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We walked to the ROR and the party was in full swing. Only 5,6,7 years were allowed. The music was blasting, lights were flashing and the room smelled of booze and muggle herb. Surprisingly enough, Neville was the schools main plug. I would have never expected when I met that kid in first year. Allison and I walked over to the couches where the Slytherins sat. Theo, Enzo, Blaise, Draco and Marcus already sat there. Pansy was sitting next to Marcus, practically on his lap. "V," Allison said. "Get up Parkinson." I spat. "I'm actually quite comfortable here." she said. "Do I look like I give a fuck? Stop throwing yourself at guys who don't want you and have some dignity." I said. She looked at Marcus. "Do you want me to leave?" she asked. Marcus smirked at me. "I'm actually quite comfortable too." he said smugly. I rolled my eyes. "Fine Marcus, have fun with my brothers and half the school's sloppy seconds." I spat. I grabbed Allison's hand and dragged her over to the drink table. I poured us both a shot and we downed it. "What the fuck was that?" she asked. "He's pissed because Snape put me next to Riddle." I said. "How is that your fault?" she asked. "That's what I said. She rolled her eyes. "I love you V but sometimes I wonder if you and Marcus are right for eachother." she said. My head whipped up. "What? Why do you say that?" I asked quickly. "I don't know, it just seems like he's controlling and possessive. It almost seems like you're trapped with him." she said. I glared at her. "What the fuck did Draco tell you?" I spat. Her face fell. "Nothing, what do you mean?" she asked. "Piss off Allison." I said. "You need another drink," she said. She poured me another shot. I drank it and then we walked to the dance floor. We started swaying to the music and dancing with each other. I felt the alcohol starting to hit and I felt so calm. Then I locked eyes with him. I saw Mattheo standing across the room holding a cup and watching me. I smirked at him and kept dancing. I swayed my hips and ran my fingers through my loose curls. I watched him and he watched me. I was having fun until I felt a harsh grip on my wrist. I was spun around and I faced Marcus. He was sitting with anger. "What the fuck are you doing" he yelled dragging me to the side. "Dancing. Why do you care?" I spat. "You are acting like a slut. And don't think I didn't see you looking at Riddle." he said. "Why do you care, you were preoccupied with Pansy fucking Parkinson!" I yelled. "I can do what I want." he said. "So can I," I said. He grabbed me and threw me against the wall. I was trapped as he held my wrist so tight I could feel them breaking. "You do what I say." he said darkly. "Please Marcus, you're hurting me." I said. "Get the fuck off my sister you sick fuck" Marcus was ripped of me and Draco punched him across the face. "Draco stop!" I yelled. I pulled Draco back and stepped in front of him. "I'm sorry Marcus, please just-" I started. He just stormed off.  I turned to face Draco. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled. "Ronnie, I'm not going to just sit back and let him do that." he said. "You just can't leave anything alone. Shouldn't you be off fucking some girl." I yelled. "V, we saw what he did." I turned around and Theo, Enzo, Blaise and Allison stood behind me. "He grabbed you." Allison said. "I told you all to mind your own business." I said. "How long?" Enzo asked. I stood there silent. "How long Veronica?" he demanded. "Drop it." I said. "Draco mate, what is going on?" Blaise asked. "Draco, don't say a word." I said. He looked at me. "If you won't listen to me, maybe you'll listen to them." he said. I shook my head. "Don't." I said. He pulled his wand and waved it in front of me. Their faces fell. He removed the glamor spell. "I'm going to fucking kill that bastard." Theo said. "No, you aren't. None of you are going to do anything. You all seem to be forgetting I have shit on you two. So if you do this, don't think there won't be consequences." I said. I tried to seem like my normal intimidating self, but it was hard. They all looked at eachother. "Sorry Ronnie," Draco said. He started to leave. Enzo and Theo followed. "V, this can't go on." Allison said. They all walked out. I ran after them. They were all heading for Slytherin dorms. I kept trying to stop them. We got to Marcus's door and draco knocked. "Draco stop it right now or I swear-" I started. He opened the door and they rushed in. I followed. But the second I walked in and saw what I saw... I wish I never followed them.

Pansy and Marcus were tangled up in eachother on his bed. I stood there frozen. I pushed back tears. Marcus pulled up his pants and pushed Pansy out. "Veronica, love come on, let's just talk." he said. "V, let's go, you're too good for him." Allison said. "You fucking bastard, my sister desereves so much better than you." he said. I just turned around and walked out. Marcus tried to follow me but the boys stopped him. I went straight to my dorm and shut the door. A few minutes later everyone was knocking. I heard Draco's voice. "I'll talk to her. Just go. We'll see you guys tomorrow." he said. I heard footsteps and they shuffled away. "Alohomora" he mumbled and the door opened. He walked in and shut the door. "Go away, Draco." I said. "Come on Ronnie. That needed to end and you know it." he said. "Draco, just stop. You got what you wanted, just leave me alone."  I said. "No, not until you understand." he said. I sighed and looked at him. "Hogwarts is supposed to be our escape. It's supposed to be where we don't have to live in fear of another beating. I want you to have that." he said. I stared at the floor, silent. "I can't stop father, but I can stop Marcus." he said. "He loves me." I said. I don't if I was convincing him or myself. "Maybe he does Ronnie, but honestly what I think he loves, is owning you. Please tell me you won't go back to him." he said. I looked at Draco. "Please, just leave." I said. He sighed and got up. "I love you Ronnie. I just really wish you loved yourself." he said and he shut the door. I didn't change. I just laid down and my eyes got heavy. My memories flooded with every hit, and kick and slap. Every degrading word and every time he told me he loved me. He cheated on me. Maybe Draco was right. I tossed and turned as I thought about it. Eventually, I couldn't keep my eyes open. I pulled up my blanket and everything went dark.

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