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"You've fought valiantly, but in vain...I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat... In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity, Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you. On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you, rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonor. Join me in the Forbidden Forest...and confront your fate. Just as the boy who betrayed me did before. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman and child who tries to conceal you from me." he said. Then it went quiet. "Great. That buys us some time." I said. "To do what?" Theo asked. I looked at Mattheo but he wasn't there. "Wait- where's Mattheo?" I asked. Everyone looked around and he was gone. "Where did he go?" Blaise asked. "He was just here." Enzo said. "Wait- did you hear what The Dark Lord said?" Draco asked. "What?" I asked. "Just as the boy who betrayed me did before." he said. My face paled. "Mattheo turned himself in." I said. Draco looked at me quickly. "He's going to kill him. I have to go-" I started. "No! He'll kill you too." Draco said. "He doesn't know it was me." I said. "I just lost Allison. I can't lose my sister." Draco said. I hugged him tightly, wiping my tears away. "I'm sorry. I love you." I said.

Then I apparated to the edge of the forbidden forest. I was just about to call Mattheo's name when I heard the screams. I took off running as fast as I could. "Mattheo! Mattheo!" I screamed. That's when I saw them. The Death Eaters holding Mattheo on his knees with his hands tied in front of him. "Mattheo!" I yelled. His eyes widened. "Veronica! Get out of here!" he yelled. "No, Miss Malfoy. Stay." The Dark Lord ordered. I ran over, wiping a stray tear and exhaling a shaky breath. "Did you know of his treason?" he asked. "He's not a traitor." I said. "Really?" The Dark Lord said. "Yes. And I can prove it. Potter is coming here right now because Mattheo told him too." I said. "Is that so?" he said. I nodded. Mattheo looked at me with concern. "You have 5 minutes." The Dark Lord said. "And if Potter shows, you won't kill him...right?" I asked. The Dark Lord smirked. "Right." he said. I nodded and rushed to Mattheo's side. I dropped to my knees and cupped his face, kissing him. "Are you ok?" I whispered. "Bluffing is a bad idea." he whispered. "It's not bluffing." I whispered. Time ticked by, I watched the other death eaters checking the time. But The Dark Lord never looked at his pocket watch. Never moved. But then we heard twigs snap and the sound of footsteps. As Potter walked towards us, he locked eyes with me for a moment. "I'm so sorry." I mouthed. He gave a small nod. He had a calm look. Almost as if he was at peace. The Dark Lord stared at him, only one pausing to glance over at me, looking me up and down. Then it began.

"Harry, no! What're yeh doin' 'ere?" Hagrid yelled. "Quiet!" a death eater yelled. Then he turned back to Potter. "Harry Potter...The Boy Who Lived...come to die." he said. I watched Harry swallow the lump in his throat and he exhaled shakily. Then he closed his eyes. The Dark Lord drew his wand and pointed it at him. Then he spoke those deadly words. "Avada Kedavra!" he yelled, the green light flashed and Potter was thrown back. His body hit the ground with a thud and I flinched. It was silent, nobody moved a muscle. The Dark Lord was on the ground and Bellatrix rushed to his side, helping him up. "I don't need your help." he said, pushing her aside. I stepped forward, making my way to Harry's body. Everyone watched eagerly as I knelt by his side. I pressed my hand to his chest and I could feel him breathing. I felt a wave of relief. "What should I say?" I whispered. "Dead." he whispered as he kept his eyes closed and his body still. I stood up and faced them. "Dead." I stated.

I looked to the Dark Lord and he had a grin on his face. A sinister smile of victory. "Pick him up." he said, gesturing to Hagrid. They pulled Hagrid by the ropes over to Harry and he gently picked him up with a horrified look on his face. "Wait- release Mattheo." I said. He turned to face me. "Are you ordering me to?" he said, his tone a warning. "No, My Lord. I would never. Please, you said if Potter showed up you'd release him. Potter is dead and-" I started. "How do I know that was Mattheo's doing and not mine?" he asked. My stomach lurched. "My Lord, please. I'm begging you." I said as I approached him. I knelt in front of him, bowing my head. "I'm begging you." I said. He reached down and tilted my chin up. "Stand." he said. I quickly rose to my feet and he gestured to the death eaters. They dragged Mattheo over and tossed him at our feet. "My heir to the throne. I had such high hopes for you. In all honesty, I might even regret this a bit one day." he said. "Nagini, strike." he said.

"No!" I screamed. Nagini launched forward, her fangs sinking into his chest first. "No! Please! Please!" I screamed. I lunged forward but the Dark Lord grabbed me. He gripped my head tightly, holding me in place. "Watch. Watch what happens when you cross me." he hissed. Mattheo groaned in pain as blood began to pour from the wounds Nagini left. There were fang marks in his chest, legs, neck and face. Then she stopped. I tore myself from the Dark Lords grip and fell next to him. I pulled my coat off and tried to press it to his wounds. "Hang on, Mattheo. It's going to be ok-" I started. He's dying, Miss Malfoy." he said. I looked at him, a fierce anger in my eyes. "You said you wouldn't kill him!" I yelled. "And I didn't. Nagini did." he said smugly. I turned back to Mattheo, pressing my hands to necks as blood pooled beneath them. "One last kiss." he said weakly. "What?" I asked. "One last kiss. Before I go." he whispered. I leaned in, pressing my lips to his. Our tears mixed and I choked back a sob. "Loving you was the best thing that ever happened to me." he said. I couldn't help but smile as tears rolled down my cheeks. "Our story didn't end well, but it's still the best one I ever knew." he whispered. I love you and I always will." I said. Then he took his last breath. I gently closed his eyes and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "I'll finish what we started." I whispered in his ear. Then I stood up. I wiped the blood on my skirt and wiped my tears. "Be very careful what you say next." The Dark Lord said. I clenched my jaw, taking a small breath. "My was the love of my life...but you are my Lord. I pledged my loyalty to the true winner." I said. He gave a short nod. "Let's join the others." he said.

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