Chapter 39

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Taehyungs Grief


It was the only sound that filled Taehyungs old home anymore, and his new one.
For the past three years he's been broken, and he can't heal, it's like somethings stopping him from getting better...stopping him from forgetting.
His heart feels something strange, as if his loss, isn't exactly a loss, but more of a lie, but for Taehyung he didn't know why.
He asked constantly "am I just stuck at stage one of the five stages?"
(The five stages of grief are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance)

"I'm tired....I'm so tired" Taehyung spoke "I can't sleep, I-I keep getting these nightmares...of you- of your...death" He spoke "all your pain and all your suffering....all in a horrifying dream" he gulped, trying not to remember the horrifying dreams he would have.

"Living is just as hard as dying- so why am I trying so hard- I want it to be over- but it's like- something is stopping me..."

"Taehyung...You need to eat" A women's voice spoke up "Go away Sooah" Taehyung replied "Well we both know I'm not gonna do that" she spoke softly "Just- stop- leave me alone" Taehyung sighed "Taehyung- it's been months- don't you think it's time you start..moving on?" She asked and Taehyung slammed up "Don't you dare start telling me to fucking move on! How dare you even say that!" The elder yelled his hands were shaking, his face pale "Taehyung...." Sooah spoke, about to hug Taehyung when the elder collapsed to the floor "T-TAE!" She spoke running to the elder "Dammit Taehgung- I told you to eat!" She sighed

"I told you....."


"Jungkook! Why this movieeee" Taehyung groaned "Because it's the best! You just don't have taste!" Jungkook replied "Gah whatever-  one here ya little bunny boy" the elder spoke holding his arms out "awww Mr tough guy wants cuddles!" Jungkook spoke getting close to Taehyung.

The younger was almost to Taehyung when he was grabbed "No-" Taehyung gasped "I told you I'd make you suffer" A man spoke "Killsun- no! Kill me! Not him!" Taehgung begged but in just seconds the man picked up a gun, pointing it at Jungkook, firing.


"Taehyung- Breathe!" A voice spoke causing Taehyung to jump. His breaths everywhere and his face dripping with sweat. His heart was racing madly, and his entire body was shaking.
The elder closed his eyes putting his head in his hands letting out quiet sobs "Why can't the nightmares stop...."

"Why can't this all just stop...."

"No- you will not tell him anything- I know you love him- but that comes to a cost- you know it does- you know it fucking does" Jimin spoke angrily
"If I find out you said something to him- if I find out you told him, I will kill everyone you love, and you know I don't bluff....right Sooah?"


Screw you Jimin

Seems like the person he's calling is Sooah....but she was about to break.

I wonder who else Jimin is calling....

Hope ya enjoyed this chapter.

How are y'all
Eating well
Sleeping well
Drinking well
Mentally okay?

How are y'allEating wellSleeping well Drinking wellMentally okay?

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-Morgan Morrow

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