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"Veronica- I'm so sorry. Please let me explain. Katie Bell recog-"" Harry started. "Katie Bell?" I said. He nodded. "Tell me it was an accident." I said. "What?" he asked. "Tell me it was an accident. Tell me you didn't try to kill my brother. Tell me there's another reason you came in here. Tell me there was another reason you two were dueling. A reason that has nothing to do with Katie Bell because I told you that wasn't him and you said you trusted me. Tell me." I said.

"I'm sorry Veronica. But Katie-" he said. "So you try to kill him!" I yelled. "No, it was an accident. I swear." he said. "You're Harry Potter. I have a hard time believing that." I said. "I didn't know what the spell did. I didn't know it would do that." he said. I just shook my head as my eyes filled with tears. "He could have died. You may hate him but he is all I have in this world. You have the Weasleys, and Hermione and all of the Order backing you. I have Draco and that's it." I said. "I'm so sorry, please Veronica, I love you!" he yelled as he reached forward to touch me. I pushed him back and pounded my fists on his chest. "I hate you, I hate you so much!" I yelled.

"V, that's enough." Blaise said softly. "You almost killed him!" I yelled. Harry just stood there taking it. Blaise wrapped his arms around me and started to pull me away. "V, let's go," he said. He draped his arm over my body and we walked to the hospital wing leaving Harry alone.

When we got to the hospital wing, Draco's cot was blocked off and Snape and Madame Pomfrey were talking. Blaise and I rushed over and Snape saw me. "Veronica, he'll be ok," he said. "What the bloody hell happened to him? There was so much blood!" I exclaimed. "That's not important, what is important is that he's ok," he said. I furrowed my brow and looked at him. He's definitely not telling me something. "Can we see him?" Blaise asked. Madame Pomfrey nodded. Blaise and I went behind the curtains and Allison was sitting there holding his hand. Blaise winked at me and I smirked. "Called it." he whispered. "I said it first." I whispered back.

Allison heard us and turned around. She blushed and smiled. "Hey, Madame Pomfrey said he's going to be ok." she said. I nodded. "Thanks for staying with him." I said with a smile. "Have you guys shagged yet?" Blaise asked. I elbowed him and Allison laughed. "Blaise, shut up." I mumbled. Allison just looked back at Draco. "Fucking hell, you have!" I exclaimed. She just laughed again. "Maybe." she said. "Damn, about time." I said. "Yeah, Theo and Enzo have a bet on you two." Blaise said. "Really?" she said. He nodded. I noticed Draco's chest and sat down next to him. I opened his shirt and there were big gashes across his chest.

"I'm going to talk to Sev." I said. They nodded and I left. Snape was still with Madame Pomfrey when I walked over. "Sev, what aren't you telling me?" I asked. Snape looked at me and sighed. "One moment Madame Pomfrey," he said. She nodded and he pulled me aside.

"Shouldn't you be with your brother?" he said with a sneer. "Perhaps. But I want to know what the hell happened to him in the first place." I said. "And you think I know-" he started. "How did you know how to save him? That spell, nobody has ever seen it before, except you, so explain." I said. He exhaled heavily and rubbed his temples. "It's my spell," he said. My jaw dropped. "What?" I exclaimed. "I created it. It's my spell." he said. "So how did Harry-" I started. "That, I don't know. Maybe you should ask him." he said. I just nodded. "He will be ok right?" I asked. "Yes, I got to Draco in time. The spell will have no lasting damage. He should wake up in just a bit. I suggest you be there when he does." he said. "I intend to. Thank you." I said. He nodded and walked out. Blaise, Allison and I sat with Draco and about an hour later Theo and Enzo joined. They brought dinner and Draco woke up. We all ate and talked but Draco was quiet. I suppose he'll talk to me when everyone leaves. I think he's worried Katie recognized him. He's worried his spell won't hold.

But he doesn't have to be, I'll handle it...
My Brother, My Responsibility.

"Blaise-" I whispered. Blaise left the group and walked over. "I need you to cover for me." I said. "Why?" he asked. I said nothing. "Are you going to shag Mattheo?" he groaned. I shook my head. "Do I even want to know what you are about to do?" he asked. "No." I said. He just nodded. I turned to leave when he called after me. "V, be careful," he said. I nodded and left.

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