Chapter 37

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The House

Jungkook groaned as he woke up. He leaned his body up, holding his spinning head. He stood up sighing, walking to his closet. He changed his clothes quickly, walking to the front door walking out.
He was having one of those days, where sadness filled his heart. That missing piece of his heart becoming his whole existence.
He sat down on one of the hidden benches. He liked to come here because it gave him time to be alone.

He put his knees up to his face letting tears flow down. He hated this, he hated this feeling. He hated not knowing what piece he was missing. He hated all that love and all those moments he had with Taehyung, were all dreams.
Letting out silent sobs he thought about it all, his heart shattering into millions of pieces, each day he kept going, his heart would shatter more and more.

That's when flashes of Taehyungs place hit him. He could remember Taehyung vividly, but his home was completely gone, until now.
The younger slammed up beginning to run, he was about to get a taxi when he was pulled back "What the hell are you doing!?" A voice yelled "Let me go Jimin!" Jungkook yelled "he's got to be real! I'm telling you!" Jungkook spoke turning to Jimin, his face still holding tears "Jungkook...there is no Kim Taehyung" Jimin sighed "But his place! I know where it is! I know it's real!" The younger spoke and Jimin sighed "Fine, if this place is so real then let's go"


Jungkook smiled now, it was a light smile, he hadn't smiled like this in years.
He kept giving the driver instructions, on where to go. Jimin just sat still staring out of the window.

Once they arrived Jungkook hopped out of the car, running up to the lot.
That's when he fell to his knees, his eyes filling with tears.
The entire building was gone, nothing but an empty lot of grass sat now.
Jungkooks eyes filled with tears, his hand slamming down on the ground. His only good hand being used to punch the concrete over and over again.

"Fuck- Fuck- Fuck- Fuck!" He yelled, his blood splattering on the ground. Before he could do any further damage.
"Stop- please- Jungkook- stop!" Jimin yelled holding Jungkook tightly "It was here!" The younger sobbed "I'm telling you! It was here! I know it was!" The younger yelled before pushing the elder away waking around, the empty lot.

Tears fell down his face madly, it was all was so wrong. He thought he had finally found his missing piece, but now- nothing. There was nothing.
(By the way Jimin legit knows that this is happening- he knew when he brought Jungkook here this would happen and he still did it)

Jungkook kept walking until something shinny caught his blurred vision. He walked to it slowly. Jumping when Jimin called his name "Kook...we should go" Jimin spoke "But..." Jungkook began but Jimin gave him that look. The younger sighed walking to the taxi. Jimin turned to where the younger was walking, his eyes widening as they landed on a ring. He quickly stepped on the ring "He won't find out, ever" he spoke angrily before walking away, leaving the dirt covered ring behind.



I know y'all are very curious on Taehyungs condition.



How are y'all
Mentally okay!?

How are y'allEatingSleepingDrinking Mentally okay!?

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I forgot y'all didn't get to see my prom dress

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I forgot y'all didn't get to see my prom dress

Here it is!
Much showy for author nim

-Morgan Morrow

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