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"Don't you?" Draco asked...

"Get out," I snapped. "Ronnie, you can't be angry. I'm just trying to protect you." he said. "Get out Draco!" I yelled. He sighed and started to leave. I sat down and sighed. When I looked up, he was standing in the doorway. "I said leave." I said. He sighed. "You know I'm right." he said.

I was angry. Not because of what he said, but because what he was right. And that just made it worse. I love Mattheo so much and he loves me. So yes, maybe I have ignored some red flags. As I thought about it, I realized some of the worst things that have happened, happened because of him and because of the blind loyalty I have for him. I do whatever he asks because I trust him but Draco's right. Maybe I shouldn't. He keeps secrets, breaks promises, he bloody hits me and I still forgive him every time. But then again, he's Mattheo. He does his best for me. He killed 5 men just for touching me. He wasn't raised to love. But he does. He loves me.

I went into my bathroom and started to fix my makeup and hair. The meeting started in an hour and I had to look like I wasn't a nervous wreck. I heard a knock and I rolled my eyes.

"Go away Draco" I said. The door opened and Theo walked in. "What?" I asked. He hopped up and sat on my bathroom counter. "I'm sorry," he said. I was brushing my hair and I looked up at him. "I know." I said. "No, V. I mean, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have said that, it was really fucked up." he said. "I know." I said. He looked down and I caved and sighed. "Why did you say it?" I asked. He looked at me sadly. "It's not like you. I mean- yes- you lose your temper sometimes and we all argue but you never say things like that. It's just not- not you." I said. He buried his face in his palms and exhaled a shaky breath. "I'm scared V." he said. I stopped what I was doing and looked at him. Theo doesn't talk about his feelings. In his house, he was raised to keep all that inside. I don't think he's ever said how he's feeling out loud. Ever.

"We all are. I'm scared for myself, I'm scared for our friends, I'm scared for Allison. I mean- is she going to have to do what you did? Is she going to have to- you know?" he asked. "I don't know Theo. Mattheo told me he is going to do everything he can to protect her from that. And to keep you guys safe but-" I started. "V, I love that you have someone you believe in, but we can't all put our faith in Mattheo like that. He marked you. Not all of us." he said. "Theo, I wasn't going to tell anyone else about this but if it will help you trust him, I will. But this stays between us ok?" I said. He nodded. "When Draco and I got home after everything happened with Dumbledore, The Dark Lord was angry. He was mad that Draco didn't kill Dumbledore. So we were punished. 5 death eaters took us to the cellar and they beat Draco to within an inch of his life and they- well they did stuff to me too." I said. "Fucking hell V, I'm so sorry" he asked. I nodded. "But they didn't get to do- you know- everything. Mattheo came. He saved me and Draco, again." I said. "I get that, but he can't save us all. He can't be everywhere at once. Sometimes he'll have to-" he started. "You didn't let me finish." I said. He looked up at me, confused. "Mattheo was angry that his father ordered that. So he killed them." I said. "He what?!" Theo exclaimed. "He killed them. Then he told his father that if his death eaters ever touch me or Draco again, he'll kill them all." I said. "Fuck" Theo mumbled. "Mattheo killed for me. Do you get it?" I asked. Theo rubbed his eyes. "V, that's romantic, sure. But this isn't a foolproof plan. Be honest, Mattheo isn't going to kill every death eater that pisses him off. And he sure as hell isn't going to kill his father. This is what Draco was trying to tell you." he said. My head whipped to face him. "You were in on that?" I snapped. "No. Draco brought it up. And it's not just me. It's all of us. You are blinded by love that you don't see everything wrong with your guy's relationship." he said. "Theo, leave." I spat. "No. I'm not just going to let you play the Slytherin ice queen and scare me into doing whatever you say. You need to hear this." he said. I glared at him. "You know what, fine. You have 2 minutes. Talk." I snapped. "You and Mattheo, you guys are toxic. He controls you in a way you don't even see. It's manipulative. He tells you what to do and you do it. All because he says he's protecting you. And I get it. He does. But you are blindly following someone into a war and no matter who wins, you'll lose. Tell me the truth V, you really think if The Dark Lord wins this war, that you and Mattheo will be in power. Or will it just be him, and you will serve him. Just like his father. Riddle's don't share power. He will always put himself first. It's time you see that." he said. My eyes watered and I turned away from him. "Can you please leave now Theodore?" I asked. He sighed. "Sure V. I'll go." he said softly. He walked out and I wiped away his tears. He was wrong. Mattheo always protects me. I'm not a pawn on the chessboard.

I'm his queen and he's my king.

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