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So much for our fun casual day. I was in the bathroom and Allison walked in. "His options sucked V, you have to admit." she said. "I'm not upset about that. I'm pissed that Draco is trying to fuck with us. He knows how Mattheo gets. It's bad when you bring up his father." I said. She nodded. "But seriously? He would marry Pansy?" I said. "He would probably kill her just like you would kill Weaslebee." she said and I laughed. Then someone banged on the door. Allison opened it and Blaise stood there panting for breath. "What?" she said. "They are actually going to kill each other." he said. It was Draco and Mattheo. I didn't doubt that. Blaise led us outside and behind the building. Mattheo stood there and his face was bloody. Draco was on the floor, bloody too. Mattheo had his wand pointed at him. "Give me one reason I shouldn't kill you right here." Mattheo said. "Expelliarmus" I said and Mattheo wand flew to my hand. "Get up Draco." I snapped. He stood up and I stormed over and faced both of them. "What is wrong with you two? Rolling around in the snow like schoolboys. Beating eachother up, threatening to kill each other. I'm about this far from hexing you both into next week." I yelled. They stood there silent. "It was his fault." Draco said. "Are you fucking joking with me right now?! Please tell me your joking." I said. "This whole mess started because he marked you." he said. "Woah, Riddle marked you?" Blaise asked. "Are you serious?" Theo asked. "You didn't tell us?" Allison asked. "Yes. I don't tell you guys everything for a reason. Now all of you leave." I said. They recognized my anger and walked off. "I marked her because you couldn't protect her. You are weak just like your father." he said. "Stop it!" I yelled. Draco grabbed his collar and slammed him against the wall. Mattheo just grabbed him and flipped the script.

"See you can't even protect yourself

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"See you can't even protect yourself. How can I trust you to keep her safe?" he yelled. "Stop it! Let him go!" I yelled pulling on his arm. He just pushed me away. "I've kept her safe for 15 years. I can handle it." he said. "Really because I've seen the scars. I've seen her father carving into her while you do nothing. So really tell me how you protect her? Huh? Tell me?" he yelled. Draco's face fell. "Mattheo stop. Please. It's not his fault." I said. Tears filled my eyes but I pushed them away. "Yes, it is. He should've protected you. He should've kept you safe. But no. He let your father abuse you, he let Marcus abuse you. He didn't save you from getting raped-" he started and I lost it. "And neither did you!" I screamed. He froze and let go of Draco. "Nobody saved me from that. And I know you both wish you did, but you didn't and it's not your fault." I said. "Yes it is, I should've-" Draco started. "If you can't say it's not your fault then how can you say it's not mine?" I asked. He stopped. "It's different." he said. "No. No, it's not." I said. There was silence. "I need a break." I said. "What?" Mattheo said. "I just need space. From both of you. I love you both so much. But I need you to realize that I don't need you to save me and you don't get to make decisions for me. I'm going home." I said. "Like hell you are." Draco said. "Relax. Fathers at work until tonight. I just want to see mom." I said. "I don't like it." Mattheo said. "Like I said not even 5 seconds ago, it's not up to you. I'll see you when I get back." I said. Then I started to leave. "And try not to kill each other while I'm gone." I said. I walked back to Hogwarts and went to my dorm. I changed into some slacks and a sweater. Then I used the potkey. I landed outside the Manor and walked inside. I heard a crack and Barry appeared before me. "Barry was not expecting young Miss Malfoy today. Barry wonders why she is here?" he said. "I'm just here to see mum." I said. "Barry will take you to her." he said and he led me through the house. My mother sat in the living room. "Veronica, what are you doing here?" she asked as she pulled me into an embrace. I sighed and sat down. She poured me tea and I began to talk. "Draco is driving me nuts and Mattheo is just... I don't know. They both hate each other and they think they need to save me." I said. She smiled. "If there's one thing men love more than money and sex, it's a damsel in distress." she said. "But I'm not a damsel." I said. "I know dear. Sometimes it takes time for them to see that. They'd rather save you, then try to save themselves." she said. I nodded. "Bloody hell, it's annoying." I said and she laughed. Mother and I talked more and the next thing I knew it was night. She was telling me about this new clothing shop when I heard the door open. My veins iced and my heart stopped. "Narcissa, I'm back" my father called out. We both stood up as he walked in. He looked at us and smirked. "Mother-daughter time I see?" he said. "I was just leaving." I said, trying to hurry out. He gripped my arm tightly. "What about me dear? Don't you want to see how I am? Especially after your boyfriend's brutal assault." he said in a mocking tone. "Why don't you just be glad he didn't kill you because if you hurt me again... he will." I threatened. He slapped me across the face and my hand went to my cheek. "I doubt that. He can't protect you now, he's not here." he said grabbing my throat. "He doesn't need to be." I said. I pulled my wand and pointed it at him. "What are you going to do? Hex me?" he taunted. "No. But Mattheo is training me. He wants me to be prepared to take the dark mark and serve him and his father." I said. Their faces fell. "Yes, it seems you two forgot to mention that to me and Draco." I said. I backed my father up against a wall. "Don't worry. I volunteered. And Draco won't be taking the mark. You've ruined his life enough. I think Mattheo and I can rule the world on our own just fine." I said digging my wand into his neck. "Veronica dear, you aren't actually excited about this are you?" she asked. "For once in my life, a man respects me. He wants me to have power. Mattheo is the best thing that's ever happened to me. So yes mum, I do want this." I said. She walked away and my heart sank a little. I thought she would understand. After being abused by my father, wouldn't she take this chance if she had it? "Veronica!" Mattheo called out. He ran in with his wand drawn. His eyes fell on me with my wand pointed at my father and he smirked. "Well, how the tables have turned." he said. "Veronica dear, I think it's time for another lesson." he said. I smiled. "Which lesson would that be?" I asked. "The cruciatus curse." he said. My face fell. "What?" I said. "You have to learn eventually and he deserves it. After everything he's done to you, to Draco, to your mother." he said. I stared at my father. "Mattheo, I can't. I don't know. I just-" I started. "Tell me, has he ever done it to you?" he asked. I nodded. "Can you do it or should I train Draco instead? I need to know now Veronica." he said. I nodded. My father just laughed. "She's weak. She'll never do it. She's pathetic and weak and-" he started but he stopped when the screams began. I broke the spell and my father was curled up on the floor. Tears filled my eyes. Was this really what I was becoming? Mattheo clapped. "Good girl." he said as he took my hand. "Have a wonderful evening Lucius." he said then we apparated. We landed back in his dorm and the tears fell. Mattheo pulled me into his arms and I cried. "I'm sorry. I know he deserves it. I just- maybe I am weak." I cried. He sat down on the bed and pulled me into his lap. "It's ok." he said. I nodded. "It's hard to do it. Even to someone as horrible as your father. It's because even though he's bad, part of you is still good. And I want that for you." he whispered. "But I want the mark. I want to be with you." I said quickly. He moved a blonde lock behind my ear. "And you will. I just want you to remember that no matter how dark you go, you can still have part of being good." he said, pressing his hand to my heart. I nodded and kissed him. Then we laid down. "I cried my first time too. It'll get easier. Just think of us when you're doing it. Think of us ruling the world together." he said. I nodded and we fell asleep tangled in eachothers arms.

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