37- Eyes Don't Lie

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[Taehyung's POV]

"You haven't touched your dinner, son!" said my mother, pointing at my plate full of food. I lost my appetite after I seen the photos of Jennie and I at the event. It was us pretending to be happy- putting up a front for people to gawk at and gossip over. Nothing mattered more to my parents than to have good business, and for that to happen I had to be a part of it.

"Its your favorite! I've made it just for you!" said my mother, setting her glass down on the table. My parents had invited me for dinner to do some catching up, and in front of me was steak, rice, and asparagus- which is not my favorite kinds of food. In fact, I was craving sashimi nowadays.

"You can both cut the crap! I know you both needed me for something so you may as well not sugar coat it," I said, icily. At this point I had been done to the point where I would get irritated so easily.

"When did we ever deserve such a disrespectful son! Learn to respect your elders," scolded my father, "And for once, we genuinely wanted to speak with our child! Can't your mother and I have a civil conversation without your attitude?!"

"Civil?! You both demand too much from me and expect me to have a 'civil conversation' with you two! Outrageous!" I sneered, rolling my eyes. I was finished with dinner now and would cut this meeting short.

My mother took my hand in hers and gave me a weak smile, "Your father and I are only trying to be reasonable. We only want the best for your future!"

I took her hand from mine and glared into her eyes. "Fake! It's all fake! You think I'm stupid enough to believe that you both are concerned about me. Everything is about the business and about money. You only care when it benefits you!" I said, raising my voice.

It's certainly 21 years too late to start caring now. I don't even think I remember a time of them being concerned about me unless it affected their business.

My father rubbed his temples and heaved a sigh. "Clearly you're not understanding us. This company is our future, and when you have a son- it'll be their future! That's why this marriage is import-"

I pushed out my chair angrily, I interrupting him from finishing his sentence. "This marriage is important to you both so you can be able to pay off your debt. If you both cared about my future so much, you wouldn't force me into a marriage against my will."

"I know it's a bit difficult to understand, but understand that this marriage helps our family and there will come a time where you'll begin to appreciate all the investments we put into you. Can't you make an effort to care at all about this?!" said my father sliding off his reading glasses.

I let out a halfhearted laugh because of his response. "Investments?! Since when have you actually invested in something that I wanted to do? Since when have you invested in me because you wanted to, and not because you needed to?!" I exclaimed.

"Honey, please know that your father and I only want the best for our family," said my mother, trying to pull my hand to sit me back down. "Now can we please go back into enjoying our dinner!"

I swatted her hand away, and looked at them both. There was nothing but anger in my eyes when I looked at the both of them. They only care because I'm a part of their plan in order for their business to flourish. They only ever talked to me when they needed me. At this point I couldn't help the anger and built up frustration inside of me.

"You know, I understand when a family wants the best for themselves, but what I still can't understand is when a father and mother care more about income than their own child. What I can't understand is how a mother and father choose to become selfish and neglect their own child's happiness," I smirked at them with frustration still in my eye, "But I guess you both understand those things well."

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