Ch. 13

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Right as I get off the phone with Aaron my mom calls me.

Me: Hello?

Mom: Hi sweetie. I wanted to give you a call. I know that we left on a bad note so to make it up to you, your dad and I wanted to let you, Hailey, and Emma stay at fancy resort in Malibu for the weekend next weekend. Everything is already paid for and the 3 of you can have fun and go to the spa there. Is that okay?

Me: Are you serious?!

Mom: Yes, I am.

Me: OMG wow! That sounds amazing! Thank you!

Mom: Of course. And your father and I are really sorry for how things were when we left.

Me: I get it. I'm sorry for the way I acted. This summer has actually taught me a lot about myself.

Mom: Well that's good. So, you girls have fun. I will email you all the information about this weekend.

Me: Thanks mom.

Mom: Of course.

I hang up and Hailey and I go downstairs. Emma is already outside with the lemonade on the table. "What took you guys so long?" "I was on the phone with my mom and Hailey was going to the bathroom." "Oh, okay. What did your mom want?" "She and my dad feel bad about the way they left that they got us an all-expense paid spa weekend at a fancy resort for the 3 of us." "OMG really?!" Hailey asks. "Yep. So, we have something to do this weekend." "That is going to be so much fun," Emma and Hailey both say. "I know right." A spa weekend is exactly what Hailey, Emma, and I need before I tell Emma that Aaron and I are dating.

The 3 of us swim for a few hours and then decide to watch After. I love that movie and the entire book series. After we finish the movie we order Postmates. Once we finish eating Emma says, "Let's call Adam." "Now?" Hailey asks. I can tell she is really nervous. "Yeah, let's do it." Hailey grabs her phone and calls Adam.

Adam: Hello?

Hailey: Hey Adam, I um... I want to tell you something.

Adam: Um, okay? What is it?

Hailey: I, um... I like you.

Adam: Wait really?

Hailey: Yeah.

Adam: Wow, um... I kind of like you too.

Hailey: Really?!

Adam: Yeah. Would you want to go out when I get back in 2 weeks?

Hailey: Yes, I would love that!

Adam: Okay I will see you then.

Hailey: Okay! Bye.

Adam: Bye.

Hailey hangs up and all of us start to scream. I thought Adam was going to tell her he didn't like her that way. "Hailey, do you know what this means?! You are the first one in our group to have a boyfriend!" Hailey and I look at each other knowing that's not true. We then decide to watch Netflix for a little bit.
After watching Big Mouth until 3 in the morning Emma decides to go to sleep and I text Aaron.

Me- You up?

After waiting for 15 minutes I figure he is asleep and I put my phone down and go to sleep too. When I wake up at noon I see a missed call from Aaron. I go downstairs to see that Emma and Hailey are watching FRIENDS. "Hey, you're finally up," Emma says as her and Hailey lean over the edge of the couch. "Want to join us?" Hailey asks. I so badly want to sit with them and watch but I say, "I'm actually going to sit outside for a little bit and make a phone call." "Okay, enjoy," Emma says turning back to the TV. I go outside, sit on the edge of the pool, and call Aaron.

Aaron: Hey.

Me: Hey, sorry I missed your call this morning. I was dead asleep.

Aaron: I figured you were. You woke up late.

Me: I know. I never sleep this late. I miss you.

Aaron: I miss you too.

Me: So, about last night. I didn't know Adam was going to actually ask Hailey out on a date.

Aaron: I didn't either. Do you think they will actually go on that date?

Me: I don't know. Knowing them they won't if it is to help us cover up our secret, but they are full of surprises.

Aaron: They really are.

Me: I can't wait for you to come home.

Aaron: I can't wait to come home either. Only 13 more days until I get to see your gorgeous face.

Me: I can't wait. So, my mom called me.

Aaron: Oh my gosh, are you okay?

Me: Yeah. She said that her and my dad feel bad about leaving me alone again this summer so they got me, Hailey, and Emma a spa weekend next weekend at a fancy resort in Malibu.

Aaron: Wow! That's amazing. I wish my parents would do something like that for me.

Me: They will at some point.

Aaron: I don't think they will.

Me: Why not?

Aaron: Because you are an only child and I have a twin sister. My parents would have to pay for both me and Emma.

Me: That makes sense. I'm sorry. I wish you were here so I could take you.

Aaron: I wish you could take me too, but this is good. You should spend some time with Emma and Hailey before school starts in 6 weeks.

Me: Yeah, your right. It would also be good for me and Emma to get to spend some time together before I tell her that we are dating.

Aaron: You're going to tell her?!

Me: Yeah, but I'm going to wait for you to come back home. I don't really want to tell her by myself.

Aaron: I get it. I would be happy to be there for you when you tell her.

Me: Thank you. I love you.

Aaron: I love you too. What are you going to do today?

Me: I don't know. We probably won't do anything, but watch TV and plan out the weekend. What about you?

Aaron: Adam and I are going play video games today.

Me: You are at a lake house for 2 weeks...

Aaron: 13 more days.

Me: Okay fine, 13 more days and you decide to play video games when there is a lake right outside.

Aaron: Yep.

Me: Unbelievable.

Aaron: What's so wrong with that?

Me: If I were you guys I would want to be outside and have fun on Adam's dad's boat.

Aaron: You may have a point.

Me: Yeah, I know. But let me guess you are still going to play video games today.

Aaron: Yep. Well Adam is calling for me to come down stairs. I'll call you later. I love you.

Me: I love you too. I'll talk to you later.

I hang up and go back inside. I grab the remote from Emma and she asks, "What are you doing?" "Can we watch Phineas and Ferb?" "Yes. I miss that show." Hailey says looking up from her phone. I hand Emma the remote again and sit next to Hailey. She leans over and whispers, "So how's Aaron." "Shut up. But he's good. Him and Adam are going to play video games all day." "What?! They are at a lake house and decide to play video games the whole time." "That's what I said." Hailey leans back to where she was before so Emma doesn't get suspicious. The 3 of us watch Phineas and Ferb for a few hours and then we go back up to Emma's room. We plan out what we are going to do over the weekend and then Hailey and I pack up our stuff. Hailey leaves around 5 and I leave around 5:30. Last night was fun, but it was hard for me not to tell Emma. I need to tell her before it kills me.

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