16- Recipe for Disaster

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[Taehyung's POV]

3 days later...

     I was adjusting my tie in the mirror when I heard a knock coming from the bedroom door. This better be good enough for the dinner. "Come in!" I shouted, expecting this person to be Jimin. To my surprise, it was Jin, holding a few snacks in his hand.

"The boys told me that you wouldn't be joining us for guys night out, but I thought I might come in here to see if you're wearing your suit properly," he said, while making himself comfortable inside.

"It's been a while since I'd worn one for once," I looked in the mirror frowning at my tie since I messed up for the umpteenth time. Yes, I'd been counting!

"For starters, your shirt isn't ironed very well and consider this the first and last time I help you get dressed," said Jin sternly. I handed him my dress shirt and undid my tie. For a few minutes he left the room and came back with my dress shirt looking much less wrinkled.

"Thank you! I owe you one."

Jin rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Actually you owe me three. And don't let me go into detail..."

Jin fixes my tie silently and then says, "So what's the deal with you and Jennie? Jimin told me everything."

And I knew it. Why is everyone such a big mouth in the group? I have no problem with the rest of the guys knowing, but seriously?!

"Nothing much. I hope this dinner goes well and I hope I can convince everyone that everything is fine between us." I tried to convince myself that last night, but sadly there was no way I'd buy it.

"You can't convince anyone with a lie. If you don't love her, you should tell your parents the truth."

I bit my lip in thought. It's not like they'd believe me. This company is their baby and I'm sure that Jennie would somehow convince them to look negatively at me. Like I said, she gets want she wants one way or another.

"All done! And I do hope that that dinner of yours goes smoothly. And a reminder that you'll be missing out on the annual guys night out," says Jin, waving some candies that he had previously brought in here.

I rolled my eyes. "I think you guys did that purposely on the night I would be gone. But there will definitely be a next one," I said, hoping that I would be there when that happens. I couldn't help but to feel a little jealous at the thought of them having fun and being carefree, while I had people to impress.

"Don't worry! And we'll save you some snacks for when you get back. You'll have to tell us whether you screwed up or not," said Jin, smirking at his own comment.

"Thanks! I will!" I said, sarcastically.

Once I picked Jennie up, we were on our way to her parents' 4.2 million won house in the middle of a gated community. In all honesty, as many times as I have ever been invited to her family home, no visit would ever be my favorite. I was hopeful that tonight would only be dinner and that's all.

Jennie wrapped her hands around my neck, gazing loving into my eyes. Although a part of me loved looking into her eyes, and then her lips, it doesn't change the fact that this whole relationship feels forced.

"You haven't spoken a word the whole ride. What's wrong?" She pouted her lips and tilted her head, expecting an answer.

She must have forgotten what she did a few days ago, because I was still pissed over the fact that I had to be reminded over the stupid negotiation and having that used against me as blackmail. Of course I didn't want to spark any more drama, so I just said...

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