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She was sitting in the Malfoy library reading a book on a couch when I walked in. Her hair was down and she wore a black slip dress. Her shoes laid on the ground next to the shelves. The sun shone in through the window and she looked gorgeous. I could see the tears on her cheeks though. The tears I caused. I started to walk towards her and she noticed that I was there. She sighed and closed her book. Then she wiped the tears from her face and looked up at me.

"We don't have to do this, Draco." she said. She stood up and started to put her shoes on. "Do what?" I asked. "This. I know you know I heard. That's why you're here." she said. "Maybe I just want to fix things between us." I said. She scoffed. "I know you well enough to know that's not true." she said. "Ali, please. Just listen to me. I'm sorry." I said. She walked over and put the book back on the shelf. "I know you are." she said. "So are we ok?" I asked. She laughed out loud. "Draco, I tried. I tried so hard with you. But just like V is terrified to be alone, you are terrified to be with someone." she said. "That's not true." I said. "It is. You can't commit. I accept all of your flaws but I just can't let this one go." she said. " Listen, I messed up, but I want to be with you Allison." I said. "For how long?" she asked. "What?" I asked. "For how long? Until it gets boring? Or until it gets too real. The second you get scared, you leave. You go running back to Parkinson. I don't want to be your safety blanket or a random hookup." she said. "Please, I made a mistake, Ali. I don't want Parkinson, I want you." I said. She inhaled and exhaled deeply.

"3 words, 8 letters, say it and I'm yours." she said. I opened my mouth to speak but I just couldn't say it. What if I hurt her? What if she hurts me? "Say it." she says. Her eyes were pleading. "You can't, can you?" she asked. "Ali-" I started. She shook her head and I stopped talking. She gave me a weak smile and gently moved some air from my face. "I love you Draco and I think you might love me too. But until you can look me in the eyes and say it, we're done." she said. Then she kissed me on the cheek and walked out. I sat down on the couch and sighed. Why didn't I say it? I do. I do love her. I should've said it. Why am I so messed up?



"Haven't you ever heard the term puff & pass!" Enzo said. Theo groaned as he handed him the joint. "Whatever," he replied. "I don't know why you insist on smoking that muggle shit. We've got loads of other good stuff." Blaise said. "It smells awful," Allison said. "Yeah, well that- Draco started...

I zoned out as they continued talking. We were all sitting in the living room and the boys were getting high. It was nice to just hang out. I'm doing what Theo said. I'm having a life without him.

"V, did you hear us?" Blaise asked. I looked up and they were looking at me. "No, sorry. What did you say?" I asked. "We were saying that we should go out," he said. I raised my eyebrows. "Go out?" I questioned. "Yeah. Like we used to. We haven't gone to any of our spots in a while." Allison said. I looked at Draco and he shook his head. A warning. I ignored it. They deserved to know the truth. "Have any of you been to Diagon Alley?" I asked. They all looked confused. "What do you mean?" Allison asked. "It's destroyed. Blown to pieces by Death eaters." I said. They all exchanged glances. "What?" Allison said as her voice cracked. "I'm sorry you guys." Draco said. Blaise shook his head. "Fucking hell. I hate him." he said. "Me too." Theo said. "Same here." Enzo added. "Well you all better play pretend tonight..."

We all whipped around and my father was standing there with a smirk on his face. We quickly stood up and Blaise pulled Allison behind him. I gripped my wand as I faced him. "What do you want?" Draco asked. "The Dark Lord has called for a meeting here. Tonight at 5. Be ready." he said. I could feel my heart stop. Mattheo. My father turned to leave but then he stopped.

"Especially you Miss. De La Cruz" he said with a cruel smile on his face. Then he left.

The second he was gone, I turned to Allison. She was terrified. "No." Draco said. "Draco, it's-" she started. "No!" he yelled. He kicked the table and it went skidding across the floor. I flinched back. "Mate-" Blaise said. "We have to get her out of here. We have to take her somewhere, anywhere." he said. "Draco, you know that won't work." I said. "It has to," he said. "She has the mark." Theo said. "I'm not going to let them rape her!" he screamed. We all froze. "Draco..." a soft voice said. He looked at Allison and she had tears in her eyes. "It's ok. We knew this would happen." she said. He shook his head. "No. I said I would protect you and I meant it. We at least have to try." he said. "I won't risk all of you getting hurt." she said. "We are going to protect you. Whatever it takes." I said. Theo, Enzo and Blaise nodded. "Draco, take her to the treehouse. I'll let you know when it's safe to come back." I said. "What about you guys?" Allison asked. "We can't all be missing. This is as good as it will get." I said. She hugged me and I hugged her back. "I love you." she whispered. "I love you too Ali." I whispered back. She hugged everyone and I hugged Draco. "Keep her safe. If we can do one thing right, it's this." I said. He nodded. "I will." he said. I hugged him again and then they left. "We can do this." I said.


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