Ch. 32

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It's finally Friday and we have a pep rally today for our first home football game. The drill team always performs at pep rallies so I am very excited to blow the whistle in front of everyone. We are performing our pep rally routine to a mashup of Beyoncé's Crazy in Love and Single Ladies. This is one of my favorite pep rally routines in my 4 years on the team. It's lunch time and I get my makeup and hair done as fast as I can so I can get lunch and see Aaron before he has to go back to class. We unfortunately, have different lunches, he has A lunch and I have C lunch. I love C lunch when we have a pep rally because with C lunch I have a little more time to get ready. All of a sudden, all the girls come into the locker room to get ready for the pep rally. We all get ready and before we know it, it is time for the pep rally.

Pep Rally

The drumline walks into the gym and we are in our squads. Everyone follows the drumline into the gym and I see Aaron go to the front of the bleachers where the seniors sit. The pep rally starts and the MC's introduce the cheer team. The cheerleaders always hated us because the students like us more then them. Once the cheerleaders are done the students start to chant for us. The MC's then introduce the band and we do one of our bleacher routines we do at football games. Once the band is done we get ready and I put the whistle in my mouth. When the MC's introduce us the student body goes crazy. I blow the whistle and we walk to our first formation. The music starts and we can't hear it because the students were so loud.

We finish the dance and I look at Aaron who is giving me a thumbs with the biggest smile on his face. I smile back at him and blow the whistle and walk off the court.

After the pep rally our coaches talk to us and tell us that we did really well. We took a team picture and then we all took individual pictures. When our coaches let us go I see that Aaron is waiting for me, so I run up to him and hug him. We take pictures with Hailey and the 3 of us head to Aarons 4th  period class to get his stuff and meet up with Adam. When the guys get their stuff Hailey and I go get our stuff and meet them in the small gym. Hailey and I don't have to be back at school until 6:30 so the four of us head to Aaron's house because he lives about 15 minutes from school. Hailey and I have all of our stuff with us for the game. "Y'all are coming to the game, right?" Hailey asks, even though she knows the answer. "Of course, we are. I wouldn't miss it for the world." Adam saying grabbing Hailey's stuff out of the trunk. We get inside Aaron's house and Aaron and I head up to his room. We put of stuff down and I take my lipstick off. Aaron is laying on his bed and I lay down on top of him. We hear a knock on the door and see Hailey and Adam standing at the doorway. "What do you guys want to do about dinner? Pizza or tacos?" I sit up and look at Hailey. At the same time, we say, "Tacos."

Hailey and I change out of our costume and put on our leotard, bloomers, field skirts, a t-shirt, and tennis shoes. We all pile into Aaron's car and head to Torchy's Tacos. We order our food and sit down at a table.

We finish eating and head back to Aaron's house. Luckily all Hailey and I have to do is put on the rest of our uniform and our boots.

It is now 6 o'clock and we once again pile into Aaron's car. Hailey and I leave our stuff at Aaron's house since the four of us are spending the night. When we get to the school it is 6:15. I kiss Aaron and Hailey kisses Adam and the 2 of us head to the dance room.

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