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I could feel myself drifting in and out of consciousness as I stayed curled up on the floor. I stared at the bruises on my wrists from where he held them and I felt the tears drying on my face. I don't know how much time has passed but I guess the death eaters were finally gone because Mattheo and Draco came running in. They dropped to the floor next to me and Draco shook me.

"Ronnie," he whispered. I tried to keep my eyes open but I just wanted to sleep. "What did he do to you?" Mattheo asked. I looked away from him. "Veronica, what did-" Mattheo started. "Mattheo, don't-" Draco said. "Just tell me what he did to you!" Mattheo yelled. I shook my head. Mattheo drew his wand and pointed it at me. "Tell me or I'll find out for myself," he said. I gave him a sad smile and tried to look him in the eyes. "Mattheo, you know what he did." I said softly. His eyes went dark and he punched the wall. "Fuck!" he screamed. I flinched and closed my eyes. "Mattheo, I know you're pissed, I am too. But I need you to calm the fuck down because you are scaring her." he whispered. Mattheo looked at me and walked over. "I'm sorry," he said quietly. He picked me up bridal style and I was unconscious again before we got to the top of the stairs.


Her body went limp in my arms and her eyes closed. There was pure rage coursing through my veins and I wanted him dead. I wanted him and I wanted to be the one to do it. I told him not to hurt her. I warned him.I marked her and he knows what that means. I will do whatever it takes to protect her and so help me, if I fail... I will rain hell, the likes of which he's never seen.

For her, I'd do anything.

I laid her down on the bed and Draco grabbed the healer's bag. I could see the bruises on her ribs and I got some fresh clothes. "Draco, you might want to go wait-" I started. "Like hell I will, she-" he started. "Mate... you don't want to see this." I said. He sighed and nodded. "Get me the second you finish." he said. "I will." I said. Then he walked out. I pulled off her torn dress and rubbed some bruise paste on her ribs and wrists. Then I put pajama pants and a sweater on her. "Draco!" I called out. He was back within a second. He put a cold washcloth on her head and poured a sleeping draught down her throat. "She'll be ok," he said. I sat in the chair and watched her. "Do you get it, she will be ok. She's much stronger than we know.," he said. I scoffed. "My father just raped her." I said. "That's not your fault." he said. I shrugged. "Maybe, but still..." I said. He stared. "Still what?" he asked. "I told you I would protect her, right?" I said. He nodded. "Well I failed-" I said. "Mattheo, you didn't-" he said.

"Now I want revenge." I said and I apparated before he could get another word in.

I landed just outside the gates of Riddle Manor. It has special wards so you can only see it if you have a dark mark. I walked in and I could hear people talking. I followed the sound of voice and my father, and 3 of his most trusted death eaters were sitting around drinking.

"You bastard!" I yelled as I pointed my wand at him. The death eaters stood up immediately ready to protect my father but he raised his hand and they sat back down. He stood up with a smug grin on his face. "Is there something wrong son?" he taunted. "Don't. Don't call me your son after what you just did." I said. "I'm not sure what you mean." he said in a mocking tone. "You ra- raped her. She made one mistake and you think a justifiable punishment is rape? You may be the Dark Lord but I didn't think even you would sink that low." I spat.

"She should be honored. Women are just bodies to be used. She should be lucky I've given her purpose." he said. I was seething. "She had purpose long before you gave her the mark. She's more powerful than half the men you allow to sit at your table. If you gave her a real opportunity, she could prove it. Instead, you make her the distraction in your plan. She has so much potential and you are blinded by the fact that she's a woman!" I yelled. "Do not raise your voice at me. I will not tolerate disobedience. Just because you are my heir does not mean you are completely off the hook. It simply means I will not kill you. Never forget that." he said. "Well you seem to be forgetting something," I said walking closer. He smirked. "What's that?" he asked. I dug my wand into his chest and glared at him. "You are forgetting that I know the key to your immortality" I said. His face fell. "That's enough Mattheo." he said. "No, it's not." I said.

I looked him dead in the eyes, kept my wand trained on his neck and leaned in to whisper...

"If you ever do something like that to her again, I will destroy all 7 horcruxes and kill you myself."

Then I turned around and went back to the Manor.

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