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It's been one week. And I think I'm happy. Every night, me and Mattheo sneak up to the Astronomy Tower. We mostly talk but sometimes a little more. We haven't had sex. And not because Draco told me not to. It's because I want to wait until we are closer. Mattheo is different around me. Yes, he is very possessive. He doesn't like other guys talking to me and he always seems to be watching me. But when it's just us, he's a different person. He talks to me. He makes jokes. He makes me feel special. Although around everyone else, he's quiet and cold. He isn't the nicest person and he doesn't tolerate disrespect. The worst thing you can do is bring up his father. If you bring up his father in any sense, he loses it. From what I've seen, I'm the only one who can calm him down. But trust me, it's not easy.



"Continue working on your potions. I have to step out but I will be back momentarily." Snape said. Snape left the room and Mattheo and I continued our potion. "Add mistletoe berries next" I said. The room was relatively quiet as everyone worked. Then I heard that voice. "Hey Pansy, did you know that Veronica cheated on me with Riddle?" he asked. "Not surprising, her and her brother have always been the school's whores." she said. Mattheo clenched his fists under the table. I took his hand under the table to try and keep him from getting angry. "Just ignore it." I whispered. "It's not a surprise she picked Riddle." Marcus said. "Why's that?" Pansy asked. "The death eater's daughter is on her knees, so eager to please the dark lord's son.'' said. Pansy laughed. "You're right, I wouldn't be surprised if her father told her to," Pansy added. "That's right, she does whatever anyone says. I trained her up pretty good. Now she just-" he started. That's when Mattheo lost it. Mattheo stormed over to Marcus and drew his wand. "What did I fucking tell you? Shall I familiarize you with my other favorite unforgivable curse?" he asked. "Mattheo, no" I said. I grabbed his wand hand and pulled him away. I practically had to drag him out of the class. I took him to the dock at the Black Lake and we sat down. "You should've let me do it." he said. "No." I said sharply. "He deserves it. Why are you still protecting him?" he asked. "I'm not. I'm protecting you. If you did it, you would be expelled. I'm not letting you get kicked out of here." I said. I scooted closer to him. I cupped his face and pulled him to face me. "I need you here with me." I said. He smirked. "That's true. You'd miss me too much huh?" he teased. "You know me so well." I said. We sat there together until potions ended.


"Hey, are you all coming to the first quidditch game today?" Blaise asked. "Yeah, I'll be there." I said. Everyone nodded. "It's against Gryffindor right?" Allison asked. Draco nodded. "Oh bloody hell, just great." Enzo said. "What?" Allison asked. "Whenever there's a quidditch game between Gryffindor and Slytherin the next 3 days after are pure chaos." Enzo said. "Yeah, Either,  Draco and Blaise are both in a pissy mood because they lost or they act like complete douches because they won." Theo added. "We do not." Blaise snapped. "Yes, you do." I said. "What?!" Draco exclaimed. "You guys most definitely do." Allison said. "Oh whatever, Quidditch is important." Draco said. "I know, don't let father get in your head." I whispered to Draco. He just nodded. I know quidditch stresses Draco out more than it used to. It used to be fun for him. He enjoyed it. But now it was like a chore for him. Even when he won. And when he didn't, father got so angry. And it wasn't even his fault. Quidditch is a team sport but my father doesn't get that. The last time I brought it up to try and stop my father, he broke my collarbone. And it just made things worse for Draco. After every game he loses, Draco has to go home and face my father. Draco hates taking me with him but he has too because he can't apparate after. It's just so hard because quidditch used to bring Draco so much joy. He would get excited and my father ruined that for him too. My father has ruined Draco as a person. No matter how hard I try to keep him going, I can feel Draco breaking. He used to play piano too. My mother bought me a piano for christmas. Draco liked to play too. And he was amazing at it. But my father said music was for girls. Draco could only play when my father was gone. Then one day he came home early when Draco was playing, he broke both his hands. Draco hasn't touched the piano since. It's hard to see this happen to my twin. As a kid, he was different. But I guess there's only so much beating down a person can take before they just go numb.

Allison and I were getting ready for the quidditch game together. It was at night, but luckily it wouldn't be too cold. I brushed out my hair and put on some make up. Then I wore my white button up blouse and tie hanging around my neck. I tucked my shirt into my skirt and put on my thigh high tights and boots. Then I grabbed my coat and wand and we walked out. When I stepped out, there was a note taped to my door.

Veronica, Meet me in the slytherin locker room 30 minutes after the quidditch game is over. I have a surprise for you. -Mattheo Riddle

"That's strange, why didn't he just tell me?" I thought out loud. "It is a surprise." Allison said. I shrugged and tucked the note in my pocket. We walked down to the quidditch pitch and into the stands. "Do you see Mattheo?" I asked. She shook her head. I kept scanning the crowd but I didn't see him. "It's starting," Allison said, nudging me. We started to cheer as Draco and Blaise flew out on their brooms. Marcus flew over to the stands and hovered in front of me. "How about a kiss for luck?" he said. "How about you leave before I hex you off your broom?" I snapped. He just chuckled and flew off. The quidditch game was rather fast. Slytherin was in the lead. I could see Draco and Harry chasing after the snitch. Draco knocked Harry to the side and reached out. The next thing I knew everyone was cheering. "Draco Malfoy caught the snitch! Draco Malfoy caught the snitch! Slytherin wins!" the speaker boomed. I cheered and me and Allison hugged. We made our way down to the field and I hugged Draco. "I'm proud of you!" I said. He hugged me back. "Thanks little sis" he said. "You are literally only 11 minutes older than me." I said. I hugged Blaise too. "Good job." I said and he smiled. I smirked and he walked off with Blaise. They walked out of the locker rooms 15 minutes later and Theo and Enzo had met up with us. "Do you want me to wait with you?" Allison asked. "No, and don't tell Draco what I'm doing. He'll just get mad." I said. She nodded. I walked over to the locker rooms and stood by the door. I watched my brother and friends walk off into the distance. I waited and waited. I was just about to leave when he emerged. I felt the butterflies in my stomach. He smiled and all my nerves went away. I think I really really like him.

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