Ch. 8

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The next morning

Last night I fell asleep with Aarons sweatshirt on. It was so comfortable that I didn't want to take it off. When I wake up I go downstairs to make a bowl of cereal and look through my phone. I see that I have a text from Hailey that reads:

Hailey- 1:45 right?

Me- Yep

Hailey- Ok. See you then

I then go to my text conversation with Aaron and I text him:

Me- Can't wait to see you today

Me- Hailey and I will be at yours and Emma's house around 2.

Aaron answers right away with:

Aaron♡- I can't wait to see you either. I'll see you then<3

OMG! He just sent "<3" does that mean he loves me. Maybe Hailey was right, maybe he does love me.

Aaron♡- Oh and pack that black bikini I love so much.

I chuckle and send him a thumbs up.

1:30 PM

Hailey- Omw be there in 15

I go upstairs and start to pack up my black bikini and all the stuff I need to spend the night. Before I know it, Hailey knocks on the door. I open the door and see Hailey's mom in the car. "Hey Mrs. Davis." "Hi Sarah. So, you are taking Hailey to the sleepover and bringing her home." "Yes. I can bring her here and you can pick her up when convenient." "Okay, that works for me." "Bye mom." "Bye Hailey Bailey." "Oh my gosh," Hailey says with complete embarrassment on her face. I can't help but laugh. "Hailey Bailey?" "Shut up. Never mention that to anyone." "I won't I promise." Hailey and I walk inside. "Does your mom know Aaron and Adam are going to be there?" "No and she never will." We get to the living room and Hailey asks, "Are you still wearing Aaron's hoodie?" "Yeah. Why?" "I just didn't know if you would or not." "Oh, I have something to tell you." "What is it?" Hailey asks. "Aaron sent me this." I show her the text I got from Aaron this morning. "OMG, he sent you a fucking heart!" "What do you think it means?" "I think it means he loves you." "I think so too, but I'm not 100% sure." "I think you should talk to him." "Okay, I will." I notice that it's 1:50 PM. "Ready to go?" "Yeah, let's do it." I grab my stuff and we head out. We put our bags in the trunk and get in the car. We head over to Emma's house.

When we get there, I see that Adam's car is in the front so I park behind him. "Before we go in, I want to say this, please to do not have sex with Aaron tonight" Hailey states. "Where did that come from?! Aaron and I are not going to have sex tonight!" "Okay, but what are you guys going to do tonight?" "We aren't going to do anything. I promise." Hailey gives me a look that she does not believe me. "Okay, I can't promise we won't do anything, but we won't do anything stupid. How's that?" "Okay, now I believe you." I roll my eyes and we get out of the car. Hailey rings the doorbell and before the door gets answered I say, "Oh and by the way, Emma thinks Adam likes you." Before Hailey can say anything, Emma opens the door and we walk in. "Hey, you guys. You can put your stuff in my room and change into your bathing suits in either my room or the bathroom. Aaron and Adam are already outside so you don't have to worry about them coming in or anything." "Okay. Thanks," I say as Hailey and I go upstairs. We get to Emma's room and change into our bathing suits. I put on the bathing suit Aaron told me to bring. Hailey looks at me and says, "So, Emma thinks Adam has a crush on me. Why the hell would she think that?" "Because Aaron and I were talking one night and Aaron called Adam to tell him that we were dating, your name came up, and Emma heard your name. She asked why they were talking about you and Aaron said that Adam likes you." "So, does that mean Adam and I have to be all lovey dovey?" "No, you guys aren't dating. Emma may just ask you about Adam and I wanted you to be prepared." "Okay, thanks."

Once we are both ready, we go downstairs and see Adam in the kitchen. "Hailey, Sarah." "Adam," Hailey says. We grab towels from the laundry room and head outside. I see Aaron in the water and Emma is sitting on a lawn chair by the edge. Hailey and I walk down the steps and join Emma. The 3 of us lie down and take in the sun. Adam then walks out with a glass of lemonade and Hailey says, "Hey Adam can I have a sip of that?" "Yeah sure," He responds. She takes a sip and Emma's jaw drops. Adam gets in the water and Hailey leans over to me and whispers, "Aaron has not stopped staring at you since we got here." "I know." I then say out loud. "I think I'm going to get in the water." I then walk to the edge and jump in. When I come up Aaron is nowhere to be found. Where the hell is he? All of a sudden, I get dragged underwater. When I come up for air I see Aaron and splash water in his face. "What the hell?!" Aaron just laughs and I splash more water in his face. "What's going on?" Emma asks. "Your idiot brother dragged me underwater." I turn to face Aaron and wink at him. He smiles and we both look back at Emma. "Aaron, why are you doing this to my friends?" "Oh, come on, I'm just having a little fun. Stop being so protective of your friends." "What the hell is wrong with you!" Emma yells. I look at Aaron and mouth the word stop. He nods his head and says, "You know what, your right. I'll stop." "Thank you. I'm going to get water do you guys want anything." I shake my head no and Hailey says, "I'll have a water." Emma gets up and heads inside. "Hailey, is the coast clear?" Aaron asks. She looks and nods her head. "You have about 2-3 minutes." Before Hailey finishes her sentence, Aaron grabs me and kisses me. "I fucking missed you. You were killing me in that black bikini." "You're the one that told me to wear it." "I know. I thought I could resist, but turns out I can't." I laugh and kiss him again. "She's coming back," Hailey says. Aaron and I pull away. He swims to Adam and I swim to Hailey. "Thank you," I say. "Anytime." Emma comes back and hands Emma the water. "I think I'm going to get in the water," Emma says and gets in. I push her underwater and she comes up splashing my in the face. "I fucking hate you," she says while laughing. Hailey then jumps in and the five of us mess around.

After swimming for a bit, I decide to get out. "Hey Emma, do you have any hot dogs?" I ask. "I know that is a weird question, but I have a craving for a hot dog," I add. "Um...I don't know." "I'm actually going inside. I can help you find one, if you want?" I turn around and see Aaron. Adam and Hailey silently laugh and I smile. "Um...yeah sure." I walk behind Aaron not to make anything look suspicious. Aaron then opens the door and holds it for me. Once we get inside I open the fridge, but can't find the hot dogs. "Where are they?" I ask. "Um...I think they are in the garage fridge." "Okay." We head to the garage and once the door closes Aaron pins me to the wall and kisses me with so much passion that butterflies form in my stomach. He then lifts me and I wrap my legs around his waist. I then start to kiss his neck and he moans, "Fuck." I suck on his neck knowing it will leave a hickey. "Babygirl, you are going to leave a hickey." "Yeah, I know." "Won't Emma notice?" "I don't think so. She would notice a hickey on my neck more than a hickey on your neck." "You have a point." I continue to kiss his neck and pull away after a little bit. "Do you still want that hot dog?" "No, I'll actually have one later," I say and then wink. He smiles and kisses me again. "I have something to tell you though" I say really nervous. "What is it?" "I...I think I'm falling in love with you." "You think you are?" "I know I am." "You love me?" The way he asked that made my heart melt. "Yeah, I do. I love you." A smile appears on his face and he says, "I love you too." I smile and he kisses me again. He then puts me down and says, "We should probably go back outside. They might be wondering where we are." "Yeah, we should probably go back." We leave the garage and walk back to the kitchen. When we get outside Hailey asks, "What took you guys so long?" "We couldn't find the hot dogs in the main fridge so we went to the garage fridge and once we found everything, Sadie over here decided she didn't want a hot dog. So, we had to put everything back." "That sounds like something she would do" Emma says. Aaron then walks back to Adam and I walk back to Hailey and Emma.

After a few minutes Hailey, Emma, and I decide to go inside and change. Adam and Aaron stay outside, but I can tell that Aaron is staring at me. When we get to Emma's room Hailey and I decide to change in the bathroom. "What happened when you and Aaron went to 'get a hot dog'. went into the garage and made out, I gave him a hickey, and I told him that I loved him." "OMG! You told him you loved him! What did he say?" "When I told him, he smiled and said, 'I love you too.'" "OMG! This is huge!" "Shhhh! Emma, can't find out." Once Hailey and I change we go back to Emma's room. So far today has been amazing. I can't believe we said "I love you" to each other. I love Aaron I really do and it makes me happy to know that he loves me too.

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