Ch. 26

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I had drill team practice this morning at 7:30 so I wasn't able to ride with Aaron today. I drove myself today and parked right next to Hailey. Thank goodness Hailey is on drill team with me. I am captain and even though Hailey isn't my 1st  Lieutenant she is still in my squad. Thank goodness she is right in front of me. I lead stretching today and I talk to Hailey almost the entire time. Except for when I am saying what stretch we are doing next. "Is Emma still going to be manager?" I ask Hailey. "I hope so. If she doesn't show up some time this week she quit." "I really hope she didn't." "Hey Aaron is coming with Adam, Logan, and Jacob." I smile and continue stretching. As he walks past I turn and look at him giving him a small smile. "Oh my gosh, he couldn't stop staring at you." We both laugh and I finish stretching the team.

Once our couch dismisses us from practice Hailey and I head straight for one of the big mirrors in the locker room. We change into our uniforms and Hailey asks, "Do you have any classes with Aaron today?" "I think we have third period together." "What class is that?" "Advanced English 4." "Aaron is in Advanced English 4?!" "Yeah, I was surprised too, but a lot of the guys on the soccer team are in Advanced and AP classes. The only bad thing is that Emma is also in that class." "Oh, wow. That's going to be fun," Hailey says sarcastically. My phone buzzes and I get a text from Aaron.

Aaron- Hey come to coaches' classroom right now

"I have to go." "You going to meet Aaron?" "I guess so. He told me to go to his coaches' classroom." "Have fun." I put my stuff in my locker and grab my backpack.

When I get to the soccer coaches' classroom I see Aaron sitting on one of the desks in his room. "Hey. What's up?" "Aaron was just telling me that you have early dismissal during fourth period on B days. And I was wondering if you would want to be manager?" "Really?!" "Yes." "But, I have practice when you have practice after school on A days." "We can work around that. We have another person that wants to be manager too, so both of you could be managers and you can come to B day practices and the other girl can come to A day practices when you can't." "Two is better than none," Aaron adds. I look at him and smile. "Yeah I would love to be one of the managers. It sounds like a lot of fun." After I said that a big smile appears on Aaron's face. Aaron hops off the desk he was sitting on and hugs me from behind, kissing my cheek. "Great. Aaron she better not become a distraction." "She won't coach, I promise." "Okay then. Sarah, I will see you today during fourth period." "Can't wait." Aaron and I walk out of the classroom and the smile on Aaron's face hasn't left. "I am so happy you are going to be a manager. Now you have to go to every single game." "I was going to come to every game anyway." Aaron kisses my cheek again and the bell rings. Aaron walks me to my second period which is Pre-Cal. Aaron unfortunately, has Theology which is in another hallway. When we get to my class we stop at the lockers next to it and he kisses me. "I love you." "I love you too." I walk into class and see Logan. "You're in this class, Logan?" "Yeah, I don't want to be, but my teacher last year said it would be a good idea to be in it, so I am." "Well, this class just got a little more interesting."

Second period wasn't as bad as I thought it would be since Logan was in it with me. I don't really have that many friends and it was nice to have someone in that class that I am somewhat close with. Once the bell rings I pack up my stuff and walk to English, which is right down that hall. I know that Aaron, might not be too happy that I went to class without him, but I didn't want to wait for him. When I get into the classroom I see that Emma is already there sitting at the desk right by the door. I walk past her and put my stuff down at the clump of desks in the back of the room. After a few minutes Aaron walks in and sits next to me. "You will not believe who was in my Pre-Cal class." "Who?" "Logan." "Logan Taylor?" I nod my head and we both start to laugh a little bit. As other people come in we see Adam walk in. "Adam, you're in this class?" Aaron asks. "Yeah." Adam says while sitting down next to me. "Great. Now if we have a project that needs 3 people we have a group," I say. "Fine, I'll team up with you two, but you have to promise that you will actually do work and not make out or do whatever you do, leaving me to do the entire project by myself." "Don't worry we won't do that," I say. "We will after, but not during," Aaron says with a smirk. The bell rings and the class begins.

After 50 minutes of class the bell rings and Adam, Aaron, and I walk to the practice field. "Coach said we don't have to change for practice today since it is only 50 minutes, but we will tomorrow and Thursday." Aaron says while holding my hand. Aaron is Captain of the Men's Varsity soccer team and ugh playing soccer makes him look even more handsome. My phone buzzes and its Hailey.

Hailey- What did Aaron need you for?

Me- Well I am going to be the new manager for the Men's soccer team.

Hailey- Wait, but they practice while we do on A days.

Me- The soccer coach said that they would work around it, but I have to go to their fourth period class and to every soccer game.

Hailey- Fun.

We get to practice and I introduce myself to the team, but it wasn't like they didn't know who I am. I am dating their team Captain after all. At noon, Aaron walks me to my car, we kiss goodbye, and I drive home.

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