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"You know how the pureblood society works Veronica, don't act surprised." he said as he explained. "I know. I know all about the stupid hierarchy and how women are treated. I thought you were better than that. I thought you wanted me to be better than that." I said. He sighed. "I do. That's why I marked you, that's why I'm giving you the future I am. I want you to rule with me." he said. "So what you're saying is you want me to have power, but not too much. Are you afraid that with too much power, I might be stronger than you? Are you threatened?" I asked. He scoffed. "Please, who's training who." he asked. "Fine, then let's duel. Right here, right now." I said. He looked at me with surprise. "You aren't ready." he said. I rolled my eyes. "Or maybe you aren't. Are you scared Mattheo? Scared I'm not a damsel in distress anymore? Scared that maybe a woman might be more powerful?" I taunted. "You will never be more powerful than me." he spat. "Don't be so sure. God made Eve after Adam... a progression." I said. He smirked at me. "Fine. You want to duel. Let's duel. But I won't hold back." he said. I held my head high and smiled. "Neither will I." I said. Then I walked out and he followed me.

We went to the classroom where the dueling club takes place. Luckily, it was empty. I walked and we shut the doors. I silenced the room and locked us in so we wouldn't be disturbed. Mattheo turned the lights on and we stepped onto the long table. "Are you sure about this darling?" he asked. I smirked back at him. "I'm sure... darling." I said smugly. We raised our wands and bowed. Then we walked apart and faced each other. I fired the first spell. "Stupefy!" I yelled. He blocked it with the "Protego" spell. "Confringo" I said. He blocked it again. "Fight back." I snapped. He rolled his eyes. "Incarcerous" he said. I blocked it and fired again. "Rictumsempra" I yelled. He blocked it again. "Come on darling, let's be a bit more evil about this. You are a death eater in training." he called out. I glared at him but took his advice. "Fine. You want evil. I'll be evil." I yelled. My heart was beating quickly and I prayed he would block this spell. "Crucio," I said. Thankfully he blocked it. He looked at me with surprise. "That's my girl." he said. I smiled. "I'm sorry to do this love but you have to learn." he said. I cocked my head and before I could even think he spoke. "Sectumsempra" he yelled. A light flashed and it felt like my insides were being torn apart. Blood seeped through my clothes and I began to cough. "Mattheo, Mattheo please, I'm sorry, please make it stop." I cried. Tears mixed with sweat and I was shaking. He walked over and looked at me. "Do you understand now?" he asked. "Yes. Please make it stop." I said. I coughed blood and it dripped down my chin. He knelt down next to me and placed his wand on my chest. "Vulnera Sanentur" he said. He repeated the spell, almost as if he was singing it. The blood seeped back into my chest and the pain stopped. He sat down and pulled me into his arms. "I'm sorry love, I had to do it. You had to understand the darkness." he whispered. I cried into his shoulder and nodded. "I understand." I whispered. He stroked my hair and wiped the tears from my face. "Let's go back to my dorm and get you all cleaned up." he said. I nodded and he helped me up. We walked back to his dorm and he gave me fresh towels so I could shower. Then I pulled on underwear and a bralette and one of his t-shirts. I laid down in bed with him and he kissed me. "Are you alright?" he asked. I nodded. "I wasn't scared. I knew you wouldn't let me die." I said. He smiled. "Never." he whispered. I laid on his chest and traced circles on his skin. "Can you please tell me what happened?" I asked. He sighed. "It's going to bother you until you know isn't it?" he asked. I nodded. "Ok, I suppose." he said. He shut his eyes and sighed...


"Mattheo, how kind of you to join us." my father said. I nodded. "You requested my presence father, of course I'm here." I said. He nodded. "I would like an update of the Malfoy Twins." he asked. "Of course father. I'm training Veronica. She seems eager. Draco just wants to protect her. They are both talented wizards. I'm sure they will be of great use to you." I said. "Tell me about their loyalties. Where does it lie?" he asked. "Veronica's loyalty lies with me. And that extends to you. She wants to make her family proud." I said. "And the boy?" he asked. "Draco is loyal to Veronica. His main concern is protecting her. It always has been and it always will be." I said. "Tell me what you mean by that," he said. I sighed. "Draco will be loyal to you, as long as it's in Veronica's best interest. If serving you keeps her safe, he will do it. Veronica feels the same way about him. They both want to keep eachother safe. But Veronica also wants more." I said. "More?" he asked. "Power. She wants purpose." I said. He nodded. "She seems to be a very special girl considering the amount of people she has risking everything to protect her." he said, giving me a stone cold stare. "Yes father." I said. "Is that why you marked her? You also want to protect her?" he asked. My face fell. "Yes. I know about that. Did you think I wouldn't find out?" he snapped. "No father. I didn't know she was going to be my person." I said. "Have you slept with her?" he asked. I was silent. "Answer me!" he roared. "Yes." I mumbled. "Of course. So while I have trusted you with some responsibility you use it to get some action. Pathetic." he spat. "I'm sorry." I said quietly. "I suppose I should be grateful she is a pureblood. Are you planning to marry her?" he asked. "Yes father. I marked her so you know what that means." I said. "Yes. Soulmates." he said in a disgusted voice. "I'm sorry father. I didn't mean for it-" I started. "Silence!" he yelled. Two death eaters walked over and grabbed me. "Since you want to mark people so bad, let's mark people." he said in an evil voice. He pulled out a knife and walked over. The death eaters held my arms in a tight grip and my father ripped my shirt open. He sliced across my chest and I screamed. Then they threw me to the floor and my father gave me a death stare. "You need to do better. You are the dark lord's son, do not disappoint me again." he spat. I nodded and he walked off.


"He was just upset about some grades. Don't worry about it." he said. I nodded. "You're sure you're ok?" he asked. I nodded again. 'I'm fine. I knew you wouldn't let me die. I understand why you did it. Ok?" I said. He nodded. "Are you ok?" I asked. "Yes, I'm fine. Let's go to sleep." he said. I kissed him and laid down. He wrapped his arms around me and I dozed off.


Name: Tom Riddle Played By: Tom Hughes(Mattheo Riddles Father)I decided to make Voldemort human instead of how he looked in the movies

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Name: Tom Riddle
Played By: Tom Hughes
(Mattheo Riddles Father)
I decided to make Voldemort human instead of how he looked in the movies. I feel it makes more sense because Mattheo looks human.

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