Chapter 23

920 36 9

The Big Break

Trigger warning
Strong blood themes
Panic attacks
Self harm themes

The sky was filled with the fluff piles.
They were dark, and filled with rain, as if the cloud could break at any moment.
Jungkook walked slowly, his body bruised and cut up.
He looked dead inside, though you couldn't see it. If you took one look at him without all his coverage you would see a broken, hurt, kid.

Jungkook walked for so long now, and for so many days he lost tons of weight, the muscle he had slowly turning into bone.

He kept his head low, to the ground, making sure to not run into anyone.
Talks around the town he was in were all about him, and how he was missing. Jungkook knew Taehyung was desperate to find him, and would stop at nothing to find him.
But part of him hoped maybe Taehyung would give up, and stop, and part of him just wished to go home.
He cleared those thoughts by calling it 'wishful thinking' and that it was 'a waste of time to worry so much about' ending it with 'I did it to myself'.

He played with his hand from time to time, the ring he once held so close and barley took off was now nothing but a memory now.
The weather began to rumble, the rain threatening to break.

Jungkook stood alone waiting for the light to change, it felt like it was taking ages. "Did you hear about that Taehyung guy?" A women spoke "Oh yeah, shame what happened, he's been so worried about his husband"

News spread like wild fire, since everything that had happened. Everyone in Korea seemed to have known the whole situation, and the people seemed to talk, and talk.

Except for once Jungkook listened.

"have you seen how he's been crying? His whole image is now ruined" she sighed shaking her head, fiddling with her purse

"The husband he so desperately is searching for sure doesn't seem to care" she spoke grittily, causing Jungkook to ball his fists "obviously- I mean who just leaves their husband all alone and doesn't care, or come back? Can't he see how much he's searching- I mean Taehyung is a bad man, but nobody even the worst of the worst deserve that" She replied back with a spat "I just wonder if all this Will kill Taehyung, rumor has it is that he isn't eating, sleeping...they say he is broken, and doing dangerous missions just to make his mind stop thinking about him" the lady spoke sighing, Jungkooks eyes widened at those words, his mind starting to race
"If wouldn't surprise me if here soon the stories go from him trying to find Jungkook to him being dead"

Jungkook gulped, now walking, he didn't care now.
The yells of the women telling him to stop became distant, and quiet, and a loud screeching noise like a loud whistle entered his ears.

The cars swerved, many almost hitting him.
All he could think about was that he hurt Taehyung, he's killing Taehyung. That's when his entire world to finally began to break.

His heart began to race, and his breaths became slow, his tears wanted to fall, his tears wanted to flow and flow.
The cracks in his heart became more and more.

The cracks became so big, that they finally-
And just like that Jungkooks heart finally broke. His anger his rage all flowed out like a bomb. He slammed his fists onto the wall near him, blood pouring out of his fists, his hands going to his arms as he scratched his wounds, they bled once more. His anger and rage was exploited, he wanted himself to feel pain, feel all the pain he felt Taehyung must have felt.
He kept punching more and more his hands bloody and ripping apart, they were already a mess from the attack.

He didn't care about how he looked, how crazy he looked, he was so angry at himself, and sad.
The people stared at him their shock and worry. They didn't know what to do, and Jungkook didn't care what they said and what they would do.

It wasn't the fact he broke up with was the fact he was killing Taehyung.
Just like that, the clouds broke too...Rain poured down madly, quickly. As the people ran away to get into buildings, Jungkook just stood letting the rain pour on him.

A taxi drove by, Jungkooks eyes followed it, and soon his body did too.
In just seconds Jungkook knew what he had to do...he needed to go back, he couldn't let Taehyung hurt himself, not for him, not at all.

He turned To grab a Taxis attention. The man inside seeing him and letting him in "your soaked! Where do you need to go-" he asked watching as the younger took for his face hidings, shocking the man.

"I'm Kim Jungkook...I'm the missing person...and I need to go back, back to Taehyung"


If you or anyone you know suffers from depression and self harm, help is the biggest thing you need.
There's so many numbers to call for help, and people to talk to. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

Short chapter for the big return.

Y'all haven't seen Taehyung in a long time

How are y'all.
Mentally Okay
Drinking well
Sleeping well
Eating well

Mentally OkayDrinking wellSleeping wellEating well???

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Natures cereal was something i tried.
Did not like the coconut water 🤢

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