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"Veronica," a voice said, pulling me from my thoughts. I turned back to Enzo. "Are you going to the party tomorrow?" he asked. "Please, I practically invented those parties." I said. Everyone laughed. Then Marcus squeezed my shoulder. "You didn't ask me," he said quietly to me. I looked at him. The look in his eyes. I recognized that look. "I'm sorry Marcus, I just-" I started. "You wanted to sneak off-" he started. "No, I-" I started. "We'll talk about this later... in private." he said. I just nodded. I stared at my food pushing it around my plate. I felt someone nudge my leg and I looked up. I saw Draco's eyes staring at me. He looked sad. I just shook my head.

The feast ended and Marcus went to talk to Snape about scheduling quidditch pitch time.  Allison, Enzo and Theo and I walked up to the girls dorms. I had my own dorm of course but they came in to hang out while I unpacked. "What do you think Riddle's deal is?" Allison asked. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Come on V, you can't think it's a coincidence that he shows up this year." she said. "I never said I thought that." I said. "So what do you think?" Enzo said. I flicked my wand and my trunk slammed shut. "I think what Mattheo is doing here is none of our business. If he chooses to seek us out as friends, fine. But I wouldn't get your hopes up." I said. "He doesn't seem the most friendly." Theo added. "Exactly" I said. "I do like how he shut Pansy down." she said. I laughed. "That was fun to watch." I said. We all laughed. Then there was a knock on my door. I walked over and opened the door. Marcus stood there. "Hi" I said. He pushed me aside and walked in. "We need the room guys, clear out." he said. "We were just hanging out, why don't you join us." I said, hoping he wouldn't be too mad. "It's fine," Enzo said. Him and Theo walked out. "Have fun getting it on" Allison whispered as she walked out. I forced a smile and a laugh. I shut the door and sighed. I can't breathe around him. And it's not romantic, it's terrifying. "Marcus we were just-" I started. "Silence the room." he said. His fist was clenched and he was glaring at me. I took out my wand and pointed it at the door. "Muffliato." I mumbled. "So, one summer apart and you think you can just do whatever the fuck you want?" he asked. "Enzo and Theo are my friends. Just friends. You know that." I said. "Really?" he said. "Yes. Why are you acting like this?" I asked. "Well I just wouldn't be surprised if a slut like you got on her knees for anyone who asked." he spat. My eyes watered but I pushed away the tears. "And what the fuck was up with your brother?" he asked. "Nothing." I lied. He grabbed my throat and slammed me against the wall. "Really, because he seemed a little too concerned with us sitting next to each other. What did you tell him?" he demanded. I gasped for air. "I can't breathe" I choked out. "What did you tell him?" he yelled. "Nothing," I said. "Your brother is pathetic just like you." he spat venomously. "Don't talk about my brother like that." I said. He threw me to the floor and climbed on top of me. He pinned my wrists down and leaned in. "Don't tell me what to do. What was it that new kid said to Pansy? Oh yes, don't make me hurt you" he said darkly. I struggled under his grip. "Marcus please. I told you I'm sorry. What more do you want?" I said, trying to keep my voice steady. He pulled me up. The look in his eyes changed and I knew I shouldn't have asked. "Fine, take off your clothes" he said. "Marcus I don't really" I started. "Do you love me Veronica?" he asked. I nodded. "Good, show me." he said. I looked at him trying to find any sign of mercy on his eyes. "Take off your clothes." he said again. I forced a smile. "Ok" I said quietly. It's better to just do what he says. I stripped to my undergarments and laid on the bed. He climbed on top of me and kissed me. I ran my fingers through his hair and his hips bucked into mine. His kisses traveled down to my neck and chest. He kissed me as he palmed my breasts, squeezing gently. His fingers dragged down my skin and lingered at the waistband of my panties. He slipped them under and towards me. He rubbed my clit and slipped his fingers inside of me. I moaned softly and he pumped his fingers in and out. "See, this is so much better isn't it." he said. I moaned as his pace increased. He pulled his fingers out and sucked them clean. Then he pulled my panties off and pulled off his boxers. His dick sprung out and he stroked it a few times. Then he lined himself up with me. He slammed himself inside of me and I squeezed my eyes shut. It's better than the alternative. Thrust He's your boyfriend Thrust He loves you Thrust You owe him this He kissed down my neck as his thrusts grew sloppy. He finished inside me and he buried his head in the crook of my neck. I could feel his hot breath on my neck. Then he pulled out and laid down next to me. "That wasn't so hard was it?" he asked. I just shook my head. He got dressed and kissed me one more time. "See you tomorrow." he said. Then he walked out and shut the door. I wiped a stray tear that had strangely fallen to my cheek. I'm fine. Don't cry. I got into the shower and scrubbed myself clean. I put on pajama pants and a tank top. Then I climbed into bed. I tossed and turned all night. I checked my clock and it read 1:30am. I decided to go read in the common room. I grabbed my room and my book and headed down stairs. I walked in and saw someone sitting on the couch. I got too close then I recognized those dark curls. Before I could leave, he spoke. "You don't have to leave." he said plainly. I walked closer. He was sitting and staring at the fire. "Unless you're scared of me." he said, smirking at me. I stared at him. "I'm not scared of you." I said. "I can practically hear your heart racing from here." he scoffed. I narrowed my eyes at him. "There are a lot scarier things than you Riddle." I said. "Prove it." he said. I raised an eyebrow at him. "Sit down." he said. I hesitated but I sat down on the couch next to him. He turned so he was facing  me. I looked at him. "I told you, there are things a lot worse than you." I said. "I bet I could change your mind," he said. "I bet you couldn't," I said. "What if I told you about my father?" he said. "You aren't your father." I said. "Oh but I'm just like him." he said. I stood up to leave but he grabbed my wrist. He pulled me back and I stood there looking up at him. He towered over me. "Are you scared now?" he asked. I shook my head. "Really?" he asked. "Yes." I said. "So if I felt your heartbeat right now, it wouldn't be racing." he asked. I said nothing. Slowly his hand trailed up my waist, up my stomach and rested on my chest. I stared into his eyes as he pressed down and felt my heart. He leaned in so his breath tickled my ear. "You're scared, as you should be." he whispered in my ear. He looked back at me and I pulled my wrist away. "You don't scare me." i said and I sat back down. He sat next to me. "Whatever you say," he said. I opened my book and began to read. I could feel him watching me but I refused to look at him. "You know, you can look at me." he said after about an hour of silence. I stared at my book. "I'm aware." I said. "So why don't you?" he asked. "Maybe you aren't the most appealing sight, did you ever think of that?" I said. That was a lie. He was actually gorgeous. His sharp jawline and dark eyes. He looked dangerous. I guess he was. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. "I know that's not what you think." he said. "Really?" I said. "Yes, because if your heart wasn't beating fast out of fear... then it must have been lust." he said smugly. "I have a boyfriend," I said. "I don't mind sharing." he teased. "You're vile." I snapped. I pulled away and headed for the stairs. He caught up to me and pushed me against the wall. He pinned my wrists above my head and forced his knee between my legs. His face was close to mine and our chests were touching. "Get off me." I said. "Tell me, was it lust or fear?" he asked. I said nothing. He leaned closer and our lips were practically touching. "Tell me." he said. I caved as I melted at his touch. "Both" I whispered. He gave that evil grin. "This should be an interesting year." he said. Then he disappeared.

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