Ch. 28

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I open the door, walk past Adam, Logan, and Jacob and say, "See ya, pervs." 

I run to Emma's door and of course it's closed. I knock on the door and say, "Emma, please open the door!" I continue knocking until Hailey finally opens it. "Sarah, Emma doesn't really want to talk to you right now." "She never wants to talk to me. I need to explain." "Just let her in, Hailey." Hailey opens the door and I stand at the doorway. "Emma, I am so sorry." "When I came home, I heard screaming and I thought it was just you guys being stupid, but as I got closer I realized that you were hooking up with Aaron while Adam, Logan, and Jacob were listening." "First of all, we had no idea they were listening and even told Adam to get out before anything happened and second of all, we didn't think you were coming home until later." "Sarah, you were fucking my brother!" "More like he was fucking her." "Hailey, you're not helping. You're lucky I forgave you." "Emma, you have known about me and Aaron for what a month now, and you still can't forgive me or even just brush this whole thing aside." "NO, because you broke the pact!" "Emma, we made that pact when we were Freshman! We're Seniors now, why can't you get over this!" "Because, I know what he is capable of and I know that you are too naive to see that he is going to break your heart. Plus, you were my best friend and the day we made the pact you looked me in the eyes and PROMISED that you would NEVER date Aaron. I then come to find out that you have liked him since we were 14! I am so happy I never told you that Aaron liked you when we were 14!" "Wait hold on, you knew Aaron liked me when we were 14 and you never told me!" "Yeah. That's the whole reason why I decided to make a pact so that this would never happen and he would never ask you out!" "Why did you never tell me?!" "Because, I was afraid that if you knew Aaron liked you, you would get feelings for him, date him, and then not be my friend anymore because you had him." "Emma, I would have never not want to be your friend. After all of this I still want to be your friend. I love you and Hailey and I still want the 3 of us to go back to being best friends." "Emma, come on. Sarah would never not want to be your friend because she is with Aaron. I think this proves how much she still wants to be friends." "It's too late, I don't think I can be friends with you, Sarah. You broke the pact and you know how much that thing means to me." "Fine, but Emma you know that if it was the other way around I would still want to be your friend and I know that I will still want to be friends with you as time goes on." There is a short pause before Emma says, "Have fun fucking my brother, whore." "Bye, bitch." We give each other a soft smile and I walk out of the room. 

I go to Aaron's room and see that he is not there so I grab a hoodie from his drawer, put it on, and grab my stuff. I go downstairs and say, "Hey, I'm gonna go home. I'll talk to you later." Aaron gets up from the couch and gives me a hug. He then kisses the top of my head and says, "I love you." "I love you too." I open the front door, get in my, car, and head home. I wish Emma would just accept me and Aaron, but by the looks of it I don't think she ever will. I'm not mad at her, but just because she doesn't like us together does not mean I am going to stop coming over, spending the night, and having fun. She is just going to have to deal with the fact that I love Aaron and I want to be with him.

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