47- Going Insane

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*This chapter will have 2 new perspectives. Enjoy!

"One thing you can't hide- is when you're rippled inside."
-John Lennon

[Jennie's POV]

I, for one, do not need him. The image of him made me so mad that I smashed the picture frame on the floor, shattering it into millions of glass pieces.

"Why does he like her so much?!" I seethed.

I was on my fifth glass of wine and no matter how much I drank; I couldn't get him out my head. I couldn't stop thinking about how close he held her and how he looked at her so lovingly.

"Ahh!" I screamed at the tops of my lungs.

I needed this marriage to work to prove a point. Screw what my parents want! In fact, I pushed this marriage for a reason. The sooner the better!

"I HATE YOU, KIM TAEHYUNG!" I yelled, throwing a pillow across the room.


I shot my head up to see my cousin standing in the doorframe, with scowl across his face.

"How many times have I told you not to trash up this place?!" He scolded. He picked up the pillow from his feet and placed it on the sofa.

"It's my house!" I said, rolling my eyes in annoyance. "Besides, what do you want, Sehun?"

He rolled his eyes back in response. "First, this is your parent's house. And second, I came up here to see what the hell was happening. I can see why your parents sent me here to check on you! You've clearly gone bonkers!"

Sehun's eyes landed on the picture that was next to his feet, which made me raise a questioning eyebrow.

"Care to explain why you're throwing picture frames across the room and saying how much you 'hate Kim Taehyung?'" He took a
seat beside me and crossed his arms, waiting for an explanation.

I took a sip of my wine and set it down, hoping that I had enough strength left in me to get my words out. I admit, I had gone insane, but love is what makes you feel crazy. At least, that's what I've been told. The tears threatened to spill from my eyes as I thought and reflected about everything that had upset me beforehand. My vision began to blur and I had felt sick to my stomach. How could I let things get this bad? No matter how much self compassion I had for myself- it wouldn't take away some of the guilt that I felt or the anger that I had against myself. Was I not good enough?

"Am I attractive?" I asked, turning towards Sehun. An audible gasps left his mouth as he looked at me.

"I- uh- I guess. Aside from your tear stained cheeks and the running mascara down, you look just fine."

I shot him a glare and turned to face my empty glass, which I was tempted into filling it up again.

"Jeez! You might as well be an alcoholic!" He said, taking the more than half emptied bottle in his hands.

"Anyway, why are crying over him? You two are engaged, right?" I seen him look at the ring that I had previously took off. It was nice and all, but it would be more special if it came from-

"Is he cheating on you?"

When I turned to look at him, he quickly added, "Girlfriends who cry and scream about how much they hate their boyfriends, always end up being cheated on."

I scoffed and shrugged my shoulders, feeling a bit numb to the situation. "No- I mean- yes. I don't know!" I said, in defeat.

Sehun cocked his head and from what I could tell, he was confused about the answer he had received.

"I just need this marriage to happen, okay! Things were going somewhat smoothly until that bitch showed up. All of a sudden, he's head over heels for her." I clicked my tongue on the roof of my mouth as I remembered how he confessed his love for her.

"In all honestly; I never seen any seriousness between the two of you. Now all of a sudden, you're obsessed with him?"

"If you're not here to comfort me, then get the hell out!" I snapped.

He widened his eyes in horror and threw his hands up to surrender. "Relax. I was only joking!" He chuckled to himself and upon seeing the seriousness in my face, he immediately stopped.

"Does she have a name?"

"Chou Tzuyu," I scoffed.

"Chou Tzuyu?" Sehun repeated, which I replied with a simple nod. "That name sounds foreign. Is she a foreigner?" He asks, scratching his chin.

"Yeah," I said, sounding a bit dismissive. I looked at him and saw that he looked like he was in thought. "What?" I asked. I was seemingly confused when he sounded so interested in her.

"Nothing. But, I need to excuse myself for a moment." He stood up and brushed his clothing before heading out.

"Whatever," I mumbled.

[Sehun's POV]

"Sehun, this better be good!"

I watched him as he sat down in his chair. Of course he was tired since he just got out from a meeting. The frustration was also evident on his face and from the way he sounded, he seemed a bit anxious about something.

"Remember the other day that you were telling about a big business deal? I believe you said that it would be with foreign company, right?"

He heaved a sigh and nodded his head.

"And what is their name again?"

"Sehun, where are going with this?" He was growing a little impatient with me.

"Just tell me," I said. I needed to find out if I was right on this.

"If I told you this yesterday, why don't you remember it? Soon the responsibility will fall on you. I told you that the Chou family and I will be meeting sometime in China again to discuss business. Why?"

I took a seat next to him and smirked to myself.

"Because I found a way to get on their good side and earn their trust. We know they want something- or someone. And maybe, just maybe, we can use that person to get what we want."

He looked up from the piles of paper on desk and gave me glare. I knew that I hit a nerve. He had been stressing this meeting with them since they not all that fond with us. Apparently we did not make a good first impression, but surely I had a solution to that.

"If I remember correctly, I believe they mentioned that they had a daughter. They never brought up her name, correct?"

"That's correct, but what does this have to do with what you're trying to tell me?"

Sehun cleared his throat and leaned down, making eye to eye contact. This piece of information could even benefit him personally. "Because, I think I might know who she is..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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