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We both subconsciously took a breath before we walked in. There was a crack and Barry appeared. "Miss Veronica and Mr. Draco, follow me" he said. We followed him into the living room. My father sat there with a drink in his hand. My mother stood by the window. She looked like a wreck. "The twins are here." Barry said and with another crack he was gone. My mother quickly turned around and rushed to me. She pulled me into her arms. "Oh Veronica, are you alright dear? I've been worried sick. I can't believe-" she started. "That's enough." my father said sharply. She stepped away from me. My father stood in front of me and looked me up and down. "How could you be so stupid Veronica?" he asked. "Father?" I said. "What?" Draco exclaimed. "We were making arrangements with the Flints. You were going to marry him. That's all gone out to hell now thanks to your little stunt." he spat. I just stared straight ahead. I had to fight to keep the tears back. "He raped her! What the fuck is wrong with you?" Draco yelled. My father slapped him across the face. His hand went to his cheek as it turned a scarlet red. "Do not disrespect me in my own home." he said. "Lucius please dear. That boy did an unspeakable thing, whatever previous plans we had don't matter now." my mother said. My father scoffed. "Unspeakable thing. Please, spare me. Veronica belonged to him. Especially with the arranged marriage. There was no unspeakable thing." my father said. "You have got to be kidding. She's a person not a piece of property. And besides her and Marcus broke up. You know because he beat her like a fucking psycho." Draco said. "Draco stop." I whispered. "You'd know all about that, right? Dear old dad, you're just like him." Draco said. He stood toe to toe with my father. I pulled on Draco's arm. "Draco, don't do this. Please." I whispered. "You need to watch yourself son." he said. "Veronica didn't deserve what happened to her. She didn't belong to Marcus and she sure as hell wasn't going to marry him." he spat. My father grabbed his throat and slammed him against the wall. I could hear my brother choking and gasping for air. He pulled and scratched at his arm but my father wouldn't let up. "Please father, stop. Just let him go." I said. "Lucius please dear, let him down." my mother said softly. "This is your fault too. For making her think she was anything more than the same pathetic weak little bitch her mother is." my father said. My father was squeezing his throat too tight. I could see him fading. "I'll do it." I said. I stood next to my father. "I'll marry whoever you want. I'll do whatever you want. Please just let him go." I said. My father scoffed and let go. Draco fell to the floor coughing and gasping for air. I knelt down next to him. I held his shaking hands. "Ronnie, I'm ok. Let's just get out of here." he said. I nodded and tried to help him up. "No. We aren't done." my father said sharply. "What?" I asked. "Narcissa leave." he said sharply. "Dear please-" she started. He gave her a death stare and she hurried away. "I can't think of any other way to fix things. We must keep our bloodline pure. You are going to apologize to Marcus and tell the school you lied. Fix this mess you made." he said. The color drained from my face. "She won't do it. I won't let her. Come on Ronnie, we're leaving." Draco said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door. "That's your choice, I guess your mother will just be on the receiving end of my frustrations for the evening." he said smugly. We both stopped dead in our tracks. I turned back around and pulled from Draco's hand. "No. No, Don't you touch her." I said. My voice is shaky. "It won't work father. She was under the influence of veritaserum when she told me about the rape. They'll know we're lying." Draco said. "Figure it out." my father said. Draco shook his head. "No. Do what you have to do, but me only. Leave Ronnie and mum out of this." Draco said standing tall. I grabbed his hand. "Draco stopped it." I said. "No, you do not decide my actions. I am your father." he said. "So you beat the ones who can't defend themselves. You know it's harder to break me, that's why you don't do it." he said. Draco was egging him on. On purpose. He wanted it to be him instead of me. But my father knew that too. "No, actually I know exactly how to break you. Watch and learn." he said. Draco reached for his wand but not fast enough. "Incarcerous" my father said. Draco was tied up and he fell to the floor with a thud. I pulled at the ropes but they wouldn't budge. "Let him go father. I did this. It happened to me, I got Marcus expelled because I told even though he said not to. Please let Draco go." I begged. "Incarcerous" he said. Ropes bound my wrists tightly above my head and he used a sticking spell to keep them there. "Let her go you fucking bastard!" Draco screamed. My father chuckled. He stepped closer and began to unbutton my blouse. "Father please" I choked out. I felt my chest constricting. "I'll fucking kill you! You sick fuck! I'll kill you! Let her go!" he screamed. He thrashed on the floor trying to free from the bonds. My father pulled out a knife and dragged it down my cheek. "You seem to have trouble comprehending that women are nothing more than property for a man to own." he said. A tear fell down my cheek. "I think when Marcus see's his name carved into your skin, it will suffice as a proper apology and his family will follow through with our plans." he said. "If you hurt her, I'll kill you!" Draco screamed. "Father" I choked out. He pressed the knife into my skin right under my left collarbone. I tried to move then I felt it pierce my skin. He cut down and began to carve an M. I screamed in pain and he covered my mouth with his hand. "Shut up," he yelled. I fought but he carved deeper. He finished the M and I looked down to see blood dripping. "One letter done. It'll go faster if you don't move." he said with a smirk. He pressed the knife in...

"Stupefy!" My father was thrown back and he hit the wall. I opened my eyes. "Mattheo?" I said. He looked at me and nodded. "Hello love." he said. He pointed his wand at Draco and the ropes disappeared. Draco ran over to me and freed me. Draco pulled his jacket over me and I watched Mattheo. He stalked over to my father, who was stunned on the floor. "Do you know who I am?" he asked. My father said nothing, he just stared in shock. "Shall I give you a hint?" he asked. He ripped up his sleeve. Then I saw it. That mark. The same one my father has. The same one my Aunt has. Everyone knows what it means. The dark mark. I just didn't know Mattheo had it. "Mattheo Riddle." my father finally said. Mattheo smirked and nodded. "Very good. Now I'm sure you know how to show your respects. Or have you forgotten after all this time?" he asked. "No, of course not. My loyalty to your father and you, his heir have not changed, nor will they ever." he said. He got on one knee and bowed to Mattheo. I stood next to Draco and we were in shock. Draco held my shaking body and I wasn't sure if I was shaking because I was cold or because I was terrified. "That's comforting, truly. But I do have one question." he said. "Anything, My Lord." my father said. "Veronica come here love." Mattheo said. Draco hesitantly let go of me and I walked over to him. "Are you alright?" he asked. I nodded. He wiped a tear from my cheek. My white blouse was stained with blood. He opened it slightly to see the wound. "If you still live to serve my family, why is it you are harming Veronica?" he said gritting his teeth. "My Lord, my daughter deserved-" he started. "Crucio" Mattheo said. My father screamed and thrashed on the floor. Mattheo stepped in front of me. "It's ok. I'm here." he said. I just nodded. He broke the spell. "Listen closely because I'm only going to say this once. You will never harm Veronica again. If you had paid attention, you would have known that I marked her." he said. I looked at him with confusion. "You what?" Draco exclaimed. "I marked her." he said. He pushed my hair to the side and surely enough there was a mark. It was like a tattoo but embedded in my skin.

"How did you-" I started

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"How did you-" I started. "This mark means Veronica is under my protection. If you ever harm her again, you will suffer the consequences. And I won't be as generous as the cruciatus curse. I will kill you. Do you understand Lucius?" he said sharply. "Yes My Lord. I understand." he said. I took Mattheo's hand and leaned in. "What about Draco and my mum?" I whispered in his ear. He chuckled. "Very well. Draco and Narciss haven't been marked, but if you harm them either... I'll kill you. Got it?" he asked. "Yes My Lord. And if you please, tell your father that the Malfoys are still loyal and prepared to serve." he said. "Oh trust me, he knows." Mattheo said. Then Mattheo, Draco and I walked out.

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