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I got back from Diagon Alley just before curfew on Sunday, with a bag full of medical supplies. Most people don't know about the Black Market and those who do either don't believe it's real or don't know where it is. It's mostly used by death eaters. It's thriving now especially due to the Ministry being controlled by The Dark Lord. I was able to get everything they may need.

I tied a piece of parchment labeled The Spy to the bag and snuck over to Gryffindor. I kept the hood of my cloak over my head and dropped it in front of the portrait and knocked. Then I ran down the hall and turned the corner. I watched the portrait open and Neville stepped out. He looked around and then saw the package. He picked it up and went back inside. I turned around and headed back to Slytherin. When I got to my dorm, I walked in and was hit by the smell of muggle weed. Draco, Allison, Blaise, Theo and Enzo were all hanging out in my room.

"Why do you all insist on getting high in my room?" I asked. "Well we were waiting for you for an hour and we got bored." Blaise said. "Besides, where else are we going to smoke it?" Draco added. "You have your own room too" I said as I took off my cloak and hung it on the coat hanger in my room. He shrugged. "Where were you? I haven't seen you all day." Allison asked. "I was with Snape." I lied. They nodded. Draco gave me a strange look but didn't say anything. We all hung out and got high until everyone fell asleep. I laid down in bed and Draco sat next to me. "Where were you really, Ronnie?" he asked. "I was with Snape," I repeated. "No, you weren't. I saw him. He asked where you were." he said. I looked down. "So help me, if you were with Mattheo-" he started. "I wasn't!" I said. He looked at me with doubt. " I swear. I wasn't. I was at the Astronomy Tower. I just need to be alone." I said. He nodded. "Is everything ok?" he asked. I nodded. "Everythings fine." I said. He nodded again. "You'd tell me if it wasn't, right?" he asked. "Right." I said. "Ok." he said. Then we went to sleep. I hate lying to him. But I have to.


"Look," Neville said, handing me the bag. I looked inside and it was full of pain potions, essence of dittany, bandages, sleeping draught, everything we could need. "Brilliant!" I exclaimed. "The Spy can really deliver, huh?" Dean said. "Yeah." I replied. "Aren't you all curious who it is?" Seamus asked. We all looked at him. "I mean, come on. Some random person is able to get all this stuff off the Black Market, they know loads of information and they are just giving it to us for free. Don't you all want to know who the bloke is?" he said. "I think we are all curious, yes. But you know what the letter said. Don't try to find out who they are. If we do that, they won't help us." I said. "Then we'd really be screwed." Neville said. "I don't know. I think we should at least know who it is. We don't have to confront them." Cormac said. "Yeah, we should know just in case." Dean said. "No. I mean it. No way." I said. "Well who put you in charge?" Seamus snapped. I glared at him. "Harry did." I said. Technically he didn't but they don't need to know that. "I said no. The Spy is helping us. If they want to remain anonymous, they can remain anonymous." I said. "But maybe we-" Cormac started. "Is everyone clear on that?" I asked. Cormac rolled his eyes. "Fine." they groaned. Everyone nodded. "Good. Now who's injured?" I asked. Everyone lined up and we all began to treat each other's injuries with our new supplies.



School is getting crazier and crazier. DADA gets worse and worse everyday. The Carrows are terrifying. They love to torment every house except Slytherin. It's hard to sit back and not be able to protect the younger students. I know I'm helping in other ways but it doesn't feel like it's enough. I need to do more. These kids can't be tortured everyday. They'll go mad.

Today, I walked into DADA with a plan. Another plan. I sat down and the Carrows brought the first years in for us to practice the cruciatus curse on. I knew in order for this to work, I would have to prove my loyalty first. This plan was a two birds, one stone sort of situation. I prove to the Carrows that I'm on their side and I get revenge. Revenge on him. Cormac McLaggen.

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