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The Gryffindors are so damn stubborn and so damn stupid. I'm risking everything to help them by keeping up as The Spy. They use my information, and they haven't gotten caught doing anything yet. But everyday in class, they continue to defend Harry, and do the opposite of what I told them to. It's beyond frustrating. Why can't they just let their Gryffindor die, just for now at least? I'm trying to keep these kids alive and unharmed. But they have to make it as difficult as possible for me, don't they? I've even gone as low as giving Carrow what he wants in order to run detentions. That's right, not only do I have to take care of The Dark Lord's needs, it's Amycus Carrow now too. All for those students who still hate me. They don't even realize what I'm doing for them. But then I remember why I'm doing it. And who I'm doing it for. Mother.

And it gives me the strength to keep going.

I just finished coding today's letter. I slipped it in the envelope and grabbed my cloak. Curfew just started but I could be out. I headed down the halls and to the Library. I got to the Restricted Section and went to hide the letter. I grabbed the new letter from them and turned to leave...

"Don't move." someone said. I felt a wand dig into my back before I could reach for mine. I lifted my hands in surrender and sighed. Fuck, i'm screwed. "Turn around...slowly," the person said. I turned around and they yanked the hood of my cloak off. I looked up and saw Dean, Seamus and Cormac. I almost laughed. Of course. Just fucking perfect. "Holy shit" Dean said under his breath. Seamus snatched the letter from my hand. "How did you- that- that's not for you." he spat. I laughed. "Don't fucking laugh at us." he snapped. I shrugged. "What do we do?" Dean whispered. "Let's take her to Ginny and Neville. They'll want to know." he said. "Come with us." Dean said. "Like hell" I snapped. "We weren't asking." Seamus spat. "I don't care." I said. Cormac rolled his eyes. "Incarcerous" he said. Suddenly, ropes tied my wrists behind my back. He grabbed my arm and started to drag me with them. "Oh, you are going to regret this." I said. "Shut up," Cormac said. "I guess some little boys never learn," I said. He slapped me across the face and grabbed my chin roughly. "Woah, Cormac!" Dean exclaimed. "I said shut up," he said. I felt a pit in my stomach as they dragged me down the halls. Soon enough, I realized where they were taking me. They were taking me to the safe house I told them about in the first letter I wrote as The Spy. They dragged me through the portrait and threw me inside.

I landed on my knees and everyone in the room turned to look at me. There were lots of kids there. First years through 7 years, all houses. "What the hell is she doing here?" Katie exclaimed. "Found her sneaking around the Restricted Section." Dean said. "Oh" she said. "Where's Ginny and Neville?" Seamus asked. "Here" Ginny said as she jumped down from the upper level. Neville followed and walked over. "What is this about?" she asked. "We found her with the letter, in the Restricted Section." Cormac said, handing it to Neville. "Where did you get this?" he asked. I laughed. "Seriously?" I scoffed. "Where did you get it Malfoy?" Ginny snapped. "Where you left it. Under the table at the back of the Restricted Section. Probably around 30 minutes after dinner when you pick up my letter." I said smugly. Everyone's jaw hit the floor. "The Spy?" Ginny said in shock. I smirked. "In the flesh." I said. "Bloody hell" Seamus mumbled. "Now can you untie me?" I asked. Ginny waved her wand and the bonds disappeared. I stood up and said rubbed my wrists. "Explain." she said. "Yeah, we have some questions." Neville said. "Shocker." I said sarcastically. "This just doesn't make sense. You're a death eater." Ginny said. "Yeah, how do you think I got all the information for you? Or the stuff off the Black Market? I mean medical supplies, that one was easy. But the muggle radio, that took some connections." I said. "Then why did you torture Cormac?" Lavender asked. I laughed again. "Was that just collateral damage too?" Ginny asked. "No. That was revenge." I stated. "Shut up." Cormac hissed. "What is she talking about McLaggen?" Neville asked. "I have no idea," he said. "Wow, not so brave when there aren't two other people there holding me down huh?" I said. "What?" Ginny exclaimed. "Shut up!" Cormac yelled. "Malfoy, what are you saying?" she asked. I gave her a strange look. "Wow, you all didn't even know the full story before you sold me out to Skeeter a few years back did you?" I asked. "Harry told me what happened in the locker room." she said softly. "Yeah well, what you didn't know is that Marcus wasn't alone." I said. Ginny's head snapped to look at Cormac. "You?" she exclaimed. "She's lying!" he yelled. "He was angry that I said no to going to the Yule Ball with him." I said. "Oh Merlin. You are vile." Lavender said. "She tortured me! How am I the bad guy?" he asked. "You raped her, I would torture you too." Katie said. "You need to leave Cormac. You are no longer under the protection of Dumbledore's Army. You're on your own. Good Luck." Neville said. "You can't do that! That Carrows will-" he started. "We just did." Ginny said. He glared at me. "You bitch." he spat. Then he stormed out. I sighed. "That was dramatic." I said. They all nodded. "So it was you the whole time. You were The Spy. You've been helping us." Ginny said. I shrugged. "Yeah." I said. "Why?" Neville asked. "The only reason Draco and I became death eaters was to protect our mother. But she's gone now. So I'm done. I decided to do what I could to help you guys. To help Harry. Because he was really good to me. And I didn't deserve it. So now I want to repay him." I said. They nodded. "What about Mattheo?" Ginny asked. I shook my head and forced a smile. "He was the one who killed my mother." I said. "Oh" she said. "Why?" Seamus asked. I shrugged. "I don't know. I don't care....

"I mean, it doesn't matter now. He made his choice and I made mine. I choose to be a spy, your spy. If you still trust me." I said. They all looked at each other and nodded. "We trust you."

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