Chapter 9

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The day was gloom. The sky was dark and cloudy, rain ready to drop at any moment.
Jungkook woke up slowly his head pounding.
He slowly looked around, only to see Taehyung holding him tightly.
The younger smiled a bit before leaning up "Tae....It's time to wake up" the younger spoke but the elder didn't move. The younger sighed shaking his head "Heavy sleeper" the younger spoke with a small smile before he walked out of the room.
He heard distant talking, confused the younger went closer, hearing Taehyungs men talking.

"He's becoming weak, Jungkook has changed him" One man spoke "He's gonna get us killed, himself killed, did you guys see what he did to Lee, he almost killed the guy- no he could've killed the guy, yet he didn't, he let him go, the Taehyung we all know would never have ever done that" Another spoke "Jungkook is bad, for us, for him, for everyone" Another spoke "and you suggest what....we kill or hurt him? You realize what Taehyung would do, he'd not just kill, he would do the worst possible thing and then he'd kill them" Another spoke "Why are you guys complaining anyways? It's not like Taehyung being happy has any effect on you guys, you get paid to stand and look tough, and it's not like you get two bucks an hour you guys get thousands an hour" One male spoke up "Oh wow look at Mr Woobin, all tuff, all kissing ass to Taehyung" He spoke "And what do you do Sookin, you think your any better!?" Woobin yelled "Hey! Quiet down or you'll wake them" Sookin spoke "Your right...sorry" Woobin replied with a sigh "none of this is right I hope you know" Woobin spoke before he began to leave the room, Jungkooks eyes widened as he ran back to the bedroom.

He sighed once he sat down on Taehyungs chair, a feeling of sadness and insecurity hit him.
He was so deep into his thoughts he didn't even hear Taehyung calling his name.
He was soon tapped and that caused him to come out of his daze of thoughts "You okay?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook nodded looking away "Your lying to me" Taehyung spoke, Jungkook soon sighed "Its your men, they...don't like me..." Jungkook spoke "Hmm? What do you mean?" The elder asked confused, bending himself down to the youngers level "They were talking about me, and you...they said I've changed you, I've made you weak, and because of that I'm almost a...Danger" Jungkook spoke his hands fiddling

"Jungkook, your not a danger" Taehyung spoke "I'm not?" The younger asked "No" The elder replied "No Jungkook" the elder replied "Then why do they say I've changed didn't kill that one guy, would've normally wouldn't you have...." Jungkook spoke "Jungkook just because I didn't kill someone doesn't mean I'm suddenly weak" The elder relied getting heated "what Jungkook would you rather me have killed him?" Taehyung asked "No-" the younger replied getting cut off by Taehyung "Then what!? What do you want from me?!" Taehyung asked "I WANT TO KNOW IF IM MAKING YOU CHANGE! YOUR APART OF THE MAFIA! YOU CANT CHANGE OR BE WEAK!" The younger yelled "Why the hell do you even care!?" The elder yelled "What if you get killed huh!?" The younger yelled

"What if I- you realize you almost got yourself killed a few days ago!? You could've died- and it doesn't help that you fucking got yourself found out to Hoseok- now they have even more information on you!" The elder yelled "did you think about that Jungkook!? Your actions have fucking consequences!" Taehyung yelled "I wouldn't have to worry about that if you would just talk to me!? Your expected me to sit like a good boy while you go out and do who knows what- and now your weak!? What if you got killed- what if I was just left here to wonder what happened!?" Jungkook yelled

"I don't understand why you care so much Jungkook! This marriage is forced! It's not real- god" Taehyung spoke angrily, his eyes widening when he saw Jungkooks tears flowing madly "J-Jung-"

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