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"How are you feeling Draco?" I asked. He's barely gotten out of bed since I put him there. "Like shit." he grumbled. I healed his ribs and cuts but he is still bruised and in pain. He mostly just sleeps. "Do you need anything?" I asked. He shook his head. "What day is it?" he asked. "It's Friday." I said. He groaned. "The ball is tonight." he said. "Yeah." I said quietly. "Fuck." he sighed. "Draco, you don't have to go. I can cover for you. Our friends will help." I said. He sat up clutching his ribs. "No. I have to go. We both know what will happen if I don't." he said. "Draco you are in pain." I said. "I'll be fine." he said standing up. "Please just rest. I can co-" I started. "I said I'm fine." he snapped. I sighed. "Fine. Just get ready then. We're expected to be ready in a few hours." I said. Then I walked out leaving him alone. I went to my room to shower and get ready. I dried my hair and curled it. Then I put it in a braided crown. I did my makeup and got dressed. I put on my gown and heels and I was ready. I opened Draco's door and I knocked. "Come in Ronnie." he said. I walked in and he smiled. "You look good sis." he said. "You don't look too bad yourself." I said. I walked over and fixed his tie. "It was crooked." I said. He nodded. "Ready to enter the belly of the beast?" he asked. I chuckled and nodded. We walked down the stairs and our friends were already there. Allison ran over smiling. "You look amazing!" she said excitedly. "Thanks Ali! You look beautiful too. I love your dress." I said. She smiled. I walked over and the boys stared at me. 'Damn V." Theo said. "Keep it in your pants boys, I'm spoken for." I said. "Ah yes, where is dear Mattheo?" Blaise asked. "He isn't here yet, I suppose." I said. I walked over to my mum and waited for her to finish directing the house elves. "Oh hell Veronica dear." she said. I smiled. "Hi mum, thanks for inviting our friends over early." I said. "Oh I figured you were owed some fun before this dreadful evening." she said and we laughed. "You didn't happen to invite Mattheo did you?" I asked. She smiled sadly. "I didn't think it was a good idea. He is coming with his father later." she said. My eyes widened. "Voldemort is coming?" i said in shock. "This is the private Malfoy ball, of course he was invited. We cannot seem disloyal." she said. I just nodded and walked over. "Draco, twin talk." I whispered. He nodded and we stepped to the side.

"He's coming tonight. Voldemort." I said. Draco's face fell. "Fuck, what about Mattheo?" he asked. "He's still coming." I said. He nodded. "Please be careful Ronnie." he said. I nodded. "Let's warn our friends." I said. He nodded and we walked over. "Guys, we need to be serious for a sec." I said. They looked at us with concern. "Voldemort is coming here tonight." Draco said. Their jaws dropped. "You're joking." Blaise said. "No we aren't. Show respect. Don't make eye contact, bow your heads, always address him as My Lord and do not make jokes. Do you all understand?" I said. "Do you think you guys are maybe overreacting? I mean it's a party what could he-" Theo started. "He crushed Ronnie to teach Mattheo a lesson. We aren't overreacting, ok?" Draco snapped. "Fuck V, are you alright?" Blaise asked. "I'm fine." I said. "Excuse me children, I need the twins. It's time to welcome the guests." my mother said. "We'll see you guys later." I said. Draco took my hand and I squeezed his. "Don't be afraid." he whispered. I smiled. "I'm not afraid." I said. He smiled and nodded. "Good." he whispered. My mother and father stood on one side of the doors and Draco and I stood on the other side. Guests arrived and walked up. We greeted them and they went inside. I was talking to Draco when suddenly he stopped mid-sentence. "What?" I asked. He nodded out and I turned around. My heart stopped. This can't be happening. "I'm right here." he whispered.

"Veronica love, it's so wonderful to see you." Marcus Flint said. He kissed the back of my hand and the chill went down my spine. I yanked my hand away and he smirked. "Maybe we can catch up tonight, I've missed you. I know Adrian has too." he said. Adrian walked up next to him. "Hello gorgeous, did you miss us?" he asked. "Go to hell." I spat. "Now now, that's no way to treat your guests." Marcus taunted. "I suggest you walk inside, stay away from my sister and we won't have any trouble." Draco said. "Why do that? She's so much fun." Adrian said. "I remember a particularly fun time. I think it was in the locker room." Marcus said. My blood was boiling. I clenched my fists and glared at him. "You need to step away from her before you get hurt." Blaise said. Him, Theo, Enzo, and Allison had all walked over and stood with us. "Ah, I see you brought the whole team. How are you my friends?" Marcus asked. "We are not your friends, you arse." Allison spat. "Aww sweet Allison, you know if you wanted a turn you could have just said so." Marcus said reaching his hand out. Enzo grabbed it and twisted his wrist. "Don't you fucking touch her. Ever." he said firmly. "Walk away Marcus. Or you won't leave this party alive." Theo said darkly as he pulled out his pocket knife. Marcus just smirked. "I'll see you all inside. Save me a dance Veronica." he said and Adrian followed. "That's it. Nobody leaves Veronica or Allison's side tonight. Both of you have to have one of us with you at all times understood?" Blaise said. I've never seen him so serious and freaked out so we both just nodded. "If he touches either of you I will fucking kill him." Theo said as he put his knife away. "What is going on over here?" my father said. "How could you invite them?" Draco said. "Guys go, this isn't something you should see." I whispered. Our friends walked away hesitantly. "The Flints and The Puecys are well respected in our community. You will treat them as such." my father said. "The same way they respected Veronica when they raped her?" Draco snapped. I grabbed his arm and pulled him away. "I apologize father, we won't cause any trouble." I said. "You better not, this ball is too important. Everyone that matters is here. The Dark Lord must be impressed." he said. I nodded and dragged Draco back to our spot. "What the hell was that?" he said. "This isn't the time or place." I said. "But they-" he started. "I know. But like Blaise said I won't go anywhere without one of you guys, I'll stay where there's people the whole time. Everything will be fine. Angering father just isn't worth it." I said. He sighed and nodded.

A few minutes later right before we were going to close the doors, I felt a cold hand wrap around my own. I looked up and saw him. I immediately bowed my head. "My Lord, thank you for coming. It's an honor." I said. "So you really have learned your lesson. Good, I was hoping not to crucio anyone tonight unless absolutely necessary." he said. He shook Draco's hand. "I'd hate to ruin the party." he said. Then he walked in and everyone bowed.
Let the party begin.

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