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"That's Fucking Pathetic"




"Everything has been worse for her since you got here!" I yelled at him. "Bullshit!" Mattheo spat. "You shouldn't have marked her, or promised her what you did." I said. "Would you rather it be you? Do you want to get the dark mark?" Mattheo said. "If it means she doesn't, yes." I said. "You don't understand Malfoy, I'm trying the best I can to keep her safe," he said. "It's not good enough." I snapped. "You really think that?" he asked. "I think she now has this twisted idea in her head that you can give her this power. And you can't. She will always be a woman and she will always be treated a certain way because of it. It's not fair but it's how it is." I said. "You don't know-" he started. "I do. Since the day we were born, I was always given more power. She's my twin sister. We have the same abilities, and in some cases she's even better. Yet, nobody will ever acknowledge that. You have no idea and you are setting her up for more disappointment." I yelled. "If my father sees her as valuable-" he started. "Even if she becomes a death eater and proves herself a hundred times, she will never be treated the same as you and I. She's going to get hurt and it will be on you." I said. "I won't let that happen. Here's what you don't understand, I love her-" he started. I scoffed. "If anything happens to her, if anyone hurts her, I will kill them. I don't care what I have to do. I will set this world on fire and watch it burn to ashes, and never once let a flame touch her. If I have to, I will kill my father and every other death eater alive." he said. "Then prove it." I said. He looked at me sharply. "How?" he asked. "Promise me..." I said.



"He said that?" I asked. Draco nodded. "He wasn't kidding Ronnie. I could see it in his eyes. He will kill for you." Draco said. I nodded. "I know it's romantic in some sociopathic way but it's also incredibly dangerous." Draco said. I looked at him carefully. "Tell me what you mean..." I said.

"Potter." he stated. I looked down. "After this is over, after I kill Dumbledore and everything begins, you really think Mattheo will just let all that go." he asked. "You think he'll hurt Harry?" I asked. Draco shook his head. "I know he will." he said. I nodded. "I have to go." I said standing up. Draco nodded. "Please be careful Ronnie. Just because you have Potter wrapped around your finger right now doesn't mean we're safe." he said. "I know." I said. Then I left.

When I got to my dorm, there was a letter on my bed. I opened it and read...


Room of Requirement, now.


I tucked my wand into my waistband and headed down there. I got to the doors and stood in front of them, closing my eyes. I thought of Mattheo and the doors shifted. I opened them and walked inside. It was dark but I could see a little bit of my surroundings. It was a bedroom, same as always. I pulled out my wand and held it out. "Lumos." I said. The wand lit up and I walked around. "Mattheo?" I called out. It was quiet. I could hear the doors shift back into a wall outside and then I heard footsteps. There was a snap and light filled the room. I quickly turned around and saw Mattheo leaning against the wall with that dangerous look on his face.

"So you did it huh?" he asked. "Mattheo-" I said. "Veronica Malfoy, Mattheo Riddle's queen, fucked the Harry Potter," he said. I rolled my eyes. "Now Rita Skeeter would just die for that headline." he said sarcastically. "It seems you're forgetting who's orders I'm under. I didn't want to do this." I said. He scoffed. "But you seemed quite happy parading around with Potter and shagging him in the hallway," he said. "That's what you're upset about? The fact that Harry and I went public" I asked. "So it's Harry now..." he said. "Why are you so mad at me? You don't enjoy this, imagine how I feel. I have to fuck my worst enemy all the while prentending I'm broken up with you." I asked. "I'm not mad at you Veronica." he said smugly. He casually walked towards me. I cocked my head and furrowed my brow. "Then why are you acting like this?" I asked. He threw me against the wall and pinned my wrists above my head and forced a knee between my legs. His face was inches from mine and my heart was pounding.

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