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"Ok. I promise." Mattheo said. I opened my eyes and squinted as they adjusted to the light. "Ronnie, are you ok? Can you hear me?" Draco asked. I nodded. "I'm fine." I said. I winced as I sat up. "I'm so sorry, love." Mattheo said. "It's not your fault." I said, giving him a small smile. "Are you in pain?" Mattheo asked. "A little. I'll be fine." I said. Then we heard footsteps and the door opened. It was two death eaters pointing their wands at us. "Get up." one said sharply. Mattheo helped me up and we all followed them upstairs and into the living room . My mother and father and Tom Riddle stood there. "Have you all learned your lesson?" Tom Riddle asked. "Yes My Lord." Draco said. "Yes." I said quietly. "Yes father." Mattheo said. "Good. Mattheo, let's go." Tom Riddle said. He looked at me and gave me a small smile. "I'll see you at the ball." he whispered. I nodded and he followed his father out. "Both of you, go to your rooms. I don't want to see you or hear you until dinner." my father said. "Father, please. Can I keep Ronnie in my room? She needs to be healed." Draco said. "No. She's fine." he said. "Lucius, the ball is in a few days. We can't have her acting a mess because she wasn't healed properly. Just let Draco handle it." my mother said. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Fine. But keep it down." he said. We both nodded and Draco helped me to his room. "Lay down Ronnie." he said. He shut the door and locked it. "Muffliato." he said. I laid down and he pulled out the first aid kit. "Here, drink these." he said. "What is it?" I asked as I took the vials from his hand. "Blood replenishing potion and sleeping draught." he said. I nodded and drank them both. "Let me see the cut." he said. I lifted up my shirt and showed him the cut just below my ribs. "Fuck Ronnie." I sighed. "What is it?" I asked, afraid to look at myself. "It's DE for death eater." he said. I wiped a tear away. "I'm sorry Ronnie." he said. "I'm fine." I said. "This is gonna hurt." he said as he poured an antiseptic on a rag. "Can't hurt more than the torture itself." I mumbled. He pressed the rag to my skin and I winced. "I gotta clean it Ronnie," he said. He put a bandage on it and I felt drowsy. "Don't fight it. Just sleep, you need the rest." he said. He pulled a blanket over me and I fell asleep.

"Ronnie, dinner." Draco whispered. I opened my eyes and groaned. I stood up despite the ache in my body and pulled on a sweater. Draco walked towards the door and I remembered something. "Draco," I called after him. He stopped and looked at me. "What's wrong?" he asked. "What did Mattheo promise you?" I asked. He stared at me. "Right before I woke up, I heard Mattheo say I promise. What was he promising you?" I asked. He laughed. "Oh I made him promise to wear a suit to the ball. I knew you'd be mad if he didn't." he said. I nodded. "Oh, ok." I said. It was strange because Mattheo always wears a suit when he isn't wearing his school uniform. He wears a collared shirt and blazer and tie. Why wouldn't he wear one to the ball? I decided to drop it and follow Draco down to dinner. "Try not to piss off father," he whispered. "I was going to say the same to you." I whispered. He rolled his eyes and we sat down. "Have you recovered my dear?" my mother asked. I nodded and my father sat down. "She's fine. Trust me, I know. I have experience with the cruciatus curse as well." he said giving me a look. Yeah well some people actually deserve it, I thought to myself. "Veronica, do you like your dress for the ball?" my mother asked. I nodded. "It's beautiful mother, thank you." I said. She nodded. "She didn't pay for it, your mother hasn't worked a day in her life." my father spat. "You mean aside from raising us? Taking care of us when you beat the shit out of us, dealing with you, hosting all your stupid friends-" I started. "Enough!" he shouted. I went silent. Draco gave me a look and I shook my head. So much for not pissing father off. "I'm sorry father, I just wish you would try and respect our mother a bit more." I said. "Do not tell me what to do," he said sharply. I just nodded. We ate the rest of our meal in silence. Then the house elves cleaned up. "Narcissa, go upstairs. You too Draco. I need a word with Veronica." my father said. "Why? Father, she is still recovering, please just let-" Draco started. "No." he said sharply. "Draco." I said quietly. He looked at me with concern. "Just go." I said. "If you hurt her-" he started. "Draco! Please." I said. The last thing I wanted was for my father to hurt him too. "No, go ahead Draco. Finish that sentence. What are you going to do?" he taunted. "Whatever you do to her, I'll do it right back to you and 10x worse." he said. My father just laughed. "I'm so threatened. Narcissa, leave." he said. "Lucius, please. They are children. They didn't mean it." she pleaded. "Go, now." he said. She sighed and walked out. "Incarcerous." he said. Ropes wrapped around my wrists and yanked me into the air. My toes barely touched the floor and my shoulders felt like they were breaking. "Now you are going to watch as Draco pays for your stupidity." he spat. "Draco run!" I yelled. My father smashed his face with the snakehead on his cane. Draco fell to the floor and my father stomped on his hand. Draco screamed out in pain and I fought against the ropes. "Stop! Father, please stop. Leave him alone!" I cried out. He delivered blow after blow to his back and stomach and ribs. There were cuts and bruises on his face. Draco was coughing blood and crying. My father grabbed the hair by the roots and yanked his head to face me. "This is on you Veronica. Do you understand?" he asked. Tears poured down my face. "Yes, yes, I understand. Please just let him go." I begged. He let go and released the ropes. Then he turned around and walked out. I ran over and knelt in front of Draco. I pulled his head onto my lap and moved the hair from his face. "Oh Draco. I'm so sorry." I whispered. "I wish he killed me." he whispered. I wiped a tear from his cheek and it mixed with the blood. "Do you want me to stun you?" I asked. He nodded. "Stupefy." I whispered. His body went limp and he was unconscious. I levitated him up to his bedroom and started to heal him. My hands were shaky as I wrapped his broken ribs. How could I have let this happen? So much for My brother, My responsibility.

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