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"Where is she?" I yelled. He just smirked. "I'm not sure what you mean son." he said innocently. "You bastard! Where is she?" I yelled. I drew my wand and pointed it at me. The death eaters stood up reaching for their wands but my father held up his hand and stopped them. "Go ahead, try it." he taunted. I glared at him. "I warned you. I warned you of what would happen if you harmed her." I said fiercely. "I didn't harm her," he said. As if that loophole will work. "Then I'll kill whoever did." I replied. He scoffed. "Tell me where she is." I said. Then I heard it.

That scream. Her scream. I gave him a death stare. "One day, you'll pay for this." I said. Then I stormed off. I ran as fast as I could towards the cellar. "Alohomora" I said and I went inside.

It was horrifying. Draco was tied to the beam. There was blood drying on his face and dirt and tears on his shirt. Sweat covered his body and he was shaking. Then I saw them. 5 men. They held Veronica down and kissed and groped at her body. She was crying and screaming as she tried to fight them off. Her shirt and her bra was in shreds on the floor and her skirt had a tear in the side.

I have never been more furious in my life. "Immobulus" I yelled. All five men dropped to the ground, unable to move. Veronica was so scared she froze. I ignored the men for a moment and knelt down in front slowly. "Veronica-" I said softly. She looked up with fear in her eyes. "Mattheo, is it really you?" she asked. I smiled. "I'm here. You're safe now." I said. She hugged me and I held her close. "Draco?" she said frantically. "It's ok. I'll help him." I said. I pulled off my blazer and wrapped it around her. She held it closed so she was covered. Then we both went over to Draco. She exhaled slowly.


I pulled the blazer close over my body and stood up with Mattheo. Then we rushed over to Draco. Mattheo freed his wrists and caught him as he began to collapse. "Woah, hold on-" Mattheo said. He lowered him to the ground gently. I stared at my brother and held his hand. "You're gonna be ok, Draco. It's ok now." I whispered. He didn't say anything. He could barely keep his eyes open. I looked at Mattheo. "He'll be ok, right?" I asked. "After we heal him, yes," he said. He levitated him out of the cellar and to his room. Mattheo left and returned with my mother. "Veronica!" she exclaimed as she pulled me into an embrace. "I'm sorry mum, I couldn't help him. I tried but-" I started. "It's alright dear. It's not your fault." she whispered. Then she began to work on Draco. I went to my room and put on clothes. I put on a blouse and slacks with some flats. Then I went back to Draco's room. My mother walked over and I sat down.

"He's ok. He's just resting." she said. I nodded. "What are his injuries?" I asked. She sighed. "He has multiple broken ribs, a bruised lung, a broken wrist, and major blood loss." she said. My heart sank and I just nodded again. Then Mattheo walked back in. I stood up and hugged him.

"You came for me." I said. He smiled. "I always will," he said. I kissed him and he pulled me close to him. Then we pulled apart. "What's wrong?" he asked. I was angry. I was angry that I was hurt, violated, abused... again. "Is it those men? I locked them in the cellar. They can't escape." he said. "It's not that." I said. "What is it? Tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it." he said. I looked at Draco in the bed. They did this. To me, to Draco. They deserve to suffer. Suffer like us. I looked back at Mattheo.

"I want them to bleed." I said darkly. Mattheo looked at me and his mouth curled into a smirk.

"Let's go." he said. I took his hand and we walked to the cellar. The door shut and I stared at the men. They were tied up like my brother was. Mattheo waved his wand and they woke up.

"What the fuck do you want?" one spat. Mattheo looked at me for approval and I nodded.

"You shouldn't have touched her." he said darkly. He walked closer to the ringleader. "She deserved it. That slut-" he started. "Crucio," Mattheo said. The man began to thrash in pain. I watched with a blank look on my face. I was numb. "I'll say it again. You shouldn't have touched her." he repeated. Then the spells stopped. All of the sudden, waved his wand and the throats of the other 4 men were slit. They began to bleed and choke as they tried to breathe. My stomach flipped and I stared at Mattheo. He still looked furious. The last death eater stared in horror.

"You fucking-" he started. Then Mattheo did the unthinkable. He plunged his hand into the man's chest and ripped out his heart. I stared at it as the blood dripped down his hand and onto the floor. He looked at the men and turned around. "Let's go Veronica," he said plainly. I didn't look again as I followed him. He walked into the dining room and his father and the other death eaters were still there. Mattheo tossed the man's heart on the table in front of his father. Everyone's eyes fell on us. I stood next to Mattheo and took his hand. The thick, sticky blood coated my hand too but I didn't care.

"What is the meaning-" The Dark Lord started. "I told you not to harm Veronica or her brother. Let this serve as a warning. If you do so again, I will not hesitate to kill every man who serves you." Mattheo spat. Voldemort stared at him and he almost looked proud. "The other four men you told to torture us are downstairs. They most likely just finished bleeding out. Have one of your loyal servants clean it up." Mattheo said. Then we walked out.

I suppose I should have known we couldn't do this without getting our hands a little dirty.

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