Ch. 17

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Aaron parks the car in front of my house and he turns to look at me. "I know, this sucks and I am so sorry for everything. You don't deserve any of this right now." "Yes, I do. This is all my fault." "No, it's not. It's OUR fault." I chuckle and he grabs my hand. "That's the smile I love to see." "Our parents could not have come at a worse time," I say. "Yeah they really couldn't have. If you don't want to go in and face them I totally understand." "No, we can go in, but I don't really want to talk to them, because they are going to ask me what's wrong and I don't think I can tell them without crying," I say, while crying. Aaron hugs me and I cry in his arms. We get out of the car, Aaron grabs my hand, and says, "If they ask you anything I will take care of it, I promise." "Thank you." Aaron opens the door and I run upstairs. I sit at the top of the stairs so I can hear what they are saying. "Hey Aaron, is everything okay?" my mom asks. "Um, actually not really. Emma and Sarah got in a really big argument and one thing led to another and Emma told Sarah she doesn't want to be friends with her anymore." All the parents gasp. "What was the argument about?" Mrs. Coleman asks. I text Aaron telling him that he can say what it was about. "Well, so, you might want to sit down for this." I come downstairs and the 6 of us sit at the dinner table. "Do you want to tell it, or do you want me too?" Aaron asks looking at me. "You can," I say all sad trying not to cry.

"So, the night you guys left things got interesting. While Emma was asleep, Sarah got hungry so she went down the get a snack. I was hungry too so I did the same thing. We starting talking and one thing led to another and we became boyfriend and girlfriend." "Aww, you guys have had a crush on each other for years," my mom and Mrs. Coleman said. "Wait, but don't the girls have a pact about dating exes and each other's siblings?" Mr. Coleman asks. "Yes, we do, or well, we did," I say looking at the table. Aaron continues with, "We decided we wanted to tell someone so Sarah told Hailey and I told Adam. They were happy for us and agreed that we should keep our relationship a secret from Emma in fear of what she would do. Throughout the summer Sarah and I kept our relationship a secret from Emma and everyone else. Near the end of the summer it was eating Sarah alive that she was keeping this secret from Emma. She knew she needed to tell her, she just didn't know how. That was until today. We were going to talk to her tonight, but because it was eating Sarah alive she came to my room for some help. After I helped her, we um, kissed and Emma saw." "Oh no. I wonder what was going on in her head when she saw that?" my mom asks. "I don't know, but Emma ran down the hall. Sarah followed and I was right behind her. Emma stopped in the living room and the 2 of them got into a heated argument. Sarah told Emma that we have been dating for 2 months and she did not take it well at all. Emma asked if anyone knew about us and Sarah told her that Hailey and Adam did. Emma was furious and felt like Sarah and Hailey didn't care about the pact they made freshman year or their friendship. Sarah told Emma that they did care about their friendship, which is why they kept our relationship a secret so they could still stay friends and Emma said to Sarah, 'Well that didn't work, because we are no longer friends.' Emma then ran up the stairs and Sarah fell apart. So, I decided to take her home." "Then why do you have your backpack?" my dad asks. Oh no. This is not going to end well. "Dad, I asked him to stay with me because I didn't want to be alone tonight and I know that you and mom are here, but it's not the same. Can he please stay the night?" My dad looks at Aaron, then at my mom, and then back at Aaron. "I guess he can stay the night." "Thank you." "Mom, dad can I stay with Sarah tonight?" "Yes of course sweetie. Stay as long as you need." Aaron and his parents get up and he hugs them. I hug my parents and then hug Aaron. "Well, I guess we should go check on your sister. Thank you for letting us go on the cruise with you guys." "Of course, we should do it every year. Once the kids leave for college of course," my mom says knowing how them leaving this year affected me. Our parents hug each other and Aaron and I go up to my room. Once we get to my room I begin to cry and Aaron hugs me. I feel so safe in his arms. I never want to leave them. I know that what Emma said about him breaking my heart isn't true because I know Aaron loves me and he knows that I love him too. 

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