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The Carrows had this cruel smirk on their faces as they ordered the first years to line up. The first years stood there and they were terrified. Some were already crying. The Carrows weren't making me and my friends do it because we already knew how. So it was only the Gryffindors. Neville, Ginny, Katie, Lavender, Pavati, Padma, Dean, Seamus, and Cormac. 

"Now cast the cruciatus curse," Alecto said. "No." Neville refused. "What did you say?" Amycus snapped. "I said no. I'm not going to torture them. That's mad! You are mad!" he exclaimed. Amycus drew his wand and pointed it at him, "Detention, all of you. Tonight." he said. "Fine." Neville said. Amycus glared at him and dug his wand deeper into his chest. "Do it or I will do it to you," he said slowly. "I refuse." he stated. "Fine, have it your way," he said. He stepped back and pointed his wand at Neville. It's now or never. "Wait!" I said. Everyone looked at me in shock.

I walked over to Amycus and placed my hand over his and lowered his wand. "He's a Gryffindor. You could torture him all day and he still won't break. It's pointless." I said. He stared at me strangely. "Then what do you suggest?" he asked. "His friends. His weakness is his friends. Let them suffer for his stupidity." I said. Amycus grinned at me. "You really are your fathers daughter," he said smugly. "Yes, the Malfoy blood is not only pure but strong." I said plainly. He chuckled. "May I?" I asked. He nodded. I looked at the Gryffindors who stared at me with anger. "Leave my friends alone, I'm the one who refused. Don't-" he started. "Silencio," I said. The charm silenced him and that just made him angrier. I walked back and forth in front of the Gryffindors as if I was trying to decide who to pick. "Who to pick, who to pick?" I taunted.

Finally, I stopped in front of Cormac. "How about this one?" I said. The Carrows nodded at me. I looked at my friends who were grinning from ear to ear. Even Mattheo couldn't help but smile. They may not know the whole plan, but they understood this. They understood why I picked him. And they were going to enjoy watching him suffer almost as much as I was. Because we know what he did, who he is. He knows too. I could tell by his face he knew he was fucked.

"Don't do this," he pleaded. I stepped closer and leaned in. "Oh how the tables have turned" I whispered in his ear. I pointed my wand at him and smirked. "Crucio" I said. He fell to the floor screaming. He screamed and screamed but I didn't care. I screamed too. I screamed and begged for him to stop and he didn't. He deserves this. "Enough! Please, that's enough!" Ginny yelled. I looked at the Carrows and they shrugged. So I kept going. "Please! Stop!" Neville yelled. I looked at him and sighed. Then I broke the spell. Cormac was crying and shaking on the floor. Dean and Seamus helped him up and he groaned. "Get him out of here" I said. They took him out and the Carrows took over. "You all have detention tonight. Be back here at 7. We are going to have so much fun" he said darkly. I could tell they were scared, even if they tried to hide it. "Amycus," I said. He looked at me. "Do you think I could run their detention? I would love to have some fun with them. Revenge for all those years of them thinking they are better than us because they are friends with the chosen one." I said. He laughed. "Very well," he said. I nodded. I grabbed my stuff and started to leave. "Where's your chosen one now?" I said as I passed by. Then I went straight to my dorm. I stayed there until I heard someone knock. "Come in Draco" I said. He walked in smiling. "How'd you know it was me?" he asked. "Twintuition" I said. He nodded. "So? Do you feel better?" he asked. "Yes. He got what he deserved." I said. "Why are you doing their detention tonight?" he asked. "I want to." I said. "Come on Ronnie. I know we don't like them but do you really have to torture them?" he asked. I can't lie anymore.

"If I tell you something, will you keep it between us?" I asked. He nodded. "I'm not going to hurt them." I said. He looked confused. "I asked to run their detention so that I can make sure they don't get hurt. I figure if I do it, it's not the Carrows." I said. His face dropped. "Ronnie, if the Carrows find out, or The Dark Lord, you are so screwed!" he exclaimed. I sighed.

"Then I just better hope they don't find out." I said.

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