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"She still hasn't moved." Allison whispered to me. I looked up and she was right. Veronica was sitting in the corner, staring at the floor, completely silent. "Is she ok?" Enzo asked. "What kind of bloody stupid question is that?" Theo exclaimed. "She just watched Mattheo kill her mother and then he abandoned her. Of course she's not ok." Blaise said. They all looked at me. "Mate, are you...ok?" Theo asked. "I'm fine." I lied. They just nodded. We didn't have the time to get into how not-okay all of us were. "How do we get out of here?" Allison asked. "I don't know. I haven't thought about it," I said mindlessly. "Right, we get it. But maybe you could try-" Theo started. "No, I mean- it's something else." I said. They looked at me strangely. "What?" Enzo asked. I caved.

"I could feel it. Her pain. Right when mum died and Mattheo left, I could feel Veronica's pain." I said. Their faces dropped. "I thought you guys said that wasn't a real thing." Theo said. "Yeah, you told us that twin pain was a myth." Enzo added. "I thought it was. I've never felt her pain before and she's never felt mine. But today, I felt it." I said. "Are you sure it wasn't just your pain? I mean- you lost your mother. That must have hurt." Allison said. "No. I'm sure. I felt both of our pain. I just know it." I said. "Bloody hell" Blaise mumbled. "We are all going to be feeling hunger pains real soon if we don't get out of here." Enzo said. We all looked at him and he pointed to his watch. "It's been 18 hours since Mattheo left," he said. I nodded. "None of you have your wands?" I asked. "They were taken before the meeting," Allison said. "What about you?" Blaise asked. I shook my head. "It was in my blazer," I said. "What about Veronica?" Allison said quietly. I looked over at her. She still hadn't moved. "I'll go check but don't get your hopes up." I said. They nodded and I walked over to her. I sat down next to her and it was like she didn't even know I was there. "Ronnie?" I said. Nothing. "Ronnie?" I repeated, a little louder. She looked up at me and her cheeks were stained with tears and her makeup was a mess.

"We have to get out of here, ok? I need to know if you have your wand." I said. She just stared at me. "Ronnie! Do you have your wand?" I repeated. She shook her head. "Where is it?" I asked. "They took it from me before we were put here." she said quietly. I nodded. "Ronnie, are you ok?" I asked. "I lost them both. Mum and Mattheo." I said. "I know Ronnie." I said. "She's gone." she said. "We're going to be ok," I said. "Why did he leave me? He promised he would never leave me." she said as her eyes watered and her voice cracked. "I don't know Veronica. Maybe it's better this way." I said. She shook her head. "It's not. It's never better without him" she said.

She was truly broken. I've never seen her so empty. Like all the light was drained from her body.

I got up and walked back over to where all my friends were huddled in a corner and sat back down. "Does she have it?" Blaise asked. I shook my head. "Are you ok?" Allison asked. "No." I said. They all looked at me. "I'm not. I miss my mum. She would know what to do. She would know how to fix this. How to fix Veronica. She's broken. He left and it broke her. And the one person who would know what to do is gone too. So no, I'm not ok!" I yelled. They all just stared. I felt a small hand wrap around mine and I looked at Allison. "You still have us and we won't leave you. We will fix this. Together." she said. "What if we can't?" I asked. "Then we'll find someone who can." she said. I nodded. Then it hit me. "I got it!" I said. "Got what?" Blaise asked. "Dobby. He was freed but he still remains loyal to me. He helps me when he can." I said. "Brilliant" Theo said. I called his name over and over until there was a crack of apparition. "Dobby!" I exclaimed. "Master Malfoy!" Dobby said with a smile. "I told you, you can call me Draco." I said. "Dobby forgets. Dobby is so happy to see Draco. Dobby missed him." he said. "I missed you too, Dobby," I said. "Dobby wonders where Veronica is?" he asked. "Dobby," Veronica said with a small nod. "Hello Veronica! Dobby missed you too!' he said. She smiled. "Dobby, I know you are free but can you do me a favor?" I asked. "Of course, Dobby would love to help," he said. I told him what to do and within a second he was gone. "Where is he going?" Blaise asked. "To get someone who can help fix this." I said. Allison nodded. Please let this work. I need this to work because I don't know what I'll do if it doesn't.

A few minutes later, we heard footsteps. We all stood up and went to the back of the cellar with Veronica just in case. "Allison, get behind me" I said. Theo and Enzo stood in front of Veronica, protectively. Then door opened and I heard someone speak. "Lumos" he said. The room filled with light and I knew we were safe. As safe as we could be.

"I'm here." he said.

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