Chapter 25

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Breaking Point

Trigger warning
Panic attack

It had been a couple days now.
Jungkook was released from the hospital, and was now home.
Taehyung and him hadn't talked, there was an awkwardness, a tense air between them constantly . Even though they were happy to see each other, the things that happened were still there.

Jungkook walked over to Taehyung. The smell of breakfast filling his nose, something he hadn't smelled in so long. He sat down at the table they had. He watched Taehyung cook, missing everything about this, he threw it all away.
His mind was starting to race. He began to tap his fingers on the table as his heart began to race. Taehyung looked over to him walking towards him " okay?" Taehyung asked, Jungkook looked over to him smiling slightly "yeah I'm fine! Sorry" the younger spoke getting a look from Taehyung.
The younger looked down avoiding eye contact "breakfast is almost done" Taehyung spoke breaking the silence "okay" the younger spoke, soon getting a plate of food sitting in front of him.

He began to eat the food, he had missed it so much, Taehyungs cooking was the best cooking he could ask for. And he left it
Part of him felt like he didn't deserve it, this home and life, he blew it, and most of him felt like, there was not saving it. He didn't even realize he had tears falling down his face until he felt Taehyungs hands "Whats wrong?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook gulped about to tell him when he saw Taehyungs hand...

There was no wedding ring.

He knew he blew it. But now he was sure, he half expected divorce papers to be coming his way to. Jungkook looked down again more tears running down his face "your gonna divorce me aren't you..." Jungkook asked watching as Taehyungs eyes widened "What- Jungkook- I" Taehyung stuttered "I don't blame you" Jungkook spoke standing up laughing slightly "you know- I- I left" He spoke running his hands through his hair laughing a little more, his hands beginning to shake and his heart beginning to race "I left you- and you had no other choice- I mean what if I hadn't come back- I wouldn't have wanted to you wait all alone here" Jungkook spoke, Taehyung looking at him with shock and sadness "Jungkook-"

"I wouldn't be mad- I wouldn't- I know- what I did" Jungkook spoke "you don't wear your ring- I took mine off- I left- I left- I did it to myself- I did- I really did- even the stuff that happened after- everything" Jungkook spoke "it's all my fault- I deserve nothing- I deserved- I should- I needed- I- I-" Jungkook stuttered madly barely breathing out the words he needed to, he made no sense.


Jungkook just held his head his tears flowing madly. His eyes looking back to Taehyung, his only site being darkness, the sound of thunder filling his ears.


It snapped and screamed echoing like a scary voice.
The night sky drew down, the world was black, scary, terrifying.

Jungkook looked around slowly, falling to his knees as he felt swallowed by darkness.
When he looked in front of him, he saw the man.
The same man that attacked him. He backed away slowly, his heart racing so much he thought it would burst.
"No- Nono-" Jungkook whispered "please don't- don't touch me- a-again- please" Jungkook sobbed backing away more and more until he hit a wall. His tears flowed even more as the man followed "PLEASE!" Th younger yelled covering his face "I'm sorry- I ran- I'm sorry I fought- please I'm begging you- just leave me alone- please!" The younger begged watching as the man leaned down.




In seconds Jungkook snapped back to reality. Taehyung was the one in front of him now. Jungkook took a small breath, his face full of tears "what...who...touched you..." Taehyung asked shakily, and Jungkook gulped closing his eyes "I Don't old guy....drunk....alleyway...grey hair....brown too..." Jungkook shook talking about the man "blue...shirt....grey pants....Seoul....fifty five two street...." Jungkook spoke, watching as Taehyungs eyes filled with rage, "and he gave you all those bruises?" Taehyung asked and and Jungkook nodded. Taehyung stood up quickly "I'll kill him" He spoke balking his fists "ILL FUCKING KILL HIM!" The elder yelled, causing Jungkook to put his hands over his ears.

Taehyung turned to the younger before softening. He bent down to the youngers level, putting his hands on the Youngers face "I do not hate you, I love you" Taehyung spoke "I love you, so much" he spoke "I'm sorry I've been so distant, it's just after everything that happened, I've been afraid" he spoke getting closer to the younger "I cannot lose you, ever again...why do you Think I went through all the work to bring you back .... I did it all because I love you, and I never want to lose you- you aren't and never could be a burden to me, ever..."

"I would do anything for you, I would sacrifice the world for you, I love you so much I would give up everything and live in a box, just if it meant I'd get to hold you, that I'd get to be with you" He spoke pulling the younger into a tight hug, leaving the younger to hug back "I'm not divorcing you, like I said it would take more to get rid of me that some silly papers" The elder laughed and Jungkook smiled hugging Taehyung tighter.

Taehyung and Jungkook broke the hug, and Taehyung wiped his tears staring the younger in the eyes before kissing him, a first kiss through such heartache and pain.
"I miss this"
"You'll have more now- unless you run again" Taehyung spoke with a quiet laugh "I might just think about it" Jungkook joked as more tears fell down his face "oh love your still crying" Taehyung laughed while wiping the youngers tears. Jungkook gulped trying to stop "it won't stop" the younger spoke up getting another laugh from Taehyung, except this laugh was loud "RUDE!" The younger yelled and Taehyung laughed louder, getting an eye roll.

The sound of the door entered now, and before anyone knew it, a man walked in.

"Well well well- look what we have here" a voice spoke "J-Jimin!?" Jungkook asked "You sir have a lot to tell me" Jimin spoke

"Start talking"


So Happy ending! it?

Guess revenge tactics are as easy as they seem, you work revenge the person who wronged you.

In that case wouldn't there be enemies?

I made that make no sense for a reason.
Call it Morse code for me, since I'm the only person who knows what it could mean :)

I can say it makes the story longer, though I'm sure y'all don't mind that.
I'm pretty sure new books are coming, just gotta gather ideas, and if you have an idea for one hand it to me like a platter or food ;)

How are ya
Mentally okay?

How are yaEatingSleepingDrinkingMentally okay?

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