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We were all sitting at breakfast the next morning when Marcus waltzed over. "Have you decided to stop this silly nonsense love or is your brother and Blaise going to have to sit on the bench all year?" Draco stood up and pushed him back. "Stay away from my sister. Better yet stay away from all of us." Draco said. "Oh come on, we're all good mates." he said. He plastered that fake smile on his face. "We are not mates you fucking prat." Allison spat. "I don't want to see you near Ronnie, I want to see you near Allison and I don't want to see you near Theo, or Enzo or Blaise." he said. "I know you miss me darling." Marcus called out to me. I gripped my silverware. Blaise walked over and stood in front of him, he was clenching his fists. "I told you once, I won't ask nicely again. This is your last warning." He said. Marcus smirked. "And I told you if Veronica doesn't stop this bullshit that the only thing you two will be riding this year is the bench." he said. I slammed my fist on the table. I stood up and drew my wand. I stormed over to them and pointed it at his neck. "Marcus, this is over. The threats, the manipulation, all of it. I will never go back to you. If you try to stop Blaise or Draco from playing quidditch, I will tell Dumbledore what you did. All of it." I said. "Oh come on darling, that isn't what you want. I know you love me and you know I love you. I had to help you learn your lesson." he said. "Ronnie, don't listen to him," Draco said, trying to pull me away. I could feel my feet stuck."But you-" I started. "Did what your father does, you don't hate him do you?" he asked. He was sucking me back in and I was letting him. "No, but you're different, you-" I started again. "I love you Veronica. I was doing it because I care about you." he said. I was silent. "You understand right?" he asked. Before I could answer, Marcus fell to the floor screaming. I looked up and there stood Mattheo. He was pointing his wand at him and walking towards us. "What are you doing?" Draco yelled. He released the spell and knelt down next to Marcus. He dug his wand into his chest and spoke. "I told you if you ever went near her, it would be the last thing you do. Be grateful I didn't use the other Unforgivable spell." he said darkly. Marcus was shaking on the floor. "Now say thank you." he said, smirking. "Thank you." Marcus whimpered. "And apologize to Veronica for what you did." he said. Marcus looked at me and clenched his teeth. "Sorry." he mumbled. "Good, now leave before I change my mind." he spat. Marcus grabbed his bag and rushed away. "What the fuck was that?" Draco yelled. I stepped closer to Mattheo. "Thank you." I said. He nodded. Then he turned around and walked out. We all sat back down and Allison was staring at me. "What?" I said. She smirked. "Nothing, you just got Riddle hooked on you too huh?" he said. Draco scoffed. "No, I don't. He's just-" I started. "He just wants to get in her pants like every other guy." Draco said. My head snapped to face him. "Mate," Blaise said in that 'you just messed up big time' voice. "I'm sorry biggest manwhore in the entire school you really aren't one to talk. And did it ever occur to you that maybe somebody thought I might be interesting as a person or that I have an interesting personality. Or am I only good for sex?" I asked. "Well I don't know Ronnie. You seemed to be pretty quick to rebound and Marcus seemed to enjoy it.-" he said. My face dropped. "Ronnie, I didn't mean-" he started. I cut him off by slapping him across the face. "Go to hell Draco." I spat. I walked out and went straight to potions. I walked into Snape's room and sat down. "Miss Malfoy, you're early," he said. "What a wonderful observation Professor. It's almost as if you know how to tell time." I snapped. He raised his eyebrows at me. "I'm sorry Sev-Draco is getting on my last nerve. He just does not know when to shut up." I said. "Yes well, you two have been arguing since you were born." he said. I nodded. No matter what people said about Snape, I knew he cared about me and Draco. He always has. Other students began to file into the room. No Mattheo. Then Snape started his lesson. "Wait Professor, Mattheo isn't here." I said. Marcus snickered. "You are correct." Snape said, turning back to face the board. "And he won't be once Dumbledore's finished with him." Marcus whispered. My head whipped around. "Sir, where is he?" I said. Snape sighed and turned to face me. "Miss Malfoy, He is-" Snape started. I grabbed my bag and started to leave. I stopped by Marcus's desk. "You aren't going to get away with this." I said then I ran out of the classroom. I ran to Dumbledore's office and listened through the door. "Mr. Riddle, if you perhaps tell me the reason you felt it was appropriate to use an unforgivable spell, I can be less harsh with punishment. Mattheo didn't speak. "Mr. Riddle, I know you don't want to go home, do you?" he said. Silence. "Please, don't make me send you back to your father. I can't have that on my conscience" he said. "I'm sorry to disappoint but you'll just have to live with that guilt." Mattheo finally spoke. I'd heard enough. I burst through the door and they both looked at me. "Miss Malfoy?" he asked. "He did it for me, to protect me." I said. Mattheo looked at me with a strange look. "I'm sorry, what did he need to protect you from?" Dumbledore asked. "Marcus, Marcus Flint." I said. Dumbledore sighed. "Why don't you take a seat?" he said. I nodded and sat next to Mattheo. "What was Marcus doing?" he asked. Mattheo scoffed. "He's my boyfriend. Well ex-boyfriend. I broke up with him. It's because, well where do I start-" I started. "He beats the living crap out of her." Mattheo said. I looked at him sharply. "Is this true?" Dumbledore asked. I nodded hesitantly. "Is that all he does?" he asked. "Yes" I lied. "Is that why you used the cruciatus curse on him, to prevent an assault?" Dumbledore asked. "Yes, he did. He stopped him from hurting me. And it's not the first time. He stopped it the other day too. Please don't expel him. He was doing it to help me." I said. "Very well, I'll explain the circumstances to the Ministry. Seeing as this was a one time thing and you had a reason, they will let you stay, I'm sure. But I must warn you, if you do something like this again, we will be forced to expel you, understood?" he asked. Mattheo nodded. "As for you Miss Malfoy, I will talk to Marcus but I most likely cannot expel him either." he said. "What!?" Mattheo yelled. "If I don't expel you for using an unforgivable, something that should land you in Azkaban, how can I expel him?" he said. "Then expel me, do it. But expel him too." Mattheo said. "No. Mattheo stays. Marcus won't bother me anymore.You made sure of that." I said looking at Mattheo. He shook his head. "If he goes near her again, I guess I'll just have to figure out something else to do besides an unforgivable." Mattheo mumbled. "Both of you just get to class and try to stay out of trouble. We walked out and shut the door. As we walked to class, we were both silent. "Why'd you help me?" he asked. "It was time I repay the favor." I said. He smirked. "You're really something else Veronica Malfoy." he said. I nodded. "So are you." I said. He nodded. We stood outside DADA and before I opened the door he grabbed my hand. "If he bothers you again, tell me." he said. I nodded. "I appreciate you being my knight in shining armour. But I'm not afraid of him. I have a wand and I'm very capable of using it." I said. He pulled me closer to him. "Then next time, use it." he said. Our faces were inches apart. "I will." I said. "Good." he said. "Great." I said. "Godricks sake" he said and he crashed his lips onto mine. He pulled my body into his and I ran my fingers through his dark curls. I melted at his touch. He was hungry but gentle. We pulled apart and he looked at me. "How long have you wanted to do that?" I asked. "Since I saw you at the sorting," he said. I nodded and smiled. "Me too." I said. He opened the door and we walked into class. Wow, what the hell just happened?

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