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My heart was pounding as I ran down the hall to catch up with Allison. I felt horrible. She has a right to know. She deserves to know what it will be like. Maybe Veronica was right, maybe I shouldn't have told her. But it didn't matter now. I was just so angry. I was furious. My sister didn't deserve what happened to her and Allison doesn't deserve what's going to happen to her.

Veronica is right. She knows I love Allison. That's what makes this worse. Allison is too good, too kind to be a death eater. I guarantee her magic won't accept the Dark Mark either. And without Mattheo's special mark, she won't make it. I can't let that happen.

I heard heavy breathing coming from an empty alcove and I followed it. Allison was pacing back and forth, trying not to cry. "Allison-" I started. "No!" she yelled. I stepped back to give her space. "I can't do it, Draco. I'm not ready. I'm not like V. I can't just turn my emotions off when I need to. I can't block everything out. She has this ability to shut it all off and I don't. I won't survive. We both know it. He'll kill me. He'll torture me and rape me and kill me." she said. Her breathing was shaky and tears fell down her cheeks. Her hands were trembling and she choked back sobs.

"Allison, I'll protect you." I said. "You can't! You aren't Mattheo. You can't-" she started. "We all will. Me, Veronica, Mattheo, Blaise, Theo and Enzo. We will all keep you safe." I said. "No! No, no, no! You can't. Nobody can. You don't get it. This is a war Draco. If Mattheo can't even protect his own girlfriend, the girl he gave his bloody mark to, I'm fucked!" she yelled. I stepped closer and grabbed her arms gently to steady her. She looked at me and I saw the fear.

I took my wand and pointed at it on her arm. With a spell, a small black star appeared on her wrist. It wasn't a real mark, not like Mattheos. She looked at it and a small smile formed on her wrists. "I give you my word. I won't let anything happen to you." I said. She nodded and I pulled her into my arms. She cried quietly and I just held her. "I've got you." I whispered. "I've got you too." she whispered back. Then she looked at me and leaned in...


I was on my way to Gryffindor when I heard my name. "Veronica!" I turned around and Harry and Hermione were running towards me. I turned around and Harry hugged me. "Fucking hell Veronica! I was worried sick. Why didn't you answer my letters?" he asked. "What letters?" I asked. "I sent 3 letters to the Manor after what happened at the Burrow. I wanted to make sure you were ok. I thought- I thought you were-" he started. "I'm ok, really. I guess I didn't get your letters." I said. Someone did and I have a fairly good idea of who it was. "Is what Harry said true? Did you really save him?" Hermione asked. "Yes Granger, contrary to what you may still think of me I love Harry and I wasn't going to let my Aunt kill him." I said. She just looked down. Harry took my hand and we went into an empty classroom. "Are you really ok?" he asked.

"I'm fine." I stated. "Veronica, she said she was going to torture you because of what you did. I have a hard time believing she didn't." he said. "Harry, it's over now. I'm ok." I said. "Just tell me what she did to you!" he exclaimed. "Fine! You want to know the gory details. The Dark Lord tortured me until I coughed blood on our family's marble floors. Then he bent me over a desk in my fathers study and raped me. Is that what you want to hear, Harry? Do you trust me now? Now you know what happened because I saved your life!" I yelled. His face was pale and he looked sick. "Veronica, I'm sorry," he said weakly. "I know." I said. "You shouldn't have done it. Don't save me. Ever. People will always try to kill me and if you always try to save me... I don't- You'll end up like everyone else I love. Dead." he said. I forced a smile and nodded. "Ok." I said quietly. He kissed me and I tried to stop thinking about Mattheo. But I can't. I never can.

"Let's go back to my dorm. I'll make it up to you." he said with a smirk. I just nodded and followed him. Fucking hell.

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