Chapter 7

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The moon dimmed down on Korea, blanketing its bright white glow everywhere, the dark night sky so dark, the moon was the only light.

Jungkook woke up, again early, dark circles swelling his eyes.
He slowly leaned up, noticing Taehyung was gone, again.
He wondered where he went during some of the nights, but he didn't know when he left, why, or even where.

He looked around slowly, the dark room being empty. He heard noises, like talking.
The younger got up quickly, putting on dark clothes,
He soon walked out of the room, seeing the elder leave with a group of men, the younger slowly backed into his room "It's time I see what he does these nights" The younger spoke before he opened the window looking down at the drop "His men won't let me leave I have to go this way" the younger spoke before he jumped onto the roof, near him.
The younger almost slipped several times but somehow he made it off the roof thanks to a ladder.

Soon the younger began to follow Taehyung, hiding in bushes, and behind trees. He did this for awhile until the group stopped and went into an alley way "Hm" the younger noised as he ran to the area that they were once at, he soon his behind a trash can listening to the conversation

"Where is my necklace Hoseok, I know wan has it, and I know how close you two are" Taehyung spoke "Funny how you ask me, why not ask wan?" Hoseok spoke "I would ask wan, but he's been nothing but a pain, no Mather how much I hurt him" Taehyung spoke "But you'll tell me, because I've got one thing that I can take away from you" Taehyung spoke coldly "Wan" the elder spoke "I can tell my men to end him right now" the elder spoke wile smirking "You wouldn't" Hoseok replied "Oh I would and you know that" Taehyung spoke "Now your gonna tell me where it is, or I'll press this button here and have your little brother killed, and you know my men won't hesitate" Taehyung spoke





"Your kidding" the elder spoke "Nobody can even get in that place- not without dying" the elder spoke before he picked up Hoseok and slammed him into a wall "Why!? Why put it there!" The elder spoke angrily "Because we were gonna sell it, it's worth a fortune" Hoseok replied "How could you Hoseok after the past we've had- you just betray on us like this" the elder yelled "I left because you were fucking insane- you killed people constantly- you didn't even care who they were- even if they were
Innocent!" Hoseok yelled "I'm apart of the fucking mafia- what did you expect me to do hold peoples hands and say 'I care about you now, let's ride off into the damn sunset together'!" The elder yelled "no! But you knew that choosing the dark path was wrong" Hoseok spoke

"But you've changed Taehyung the elder spoke staring at the elders wedding ring "in more ways than one" he spoke "Just because I'm married doesn't mean I've changed" the elder spoke "No Taehyung it does- your softer now, happier" Hoseok spoke "you weren't ever happy- truly happy before, and now you are" Hoseok spoke and Taehyung gulped his grip releasing.

Jungkook sighed quietly hearing all that made his heart ache, with both sadness and joy.
The younger went to get a closer look when he knocked over one of the trash cans. The youngers heart quickly dropped, but before he could do anything he was grabbed harshly, and when he tried to get out of the drip he was in he was punched hard.

The younger soon was thrown to the ground "and who might you be" a dark voice spoke "I don't like it when strangers eavesdrop" Taehyung spoke watching as the person one of his men just punched leaned up. That's when his eyes went wide "J-Jungkook!?" The elder spoke "so that's the husband....Jungkook" Hoseok spoke, slightly smirking before he ran off.

Jungkooks head was light, and everything was spinning, he couldn't feel anything, and he could barley hear Taehyung, all he could see was the elders worried eyes, but soon his world went black.

Taehyung on the other hand caught the younger in his arms, looking at the black eye the younger had "Who punched him" the elder spoke coldly "Who fucking punched him" he spoke watching as one of the men came forward "I-I'm sorry" he spoke "You are of no use to me now, leave before I kill you" The elder spoke as he picked up Jungkook "But-"

"LEAVE!" The elder yelled watching as the male jumped "Don't come back Lee" the elder spoke before he began the walk home.

Once he got back he laid the younger on his bed grabbing the ice pack he made and laid it on the youngers eye.
He gulped sadly seeing the younger hurt "I'm so sorry this happened kook....but why were you there....why did you follow could've been killed....because" the elder spoke before he closed his eyes "I won't let it happen....I can't let you die, I won't let you get hurt again"

"You told me you were unlovable....I can tell you now, there's no truth in that sentence at all....."

"Your lovable Jungkook"




Jungkook heard mafia Taehyung at work.
But Taehyung isn't in his true element.
Taehyungs feelings are starting to grow, feelings even the people who knew him back when don't even understand.

Where is Jimin, and what has he been doing all this time!?

How are y'all

You eating and sleeping and drinking well!????

If not then what R U DOINGGGG

If not then what R U DOINGGGG

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