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"Because...he knows." Mattheo said. My heart stopped. "He's going to kill us...right?" I asked. "No. I mean- he knows there's a spy. But he doesn't know it's us." he said. I exhaled a shaky breath as Mattheo took my hands. "But he'll find out. We need to be gone by the time he does." he said. "I can't." I said. "Veronica!" he exclaimed. "I didn't do this to bail at the last minute. I can't stop until he's dead. Until Potter wins." I said. "Then what? We go to Azkaban and never see each other again?" he asked. I blinked back tears and shook my head. "No, just me." I said. "No! Are you mad? You've gone mad!" he said. "No, love. If I go to Azkaban, I'll be given a life sentence. If you go, they'll give you a dementor's kiss. You'll die." I said. "I don't care. If I lose you, I'll be dead anyway." he said. I forced a smile. "Please, Mattheo. I don't want to fight. Please." I said. "No, I-" he started. "I need you to keep my friends safe, keep Draco safe." I said. He paused. "Promise me." I said. He nodded. "I promise." he said.

"Now what?" I asked. "We need my father to think us still loyal." he said. "So...we report to him, right?" I asked. He sighed. "Unfortunately...yes." he said. I nodded. "Wait- first, let's get our friends from the dungeons." I said. He nodded. We took each other's hands and apparated to the dungeons. "Finally, it took you long enough." Draco said as I drew my wand. I pointed it at the lock and spoke. "Bombarda Maxima." I said. The lock exploded and the cage door fell. Everyone stared at Mattheo and I. "So what's the plan?" Theo asked. Mattheo and I exchanged looks. "I'm assuming you have one?" he added. "Yes- um...right. You guys take the first, second, third, fourth and fifth years. They're too young for this. Take them to the secret passages and out of the school." I said. "All of them?" Allison asked hesitantly. "Yes. I don't care what color their tie is, all of them." I snapped. They nodded and started to lead the kids away. "Alright. And I'll stay with you guys." Draco said. "No. Go with them, where it's safe." I said. "Yeah right. I'm staying with you." he said. I sighed. "Fine. But we're reporting to Voldemort." I said. He groaned. "Fan-fucking-tastic." he grumbled. "And he knows there's a spy." Mattheo said. "But he doesn't know it's us." I added. "Oh even better." Draco said.

Then we made our way up to the entrance of the castle and it was madness. There were people running everywhere, bumping into each other, curses and spells flying, debris falling, glass shattering, screaming, and then I saw the first death eater. We blocked his path and the second his eyes settled, he bowed his head. "Where's my father?" Mattheo asked. "The edge of the grounds. On the other side of the forbidden forest." he said. We nodded. Within seconds, we had apparated and were standing in front of him. "Well, well, well...look what we have here." he said. "Hello father." Mattheo said. "My Lord," I said, bowing my head. "My Lord," Draco said as he bowed his head too. "I must say you two have had an exciting week." he said looking at us. "My Lord?" I asked. "I know you were taken from Malfoy Manor by Potter and his fools." he said. "Yes, My Lord. I was. But Mattheo saved me." I said. "I heard that as well." he said. "If this has anything to do with rumors of a spy-" I started. "They aren't rumors. I saw the memories of the chosen one. Someone has been committing treason." he said. "You know where my loyalties lie." I said. "Do I?" he questioned. "Yes. I am loyal to your son, your cause and most of all...you." I said. He smirked. "Very well. But can you say the same for those friends of yours?" he asked. "Yes, father. None of them would dare cross you." Mattheo said. "Not even the pretty little one, Miss De La Cruz?" he asked. Draco tensed up. "No, my Lord. She understands and accepts her duties." Draco said quickly. He nodded.

"Very well. I'm not worried, the spies' identity will be revealed and when it is...they'll face the consequences." he said. We all nodded. "What would you like us to do, father?" Mattheo asked. "Stay here. I sent in the lowest level death eaters, snatchers, and a few other allies to soften the battenfield. Then when they are weakest, we'll go in for what we truly want." he said. "Potter." I stated. "Correct." he said. "And the others?" I asked. "What others?" he asked. "The neutrals. Neither death eaters nor members of the order. The children." I said. "There's a plan in place for them." he said. I just nodded. I don't think I want to know...ever.

The waiting was the worst part. My heart was pounding in my chest and I felt ill. I stood there holding Mattheo's hand in my right hand and Draco's hand in my left. I watched as the world I once knew was set ablaze and came crumbling down. I fought back tears as the quidditch arena was engulfed in flames and the bridge exploded. Hogwarts was my home. Everything I once knew, every sense of safety and comfort that brought me was gone. Destroyed. It can't be for nothing. I watched the minutes tick by on my watch and soon enough it had been an hour. The Dark Lord's breath started to quicken and I watched Nagini curl up next to him. "He feels something." Mattheo whispered. The Dark Lord clutched his chest as he tried to force the air in his lungs. I watched as blood began to seep from his nose and ears and he wiped it away. Then I felt Draco's voice in my head. "He's dying." Draco said. "We don't know that." I replied. "Can't you feel it. That pain on your arm is fading. He's fading." he said. I glanced over at him and just shook my head. "My Lord-" one of his death eaters started. All of the sudden, he whipped out the Elder wand and spoke. "Avada Kedavra!" he yelled. The green light flashed and the body hit the ground. I flinched and I felt Mattheo squeeze my hand. "Don't show any fear." he whispered. I nodded. "Come Nagini, I need to keep you safe." he said. Then he was gone.

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