41- A Faithful Man

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"Our greatest joy and our greatest pain come in our relationship with others."
                                             -Stephan R. Covey

[Taehyung's POV]

     "Careful," said Namjoon, as he helped me ease on the bed in my room. I had been back at my parent's house since it's been requested that I be there and it's probably because of how close it was to the hospital, which only took about ten minutes tops.

"You understand that I can take care of myself, right?" I said, as I tried to position myself carefully. Namjoon gave me I-know look and rolled his eyes. "Gee, you're welcome!" he said with sarcasm in this tone.

"You know I appreciate your help, it's just that-"

"You don't want to be here. You told us a trillion times," cut Namjoon, stuffing a pillow behind my head. "You really don't have a choice."

I rolled my eyes and huffed at the situation. "They didn't even come until the day before I was released. I don't think I have to be here, plus I don't want to be here another minute," I said in annoyance. I took a look around my room. It was still decorated with some of my old decor when I lived here as a child, but of course it now has a mature look since some things got taken out and put in.

"Listen, its only temporary," he explained, placing the remote beside me.

"But it feels like forever!" I groaned. I admit, I was acting a bit childish since I practically begged them on the way here to turn the car around. "Besides, the last time I was here I gotten mad with them. I'm still mad with them, so I don't want to speak with either of them."

Being here brought too many memories. The last time I was in my old room was when I was angrily packing my stuff so I could move out. Then when I visit after many months, I angrily left which resulted in me being hospitalized. Now, I'm back at the same place which I hate wholeheartedly, and I can't leave as I please now.

Jin came into the room holding a glass of water for me to take with my medication and a bag of ice with a cloth. "You're mom is making you some stew to go with your medicine. It's almost done, but I'll leave this here." He set the water down on my nightstand next to my prescription that I was to take.

"Remember to do what the doctor says. Ice two to three times daily in order to help relieve pain and reduce swelling," said Jin with a stern look on his face. He was serious whenever he was telling us about health, especially me since I could be stubborn at times. I admit, I was often irresponsible when it came to medications- forgetting to take them and remembering when it's a crazy hour at night or in the morning.

"Of course, eomma!" I said, teasingly. I knew he hated being called that, but it felt good to see the annoyance on his face, especially when I wouldn't be seeing him for a few weeks.

"Yah, you should be thankful that I decided that I won't nag you since you're hurt," he said, folding his arms.

"You were just nagging me a few seconds ago, hyung. Remember?!"

Jin rolled his eyes and then looked at Namjoon who was quietly observing us from the opposite side of the room. "Anyway, are you two done bickering? We need to go so he can rest, and you..." he pointed at me, "Be sure to get some rest and by rest, I mean to relax."

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