Ch. 14

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Next weekend

I meet Emma and Hailey at Emma's house and we pack up my car and head to Malibu. After the 45-minute drive we get to the resort and check into our room. We have a private beach view and the pool is in front of us too. My parents did well. "So, what do you guys want to do first?" I ask knowing exactly what they are going to say. "POOL!" They yell. We grab our suitcases, unpack and put our bathing suits on. We get down to the pool and find 3 lawn chairs next to each other. We take pictures and go swimming for a few hours until the sun starts to go down. We spend almost all day at the pool and we are pretty tired. We get room service and take a video to send to my mom. We change into our pajamas and watch TV. By the time we go to sleep it is almost 2 in the morning. Tomorrow we are going to the spa and get the full spa day treatment. Our appointment is at 10 AM and it doesn't end until 2PM. It is going to be so amazing and relaxing.

We wake up at 8:45, change into some comfortable clothes, and go get breakfast. At 9:45 we head to the spa and check in. Right at 10 they call our names and they lead us to the room where we get massages. When our 45 minutes are up we go and get facials with a face massage and mud bath. Once we are done with that we get mani pedis. Our faces are glowing and our feet are very soft. At 2 o'clock we are done and go back to our room. We don't leave for the rest of the day. I wish we didn't have to leave tomorrow, but it was fun being able to stay with Emma and Hailey and not have to worry about anything. At midnight we fall asleep while watching FRIENDS.

I wake up at 10AM and see that Emma and Hailey are still asleep. I decide to change and go downstairs to get breakfast. Once I get my food I text my mom.

Me: Thanks for the amazing weekend. Emma, Hailey, and I had a lot of fun.

Mom: Of course. Your father and I love you.

Me: I love you guys too.

I put my phone down and start to eat my breakfast. A few minutes later I get a text from Aaron.

Aaron♡- Call me as soon as you can!

I put my fork down and call him.

Me: Hey is everything okay?

Aaron: Um, not really.

Me: What happened?

Aaron: Adam's dad was in an accident.

Me: Oh my gosh what happened?!

Aaron: He was kayaking this morning and this person on a jet ski wasn't paying attention and hit him.

Me: Oh my gosh is he okay?

Aaron: We are at the hospital right now. I tried to call Emma first so that she wouldn't get suspicious that I called you and luckily, she didn't answer.

Me: Okay, that's smart. I hope he's okay.

Aaron: I do too. I will call you once he sees the doctor.

Me: Okay, just keep me updated.

Aaron: I will. I love you.

Me: I love you too.

I hang up and finish my breakfast. I go back to the room and see that Emma and Hailey are awake. "Hey so Adam's dad got hit by a jet ski while kayaking and is in the hospital." "Oh my gosh. How do you know this?" Emma asks. "Aaron called me. He said he tried to call you first, but you didn't answer so he called me." "Okay. I hope Adam's dad is okay." "Yeah, me too," Hailey says. "Aaron said that they are at the hospital right now and that he will call me when they talked to a doctor." "Okay. I hope it isn't anything too serious," Hailey says really concerned. "What time do we check out?" Emma asks. "We checkout at noon. So, we need to start packing." "What?! Hailey and I haven't even eaten breakfast." "Then you guys should have woken up with me at 10 because that's when I got breakfast, but we can stop somewhere to get breakfast for you two."

When we get to Emma's house Aaron calls me again.

Me: Hey your on-speaker phone.

Emma: How's Adam's dad?

Aaron: The doctor said that his dad has a broken collar bone and needs to stay in the hospital for a few days to make sure that everything else is okay. Which means that Adam and I won't be back until next week because Adam's mom wants to make sure Adam's dad is okay to come back home.

Emma: So, you won't be back for another week?

Aaron: Yeah. Hailey, Adam says he still wants to go on that date with you when he gets back.

Hailey: Okay. I do too, but tell him that if he needs some more time that is okay. Whatever works for him.

Aaron: I will. I have to go Adam's mom is going to drop me and Adam off at the lake house.

Me: Okay, just keep us posted.

Aaron: I will. Talk to you later.

Aaron hangs up and Emma gets out of the car and gets her stuff out of the trunk. "Bye, guys. This weekend was fun." "Bye Emma," Hailey says as she climbs into the front seat. "So, now when are you going to tell Emma?" "Still as planned, when Aaron gets back." "But, now that's a week later. How is this secret not killing you?" "It is killing me. I want to tell her so bad, but I want Aaron there with me." "Why?" "Because I don't want to tell her by myself. I don't know what she's going to do." "Honestly, I think that is pretty smart. I wouldn't want to tell my best friend that I've been secretly dating her brother behind her back for 2 months and not have him behind me." "Are you trying to make me feel even more guilty?" "Yep." I shove Hailey against the window as we pull up to her house. "I need to tell her though. I honestly just don't know how yet." "Well, you have 1 week to figure It out. Unless you want to wait longer." "I don't think I can wait longer." "I don't think you can either. Tell your mom that I love her for doing this for us." "I will." "Call me if you need anything." "I will. Thanks Hailey." I get back in my car and drive home. Hailey's right, I do need to figure out how I'm going to tell Emma.

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