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Mattheo stood up and ran over to me. "What she meant was, there are too many variables that are out of our control here. It's not worth the risk, especially when you already have an army of trained death eaters. You don't need children." he said. The Dark Lord glared at Mattheo. "What did I tell you before we came here?" he asked. Mattheo looked down. "Do you remember?" The Dark Lord asked. "Yes," he said. "Good. Then you know what happens next..." he said with a cruel grin. I looked at Mattheo.

Suddenly, The Dark Lord walked over to 3 death eaters sitting at the table. It happened so quickly, I blinked and missed it. I saw the light flash 3 times and they were dead. "Looks like we have openings..." he said smugly. He walked over to Blaise and held out his hand. Blaise held out his arm and The Dark Lord yanked up his sleeve. "Do you pledge your loyalty to me for the rest of your life?" he asked. Blaise looked at us with fear and I felt ill. There was nothing I could do to save my friends. I just shook my head. He looked at me with defeat in his eyes and nodded. "Yes, My Lord. You have my loyalty." Blaise said. He pressed his wand to his arm and the ink swirled on his flesh. Blaise squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his fists. The Dark Lord pulled his wand away and nodded. "Very well done," he said with content. Blaise walked and stared at his arm. I saw the tears in his eyes and it broke my heart.
"Mr. Nott, please step forward" he said. He did the same to Theo and then Enzo and then Allison. When he pulled his arm away from Allison, we all exhaled with relief. Yes, she had the dark mark, but she didn't have to do what we all feared she would have to do. What I had to do. I guess she's lucky.

Everyone started to stand up to leave when The Dark Lord laughed. "Oh no, I seemed to have made a mistake." he said calmly. We all stopped. "I only executed 3 former death eaters. But I initiated 4. That doesn't add up now, does it?" he said. He started to walk towards us. "How to remedy that situation?" he said tapping his chin. "Oh I know..." he said. Then he stopped.

"Narcissa." he said as he faced her. My stomach dropped and I looked at her, standing next to my father. Draco and I stood next to each other and I looked at him. She looked calm. "Yes, My Lord?" she asked in a soft voice. "You know the problem don't you?" he asked. She nodded. "Then you know the solution," he said. "I stand by you My Lord, until the end of my days." she said. "Hmmm, I suppose your service will be a lot shorter than you anticipated." he said. What the bloody hell does that mean?

He drew his wand and pointed it at her. "No!" I screamed. I lunged towards her but Blaise wrapped his arms around me and held me back. I looked over and Theo and Enzo were holding Draco back. "Let me go!" I yelled. "Father-" Mattheo said in a warning tone. "You know your options son. Is this really what you choose?" he asked. Mattheo looked at my mother and then me, and then his father. "No," he said. "Good, then you know what to do." The Dark Lord said. Mattheo drew his wand and walked over to my mother. They spoke to each other and she nodded. "Mum!" I screamed. "Mum, no!" Draco yelled. My father just stood there, doing nothing. I fought Blaise trying to get free but he wouldn't let go. "Mattheo, don't! Please! Don't take my mum!" I cried. He looked at me one last with a blank look.

"Avada Kedavra" he said. The green light flashed and my whole world shattered, right before my eyes. "No!" I screamed. "Mum!" Draco yelled. The sound of her body hitting the floor will never leave my head. I couldn't stand and I collapsed in Blaise's arms. He pulled me close to him as tears streamed down my cheeks. I heard Draco's heavy breathing and Allison whispering to him. Nobody dared to move. The Dark Lord sighed. "What a shame," he said. I stared at my mum's body as reality sunk in.

I stood up and pulled myself from Blaise's arms. I walked over and dropped to my knees next to her body. I stroked her hair and held her hand. My tears stained her dress and I wiped a stray tear from her cheeks. "I love you mum, I love you so much." I whispered. Draco knelt down next to me and held her hand. I looked at him. "She was all we had." I said. He wiped a tear from my cheeks. "We have each other," he said. We sat there together, just us and her. Then our friends came over and stood around us. We stayed with her. Just like she stayed with us. Until the end. Until the very end.

"Veronica," he said. Suddenly, the sadness was gone. It was replaced with anger. Red hot anger. We all turned around to face a guilty Mattheo standing there, with tears in his eyes.

"Veronica, please. Just let me explain. I had no-" he started. I stormed over and slapped him as hard as I could. "You killed her! You killed my mother and you have the nerve to speak to me!" I yelled. "I'm sorry. You have to let me explain." he said. I started hitting him over and over. "Take them to the cellar! All of them!" The Dark Lord's voice boomed. Death eaters grabbed me, Draco, Allison, Blaise, Theo and Enzo and took us to the cellar. Then they slammed the doors.

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