Chapter 5

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The night sky drowned down on the beautiful Korea. Jungkook sat on Taehyungs bed, his eyes welling with tears as he started at the wedding ring that was now on his finger.
He laid his head down, letting himself drown in the warm covers of the bed, he was so tired.
His fainting spells didn't leave him energized, they left him exhausted, and with eve thing that's happened, he couldn't help but be so tired he couldn't think.
He closed his eyes hugging the bed sheets for comfort, and slowly, he felt asleep.


Taehyung smirked at his wedding ring, his mind racing with thoughts "Alright day men, too bed, night men, time to get out there" the elder spoke before he walked to his bedroom.
He quickly went to the bathroom and showered.
Once he was dressed in pajamas he walked over to his bed, his eyes landing on Jungkook.
The younger was cuddled in the blankets, snoring quietly.
Taehyung smiled at the younger moving strands of hair from his eyes to see tears.
The elders smile faded slowly, his hand wiping the youngers tears "I...Don't wish to make you cry Jungkook" the elder spoke "I don't know why, but it..." the elder began before he shook his head "What are you doing to me Jungkook" the elder spoke before he walked over to his chair laying on it "I'll let you have the decency of your own bed, the elder spoke before closing his eyes, his thoughts slowing down, before he fell asleep.


Jungkook gasped quietly when he woke up, his eyes tracing Taehyungs ceiling. The younger slowly leaned up, looking around slowly his eyes landing on Taehyung sleeping on the chair.
The younger slowly got up walking over to the elder. The younger stared at the elder for a time "enjoying the view?" A low deep voice asked, causing Jungkook to jump and almost fall "I-I" the younger began "Are you hungry?" The elder asked "Ummm...." the younger spoke, the sound of his stomach growling loudly making his words stop "Maybe...." the younger replied, getting a chuckle from Taehyung "Come, get a change of clothes and we'll get some breakfast" the elder spoke and Jungkook nodded.

Soon the two got dressed, them soon walking to a cafe near Taehyungs.
Once the two went inside they got coffees and (Your choice) for food.
They soon sat down and began eating, Jungkook munching on the food happily.
Taehyung smiled slightly as he watched him.
Jungkook soon began to drink his vanilla cake coffee, which has tons of whipped cream on it.
Taehyungs smile only grew when he saw the mustache of cream on the youngers face.

"Your quite the messy eater" the elder spoke as he wiped off the cream, Jungkooks face going as red as a tomato "It's not messy, it's just saying fashionably" the younger replied "Pfff- what" the elder spoke while laughing "Eating fashionably, I'll remember that" The elder spoke.
The elder soon sighed, stretching his arms and legs "So Jungkook, what are your interests?" Taehyung asked "Hmm..." the younger spoke "Probably...painting..." the younger spoke "painting?" The elder Asked "Yes, I love to paint, it's something I've always loved, since the beginning" Jungkook smiled "My mom...she used to paint too, she taught me, she was such An amazing painter" Jungkook spoke "Was?" The elder asked "Yeah...she died a several years accident" the younger spoke and Taehyung gulped "I'm surprised Jimin never told you" the younger spoke

"Jimin....kept several things secret, that being one of the many things he never told me" Taehyung spoke "I lived with my grandma for a long time, she was an amazing cook, and she loved to bake her little heart out, hours she'd spend just baking....after my parents left me she took me in, and taught me so much....she even gave me her necklace, it's a beautiful Heart necklace" Taehyung spoke fiddling with his hands "Someone stole it from me" the elder spoke balking his fists in anger "They stole it and I barley have any leads on where it is" The elder spoke before gulping "Uh- anyways...I'm sorry about your mom...she seemed like an amazing person" Taehyung spoke

"You know it's okay to open up to people, I'm not out to get you if your scared I'm some crime boss ready to kill you" Jungkook spoke "I don't think I could see you killing anyone" Taehyung spoke, before Jungkook looked down "We should get going" The elder spoke.

Soon the two began to walk back to Taehyungs, Jungkook looking at his ring "You like the ring?" The elder asked "it is pretty...just wish it had a better reason to be worn" the younger spoke and Taehyung sighed quietly.
Suddenly though Taehyungs eyes darkened, and his arm went out stopping Jungkook "Taehyung?" The younger asked "Get behind me" the elder spoke "What?" The younger asked looking in front of him to see a man dressed in all dark clothes, a knife in hand, the youngers eyes widened, and soon he was pushed behind Taehyung "stay behind me, no matter what" the elder spoke

"So Wan what is it you want?" The elder asked "Payback" the elder spoke "but it seems everything got a whole lot more interesting" the male smirked "who is that behind you, must mean a lot to you if your protecting him" Wan spoke before he looked at Taehyungs hand "Huh...your married now?" Wan asked before his smirk got wider "Ah, I get it now.....your married to him" Wan spoke.

Taehyung soon put his hand behind his back gesturing for Jungkook to grab his hand, which the younger did "You won't touch him" Taehyung spoke "oh but why not?" Wan asked "Why now it's even better now, I can bring you ultimate pain- I mean I already have your necklace what's a little more pain" Wan spoke causing Taehyungs eyes to go wide "You- You took it!? You lied to me!?" The elder yelled "oh don't worry Taehyung, "I just scratched the surface, this new person in your life, can finally break you....once and for all" he spoke with a smirk "Your not going to touch him" Taehyung spoke, getting angrier and angrier, by the minute.
Taehyung soon pulled out a gun "Leave before I blow your head off" Taehyung spoke "I won't hesitate" The elder spoke coldly, his voice snapping at Wan making the male shiver "Leave, now" the elder spoke his anger radiating.

"I'll be back Taehyung, someday, and when you least expect it, everything you love and know will be gone he spoke before he left.
Soon Taehyung turned to the younger putting his gun away "are you okay?" The elder asked still holding Jungkook shaking hand "Your...shaking" the elder spoke "That- I've nerver seen anything like that up close..." the younger spoke "Don't worry he won't hurt you, I promise you" The elder spoke "nobody will, nor as long as I have something to say about it" he spoke "Let's go before more unwanted guests come" he spoke still holding Jungkooks shaking hand "You want me to let go?" The elder asked "N-No please- please" the younger begged, his voice shaking "Okay." The elder replied.




All that tea!
All them details.
Hoooly guacamole!
Jungkook and Tae are starting to trust each other, and in such quick time!
The lore in this chapter as well like wooooweeee.

And Taehyungs necklace!
I cannot wait until I show you guys what I have in store for that.

How are y'all?
Y'all doing okay?
Mentally okay?
Are you

If not then what are you doing?!!!

If not then what are you doing?!!!

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He looks so done.

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