That's my girl." he said. "You would marry the blood traitor weasel." Draco said in shock. "Yes and then I would kill him too." I said and we all laughed. "If you ever do fuck Granger, can we watch?" Enzo asked. I slapped him. "You're repulsive. I would never fuck a mudblood. Maybe Allison though." I said giving her a flirty wink. She just laughed. "Only with fathers permission." she teased. "Ok. I have one for Mattheo." Draco said. He said looking at him. "Oh Merlin, with the testosterone" Allison mumbled. "Here we go." I said. "Give it your best Malfoy." he said smirking. "Fuck, Marry, Kill. Pansy, Granger, and your father... Voldemort." he said smirking. Mattheo gritted his teeth and my face fell. "Seriously mate?" Blaise said. "It's just a question." Draco said smugly. I held his hand and pulled him close to me. "You don't have to answer it." I said. He stared Draco down. "I would fuck Granger, marry Pansy and kill my father. I am the heir to the throne after all. I would love for you and your pathetic father to bow to me." he said. Seriously? He would marry Pansy. Draco stood up and so did Mattheo. They stood toe to toe. "Why don't we take this outside like gentlemen?" Theo said. "Yeah, go ahead. Rip each other's heads off for all I care." I spat then I walked into the bathroom. "I'll talk to her." Allison said and I heard them leave. So much for a casual day.

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