Chapter 41

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Jimins Lies

This chapter is like Jimins mindset, like we're reading his thoughts, when I say he spoke, it's his brain speaking, and the things he's doing during that is what he does whilst he's thinking!
+his interactions

"Hello Sooah, how are you?" Jimin asked with a smirk "Good...Good, did you think about our conversation last night?" Jimin asked "I'm glad...glad your keeping your mouth shut" Jimin spoke, letting out a dry laugh "I'm not a villain, I'm trying to protect my brother, at all costs, I don't care if people get hurt....or even killed in the process" Jimin spoke "Nothings 'happened' to me, just accept I'm there for Jungkook, and that I'll protect him, no matter what" Jimin spoke, his voice ominous, evil.

"Bye bye now, and don't forget our talk for yesterday, I don't change, or go back on a word" He spoke before hanging up.


Jimin sighed as he held Jungkooks wedding ring, flipping it between his fingers "I need to throw this away" he sighed staring at the ring "I'll give Taehyung one thing, he sure did find one damn beautiful ring" the elder sighed leaning his head back on the headboard of his bed, closing his eyes.
"I feel like I should feel guilty" Jimin spoke "But I don't, I don't at all" He sighed tossing the ring in the air, and catching it
(It's ironic to me because it's like he's playing with Jungkooks heart, and then playing with Taehyungs love)

"I feel satisfied" He spoke "I got my brother back, and for good now" He smiled "I'm evil...I'm evil, I know I am, playing god with others feelings, but....why does it feel right?" He spoke "I truly am my own worst enemy....and everyone else's....I don't care"

"I don't care"




"You'll get what's coming to you"

"The Truth will come out eventually..."

"And when it does....there will be nobody left to save you"


"It's like a darkness" Jimin spoke "I'm a black hole, sucking up all the life and laughter....but does it matter?" He asked himself "part of me wants to believe it does...or does it fall to renege? Or possibly a fake fantasy world where everything is perfect like it used to be...or gaps it's both....or maybe I just want revenge on Taehyung" Jimin sighed "He forced my brother to marry him, then countless times almost got him killed....and countless times got him so injured death may have been better..." Jimin spoke, before smirking "I want Taehyung to suffer just like he made Jungkook suffer...all that pain, all off that suffering, he damn well deserves this...all of it"

"I want him to suffer, I want him to burn, I want him dead"


"He burned the place down" Jimin laughed "What a joke, hope he burned in there" Jimin joked "but knowing Taehyung, he's alive and off somewhere else...tsk....better off anywhere but here, one less thing to worry about when Jungkook wakes up, couldn't have planned it better myself" The younger laughed "God everything is going to plan! Soon enough me and Jungkook and get back to normal, and forget about him and all his stupidity- YOU LOST TAEHYUNG! YOU FUCKING LOST!"

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