34- Labyrinth

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[Mina's POV]

     Being in love hurts almost as being in pain. When you love someone so much, you make your heart more vulnerable to being broken. My mother told me that falling in love has it's good and bad thing. Sometimes we can't control how much our heart tells us to love this person- that we end up loosing ourselves in the process. Because I fell in love, I had to accept his ways as well. I can't control his feelings. I could only hope his love for me was the same as my love for him.

I had been sitting for a few minutes to myself, thinking about the future. Would things turn out well for me? For us? This had been the man I had wanted to spend my life with. My mother told me that I was thinking too ahead and I was still young. Of course I am, but I can't control what my heart wants. And what I wanted was-

"You've usually quiet, but it's more disturbing that you haven't spoken a word," nagged Jeongyeon unnie.

We had all agreed to meet together at one of these Korean barbecue restaurants near Seoul. Almost all of us could make it except for Nayeon unnie. She had said she needed to catch up on some business for mother's shop.

"It's the Jimin situation," responded Dahyun, still looking at my deflated expression.

All eyes were on me now, which made me feel a bit uncomfortable. In other words, the whole mood was sour because of what happened earlier this week. First the phone call, then the meeting, and now we're ignoring each other.

"I still don't understand why he would still see her and get unreasonably mad when you question him about it," spoke Jeongyeon. I could tell she was just as upset as I was.

"Has he at least tried to reach out to you?" asked Chaeyoung, picking at her food.

"Not after our recent argument. We both agreed it would be better to take some time and think," I replied. It had already been set in stone that we were still upset with each other. He had been mad with me since I hadn't been 'trusting enough' and I had been mad with him since he missed the whole point over why I was upset.

We never fought like this before, but I heard that every couple has their ups and downs. Yes, we did argue, but never to the point where I found myself stressed.

"That's a good idea instead of continuing to fight," said Jihyo. She gave me a soft smile, but I could still see the concern in her eyes.

"I hope so..." I told them. I didn't want to continue this conversation for long. I forced myself to smile since I looked too gloomy. I wanted to convince myself that I would be fine and after all, he's in the wrong and not me. I hope...

The rest of everyone's conversation seemed to be a blur to me. I tried to engage myself into some convo, but it didn't seem to work since I couldn't help but to fall into a daze. My mind was almost like a labyrinth- there was so much going on and it was almost as if I was trapped.

"You're a bad liar. I can see you're not fine."

I snapped from my thoughts when I felt Chaeyoung's hand reach to mine. She clearly looked worried and for a small moment I felt thankful since she noticed, but a part of me didn't want to trouble her.

"I don't expect you to be okay right now, but please don't let him keep you from having fun. In fact, give me your phone," she reached out her palm and waited.


"You heard me. Give me your phone or you can turn it off. You're worried too much about him. If he didn't think that your phone call wasn't important enough, there's no sense in picking up the phone when he calls," said Chaeyoung seriously.

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