Ch. 20

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It's 5 in the morning when Adam and Hailey pull up to my house. Aaron stayed at his house last night and I was honestly really nervous for him. My dad helps me bring my stuff down stairs. I give both of them one last hug. "Have fun. See you next Friday!" my mom says. I smile at her and go to Adam's car. Adam and Hailey get out and I give them a hug. I put my stuff in the trunk and sit behind Hailey, who is in the passenger seat. We drive off and head to Aaron's house. When we get there, I text him and he comes out. The 3 of us get out of the car, I run into his arms and kiss him. I see Emma's bedroom light turn on and don't think too much of it. She either got hungry or she heard us. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman then come outside and I jump off him. Adam grabs his stuff and Aaron says goodbye to his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman then come and hug me and I hug them back. I love Mr. and Mrs. Coleman and I'm happy they still care for me after everything that happened with Emma. I go back to Aaron and see that Emma's bedroom light is off and grab his hand. The 4 of us get into Adam's car and drive to Eugene, Oregon. The car ride is a lot of fun, we just blast music and sing the entire time.

We get to Fern Ridge Lake at around 7PM and unpack our stuff from Adam's car. Adam and Aaron give Hailey and I a tour of the lake house and then we go to the living room to figure out rooms. "First we need to address the elephant in the room," Aaron says. He continues by asking, "Are you two dating?" Aaron and I look at Hailey and Adam and they just say, "It's complicated." "Wait do you guys actually like each other?" I ask. "Yes," Hailey says. Mine and Aaron's jaws drop. I had no idea they actually liked each other. "We kind of have you guys to thank because if it wasn't for you we would have never told each other how we felt," Adam says. "Well, then do you guys want the master bedroom and Sadie and I will have the guest room upstairs." "Okay. I'm good with that," Hailey says. We all grab our stuff and go to our rooms.

When Aaron and I get to our room he jumps on the bed and I climb on top of him. "This is what I need. The last few days have been awful." "Well, we are 13 hours away from all the drama. I love you and I hate seeing you hurting." I kiss him and say, "I love you too." "How much do you want to bet that by the end of this trip Hailey and Adam are going to have sex." "Hailey isn't that type of person. Plus, they said that their relationship is complicated. I don't think they will." "How about this, if they do have sex while we are here, on the last day of summer you have to go swimming at my house." "Nope, I'm not doing that." "Please. I miss you coming to my house. Please don't let what happened with Emma keep you from coming over." "Fine, if I lose I will come over, but if they don't have sex while we are here I get to wax your armpits." "Deal. If they do have sex you have to go swimming at my house and if they don't have sex you get to wax my armpits." "This is going to be fun." I look at my phone and see that it's 7:30. "We should probably go downstairs so they don't think we are doing something." "Fine, but next time can we make them think we are." I chuckle and say, "Sure." We go downstairs and see Hailey and Adam sitting on the couch talking. We sit in the chair next to them. "What do you guys want for dinner?" Adam asks. "Honestly, I'm kind of in the mood for a taco," I say. "A taco actually does sound good," Hailey says agreeing with me. "Tacos it is." The 4 of us once again pile in Adam's car and go get tacos. Each of us eat 2 tacos with chips, salsa, queso, and guacamole.

By the time we get back to the lake house it is almost 9:45. "We have been gone for almost 2 hours!" Hailey says in shock. "Time flies when you're having fun," Adam says looking at Hailey. We get out of the car and Aaron wraps his arm around me. We all walk inside, Adam and Hailey sit on the couch, Aaron sits on the chair next to the couch, and I sit on Aaron. Hailey then asks, "How about we play a game?" "What game?" I ask even though I know what she is going to say. "Truth or Dare." We all roll our eyes and Adam asks, "Can we not do 7 minutes in Heaven this game?" "Fine, we know they are going to sometime this week anyway." Aaron and I look at each other and chuckle. "What makes you think we haven't already?" Aaron says and I shove him. Adam and Hailey know we are joking so they brush that comment to the side. "I'll start," I say sitting up. "Adam, truth or dare?" "Truth." "What is the most embarrassing picture or you?" "Oh, I got this covered," Aaron says taking his phone out of his pocket. "Dude, what makes you think you have the most embarrassing picture of me?" Aaron shows Adam what's on his phone and Adam says, "Okay, fine you do." Aaron then shows the picture to me and Hailey. It's Adam with Daisy Dukes on, wearing cowboy boots, a vest with no shirt, a cowboy hat, and he is passed out drunk on the ground with a cup in his hand. Hailey and I both laugh and Adam says, "At least you don't have the picture of me in the bathtub when I was a kid." "Oh, I actually do have that picture." Aaron then goes to a picture of naked Adam in the bathtub with a fart bubble next to him. "Aaron, how do you have that picture?" "Your mom sent it to me, in case I needed to blackmail you." Hailey, Aaron, and I are laughing so hard and then Adam says, "Okay, my turn. Hailey, truth or dare?" "Dare." "Stick your arm in the trash." "How far does it have to go?" "All the way to your elbow." All of us get up and go to the trash can. Adam holds the trash can lid open and Hailey sticks her elbow all the way in the trash. Once it goes past her elbow she takes it out and washes her whole arm. Adam, Aaron, and I go back to where we were sitting. Hailey comes back sits down on the couch and says, "Sarah, truth or dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to text Emma." "What?!" "Do it." "Fine." I take out my phone and pull up mine and Emma's texts. I just type,

Me- Hey.


"Holy crap!" I say. "What, what happened?" Aaron asks with concern. "Emma blocked me." "Did she really?" Hailey asks. I then show them my phone. "Sarah, I am so sorry. Are you okay?" Hailey says. "Yeah, I'm fine. Aaron can I see your phone." Aaron hands me his phone and he asks, "What are you doing?" "You're calling Emma." The phone rings and she answers.

Emma: What do you want? I'm still not too happy with you and your lucky I didn't make you go to voicemail.

Aaron: Did you block Sadie?

Emma: Why do you want to know? Is she with you?

Aaron: No, she's asleep.

Aaron covers my mouth so I don't say anything.

Emma: Yeah, I blocked her.

Hailey: Emma, unblock her!

Emma: I'll unblock her when you two break up, Aaron. Have fun fucking her.

Aaron: Oh, believe me I will.

Emma hangs up and all four of us laugh. "Aaron, why would you say that? I'm not mad I just really want to know." I say "Because I wanted to make her mad." "You are such a brother." "I know." "Okay, my turn. Aaron truth or dare." "Truth." "What do most people think is true about you, but isn't?" "I guess it would be that I'm a fuckboy or a heartbreaker." "He's right. The only girlfriend he had in high school minus Sarah was Olivia," Adam adds. "And she ended up using me to get back together with her ex. Plus, I only had one drunk hook up at a party Sophomore year and someone started the rumor that I fucked every girl there." "Aww, baby. Don't worry I never thought you were a fuckboy or a heartbreaker." I kiss him on the cheek and he smiles. "Okay, Adam, truth or dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to transfer an ice cube from your mouth into Hailey's mouth." Adam gets up, gets an ice cube, and puts it in his mouth. He then leans in and kisses Hailey, when they pull away Hailey takes the ice cube out of her mouth. "Sarah, truth or dare." "Truth?" "Is Aaron the best sex you've ever had?" "Honestly, he is." A smile forms on his face and he bites his lip from smiling even more. "Wow," Adam and Hailey say at the same time. "Hailey, truth or dare?" "Truth." "Are you and Adam, ever going to date?" "Yes. We are actually dating right now." "What?! I thought you said that it was complicated?" I ask. "Well after we talked to you two we decided that it wasn't too complicated and that we liked each other, so we became boyfriend and girlfriend." "Wow" Aaron says. Both of us are very shocked. "Aaron, truth or dare?" Hailey asks changing the topic back to the game. "Dare." "I dare you to let Adam and Sarah give you a wet willy at the same time." "Oh my gosh." Adam and I get up, wet our fingers, count down from 3, and put our finger in his ears. He then stands up and rubs his ears. We do a few more rounds before we decide to go to bed. Aaron and I go upstairs and once Aaron closes the door he says, "So, I'm the best sex you've ever had?" "Yeah, you are." he then picks me up and puts me on the bed. He hovers over me and kisses me. We make out for a few minutes before he gets up. We both put our pajamas on and get in bed. Today was amazing and I know the rest of the week will be too.

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